Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 289 The Son of Misfortune

Whether it's Muggles or witches, as long as women fight, they will end up pulling their hair.

The Fountain of Fortune used to be shown in the Great Hall, and Hermione and Millicent once did that at the Dueling Club, one was a Gryffindor Muggleborn, the other a Slytherin pureblood, and they threw their wands aside , Crying and pulling.

Dealing with girls who fight each year because of emotional disputes is enough for Pomona. Pomona once swore that she would not be like those witches who duel for men, but in the end she still had to fight, and The target was still that ugly-looking snot-nosed man with an obnoxious personality.

If Lily was a cynical, condescending, obnoxious girl like Pansy Parkinson, Pomona could feel free to slander her.

But Lily is not that kind of person, she is not always gentle, sometimes fierce, even stubborn, but she is beautiful, with flame-kissed hair and crystal clear green eyes. She also showed talent in potions, but in the 7th grade she realized that it was better to marry well than to study well, and finally married the rich James Potter.

In the past, Pomona also felt that Lily was too dull to feel James' feelings, and it was because of her that the prongs kept bothering Severus.

By now, Pomona also felt that she was as stupid as Lily, and Sirius and Lupine were no longer children. Given that Lupine was dating Tonks at that time, it made Severus feel "uncomfortable" Sirius Black.

When she was studying, she was an invisible person, and she was not from the same world as the radiant Sirius. How could such a prince have feelings for her? It felt like the prince and Cinderella, an impossible fairy tale, but the Deathly Hallows only appeared in fairy tales, and the invisibility cloak that escaped the pursuit of death was still at Potter's home.

When James Potter and Lily got married, Severus actually didn't make a scene at the wedding. The Death Eaters can do such things as destroying the gathering of members of the Order of the Phoenix. Fleur's wedding was disturbed by them, but the magic It's all right, what the hell.

Fremont and Euphemia had James after they retired, and they witnessed James marry a Muggle witch Lily Evans in their lifetime, but they hadn't had time to see their grandson Harry born two years later. People died within days of being infected with dragon pox. Under such circumstances, Sirius, who was handsome and full of masculine charm, was not suitable to continue to live in Potter's house.

Fremont and Euphemia can treat him as their own, and James can treat him as his own brother, but as long as it is a woman, it is difficult to be indifferent to Sirius, especially when she is stared at by those smoke gray eyes At that time, it was like entering a dream world. Pomona remembered the summer vacation at Newt Scamander's house, the way he leaped from the bottom of the lake riding a horse-shaped monster, he was so bright that it could blind people's eyes, it was hard for men not to Treat him as a threat.

The world was going crazy, and she wanted to be rational, just like Dumbledore had been before, but Severus said her heart was cracking like a rock cake. Sometimes she really agrees with Hermione's words, it's a taboo to bring personal emotions into work, his brain has problems and many plans will be disrupted, why didn't he stop the reckless Harry Potter from flying from Scotland to London? He can obviously do it.

Severus' job was to take care of Harry Potter, and if the Triwizard Tournament was an aggressive adventure, the Battle of the Department of Mysteries was entirely avoidable, as long as he troubled Harry Potter as usual, Just don't let him do it.

But he let Harry do what he wanted, just as he let his godson be stupid knowing that Draco and Astonia would be a dead end.

Lucius Malfoy wants to dissolve the engagement of the Greengrass family, and finding a new bride for Draco is what a competent father should do, but Draco resisted in doing so.

Boys always like to mess up their lives.

Pomona stood in the snow, the heat on her body was quickly taken away by the howling wind, her face was blown dry and cold, and what she heard was the sound of the roaring airflow, as if she had returned to twenty-four The morning when he was chased and intercepted years ago.

They were flying in the dense fog, the sun was hiding in the clouds and was reluctant to show up, the Thestral's huge leather-like wings were beating violently, it was flying very fast, in order to prevent herself from falling off the horse, Pomona held tight Grabbing its black mane tightly, he leaned as low as possible on his horse's back, protecting himself from the intensive spell attacks.

There are many owls around her, and thestrals are also animals. If they are hit by the Avada Kedavra curse, they will die. They block the green lightning for her.

Her legs were tightly clamped on the smooth back of thestrals. After flying all night, her legs were already a little sore and numb, but she closed her eyes and dared not move. She just wanted to get back to Hogwarts as soon as possible, the safest place in the world, where there was a comfortable bed, food and hot cocoa waiting for her, without being chased and blocked like she was now.

"What about your mission?"

