Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2897 Lion of Liberty (19)

People in ancient times believed that virtue would bring benefits and help people overcome danger and evil.

People stick to the bottom line, but find that those who have no bottom line are more likely to succeed. Some people even say that if you have no background and decide to be a good person, even if you are talented and insightful, you will almost certainly fall into the bottom of society.

That being the case, why do you want to be a "good guy"?

So some people lie to people that "we are saved in hope", even if this hope is unrealistic and has ulterior motives, it is enough to light up people's hearts, and they will move forward decisively, without scruples about the present, and sometimes even "now" Destroy and create a new world.

The momentary step away from their unwanted selves in the process was, for Isidora, an escape from the loss of a loved one rather than confronting it.

Look at her father, who is speechless because of the pain, "I don't want to be like him", she is obsessed with practicing ancient magic and in the fantasy of creating a new world, but she just doesn't want to face reality.

Because magic is not omnipotent, it cannot bring the dead back to life, nor can it change and reorganize the world. The Dark Lord believes that he has the power to control the world. They are very confident, whether it is Grindelwald or the mysterious man.

Seeing may not be believing, and hearing may not be deceiving, but to verify what Paul said, one needs to be trapped in a portrait and hung on the big staircase where people come and go. Isn't this cruel?

Punishment is imposed in order to find out whether he is guilty, not because he committed the crime, but because he did not know. It is said that there is a good called knowledge and an evil called ignorance. Although it is slightly biased to say this, human beings have indeed committed many crimes because of ignorance. In order to prevent this from happening, people need education, thinking that with knowledge they will not make mistakes.

In order for the wrong people to hold great power and cause much damage, it must be in the hands of only a few. Fitzgerald and the others searched carefully for so long before they found Isidora. However, ignoring the things that happened after Isidora, if the person with power doesn't interfere with any affairs, it's not like a decorative sword.

It looks very powerful, but it will not be used to guard or destroy anything. It is not as dangerous as a toy sword in a child's hand. Parents should also remind their children not to hurt their playmates.

Don't take Paul so lightly when he tells goblins to take their rightful place, on an equal footing with wizards. He also tells Barnaby and Ben Cooper that the door to the Chamber of Secrets can be opened with the Unforgivable Curse.

When Pomona refused to believe what he said, he didn't go on and make Pomona believe himself.

He is the kind of person who believes that happiness can heal pain, and what he wants is happiness, although his "pleasure" method is difficult for most normal people to accept.

If you reject him, he will come next time, instead of seeing a liar, people will be angry and choose not to believe whatever he is about to say.

Don't you want equality? Don't you want the treasure inside? Don't you want to know the truth?

Oh, there's nothing in the secret library at all? But the problem is that what Paul told was the way to open the door, and he didn't promise that there would be treasure behind the door.

For a long time, most of the Hogwarts start-of-term banquets have been grilled chicken. Fried chicken is considered unhealthy by parents, but on the Hogwarts Express, children have already regarded snacks as meals. What else is there to be taboo about?

Before sending lunch to Graplan, Pomona had Pitts the house-elf send a message to Barnaby and Ben Cooper to hurry back to school. Peeves nicknamed Paul "Annoyer" because she wanted to clean up and stop bothering her.

After school started, she could almost "foresee" that many people were dissatisfied with Severus Snape's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Carter was very popular in the school, and he didn't make any big mistakes, so why was he expelled?

Many people don't take the Unforgivable Curse seriously, let alone the Cruciatus Curse, which has no death effect, and Ben Cooper plays with the son of the Death Eater.

Putting a label on something can make it clear at a glance, even after a long time, you can know what is in the labeled bottle.

The same is true for labeling people. Aurors also use the power of the Unforgivable Curse. If they use the Unforgivable Curse, are they unforgivable?

The same goes for the yin and yang book written by the American, which he habitually labels, despite his best efforts to be objective.

This habit is so ingrained that Lockhart also knows to label himself a "good guy" of the "Anti-Dark Arts League".

Pomona guessed that he might not be able to deal with the mountain troll, but would make up excuses, like aiming his wand at the werewolf's throat.

"Corpse Leg Boots" is actually a high-level leg-locking spell, similar to Fierce Fire and Blazing Fire. It needs to "seriously" want to hurt a person, and the power it produces is so amazing that it stumbles even the trolls.

Black magic will bring power and save time, and the benefits it brings far outweigh the pain caused by driving this power. People are addicted to it, and the deeper they get into it, the more their behavior will collide with others, exceeding the limit of tolerance of others Don't take it seriously.

Barnaby's father told him that as long as he was as strong as You-Know-Who, he could do anything.

But his son disagreed, as he would rather cry than cast the Unforgivable Curse on the house-elf. Mr. Li stopped when he saw this, unlike the people outside.

Some of Penny's actions are hard for outsiders to see. She is Harry's last relative, and the earliest human interest community is the family. At the same time, the harm within the family is hidden. If Minerva is not a cat snooping at the Dursley's door, but a person, who wants a neighbor who is okay to peek into other people's windows?

Every community has one or two people who want to control all the secrets. If they know that Harry is a wizard, what kind of gossip will they spread?

Keeping Harry away from all this has advantages and disadvantages. When the ugly duckling doesn't know that he will be a swan in the future, he will encounter a lot of pain that ordinary people can't imagine.

That's why he thinks valuable things that other people think are ordinary, maybe it's a courtesy gift when visiting a doctor, or even a little kindness from others.

Picky people think this and that, and don't care how annoying they are. The most annoying headmaster, Phileas Black, always disliked the students for not shining their shoes clean enough, and said, "You call this shoe-shining?".

Petunia wasn't picky about Dali, but she was picky about Harry not wiping the pan clean enough. They were all a nest of eggs. How could there be such a big difference?

Lily and Petunia are still sisters, one is a witch and the other is a Muggle, the key is that Lily is still beautiful. Pomona can't help but be jealous of her too, she's like Catherine in Wuthering Heights, married to Linton in Thrushcross Grange, got bread, and wants Heathcliff's love.

The point is that Heathcliff is still deeply in love with Catherine, not getting her makes him go crazy and abuse his wife, he has forgotten Catherine, wouldn't it be good to live with his wife?

Pomona commanded the meat hammer with magic, smashing the meat on the chopping board hard.

The cutlets are only delicious when they are soft. A hole is left at the bottom of the flower pot to give the plants a place to vent. Although she has taken so many cutlets, she still feels annoyed.

If it weren't for this incident, who would do housework after Lily and James get married? Do you count on the pampered and spoiled Master Potter?

Who would like a woman with a yellow face washing dishes, but in Severus' heart, Lily Evans would always be the girl with red hair and green eyes.

Even Mrs. May Dai couldn't bear it. After having Mrs. Dewey in the heart of Valmont, she continued to fulfill the contract to be his mistress.

"are you done?"

Severus came to the kitchen as if to inspect the work.

Pomona looked at him coldly.

The good mood on his face dissipated.

"Go back to the auditorium and wait." Pomona said with a smile, "the elf will send it up."

"What's wrong with you?"

"Thinking about the theology that Dumbledore told me," Pomona said, pounding the steak with a meat hammer.

He might have been frightened, and turned around stiffly.

"Will you come up?" he asked before leaving.

"Of course!" Pomona hit the steak again with a meat hammer, "You go first."

After he pulled the cloak away, Pomona stopped what she was doing and looked around. The elves looked at her in fear.

"Fry the steaks first," she said with relief, and left the kitchen.

"Things you haven't got" are indeed more attractive than "things you already have". The living are no match for the dead. It's no good continuing to waste time and energy on him, he's just that stubborn sometimes.

You should be kind to yourself, like Lily was to herself.

James made her very happy, she was very happy every day, and when she died, she didn't have to suffer all kinds of suffering, and she had to think about avoiding pain.

She is very lucky, there are still people who miss her after she dies, who remembers most people after they die.

Pomona is back in the auditorium, the candles floating in the air during the day will not be lit, and the sky is bright enough to illuminate everything in front of us.

But she felt neither novelty nor excitement.

She was extremely calm, and hoped that Sinista would come sooner, so that they could observe the "candlelight" in the starry sky together, and perceive the vastness of the universe. Even if they died, they would just turn into stars or nebulae again. It is also very beautiful.

So, death is really the only enemy that needs to be eliminated?

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