She heard the deep voice say, and then slowly opened her eyes, what was held between her legs was no longer a Thestral, but another animal as ominous as them.

Her hands were entangled in his black hair, and she looked straight into his black eyes, which were as black as Thestrals without pupils.

"Mission?" She asked in a daze, was she going to distract the Death Eaters and make sure Hagrid could bring Harry home, or was she looking at Neville Longbottom?

"We have a comfortable life. I like it better than Hogwarts. There are no noisy students, and the Dark Lord has already left. There is no need for us to go back." He took her hand and left it in his palm. The next kiss "We are free, senior, it's all over, Neville Longbottom is not the prophesied savior, you don't need to look at him anymore."

is that so?

She was extremely confused, and this silly expression was reflected in his eyes, and he curled up the corner of his mouth into a dimple, and smoothed out the hair scattered on the pillow for her.

"Let me help you forget those bad things." He said softly, the spine at the waist twisted slowly like a snake, everything was clearly visible in the orange sunlight, she quickly covered her face, thinking Forget everything you see.

"Stop it," she said almost beggingly.

"You know I'm not going to stop," he laughs. "Why not admit it? It's nice to be wrong."

Pomona gave herself a mild slap in the face to clear her dizzy mind.

It is wrong to abuse magic, especially to trick Muggles with magic, but even the Weasley twins did this kind of thing. They gave the gluttonous Dudley a fat tongue taffy, and the Muggle boy was frightened Almost insane.

What they did was stand up for Harry because he was always bullied by his own cousin as a kid and he didn't even have his own room and lived in a closet, whereas Dudley had two bedrooms.

There are many Muggles who have wishes that cannot be fulfilled by their own strength. The demon monk Rasputin can cure the crown prince's illness, but look at what good things he has done.

Wizards are smart but not necessarily good at managing the country and politics, and it is wrong for wizards to use magic to achieve their goals as soon as they don't suit their own wishes.

Dark wizards always like to make mistakes, and white wizards make right choices, so Hufflepuff is the academy with the fewest black wizards.

There are many people who think that Nicholas made the Philosopher's Stone because he harvested countless lives, and that's why he made such a bright red panacea.

But if that were the case, Nicolo May wouldn't be friends with Dumbledore the White Wizard.

Human body training is a taboo, but apparently wizards and Muggles don't take it seriously, and the rich Potters only had children after they sold the company.

You must have a choice in life, you can't hold everything in your hands, otherwise you will lose everything. In the words of the East, you can't have both.

If you want to be spotless and innocent, don’t grow up. It’s a good feeling to be a child all your life, but Harry Potter’s magical journey starts with the Philosopher’s Stone.

His story was not an innocent fairy tale from the beginning.

Pomona breathed a sigh of relief. The Mirror of Erised can make people see the most urgent and strong desire in their hearts. What Harry saw in the mirror were his parents. What a pure child he was.

"You're turning me into the person I hate the most, Severus." She looked at the small square in the center of the village not far away. In the middle of the square was a monument with three statues, one with disheveled hair and The man with glasses, a beautiful and kind-looking woman with long hair, and a baby boy in his mother's arms, Pomona couldn't imagine what it would be like to fight by pulling Lily's hair.

Worse still was Lily's character, she would definitely fight back, even though she didn't know why Pomona was punching her.

"I hate Gryffindor." Hearing the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow in the distance, Pomona looked at Hermione Granger who was dressed as a wizard and whispered. Now no one can see that she is a moron. When the melon was planted, she wore a black cloak with a silver button around her neck, which radiated a soft radiance and made her look as radiant as if she had drunk a beauty potion.

"We have a problem." Hermione said in a dignified tone. "About Professor Snape, I know you want to know why I didn't save him, but I don't think this is the time to discuss this. You are very emotional now." .”

"Yeah, that's right," Pomona said with a grin. "I'm assuming you're going to lose control when you mention Ron."

Pomona couldn't wait to see Hermione's face when she knew Ron was going to deal with the spider he feared most, but she remained calm and restrained, at least on the surface.

"How did you know I was spending the night at Hannah's last night?"

"Gut feeling," Pomona said, using the word Hermione hated most, "and I guess Hannah must have kept you?"

"Why did you come to me so early?" Hermione waved her hands guardedly, her face full of determination.

"I want to see Harry Potter. You're his good friend. Look at the Aurors around here." She said impatiently. "My time is precious now, and I don't have time to argue with them."

"So you're using me to get close to Harry?"

"That's right." Pomona admitted generously, "I want Harry to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Minerva's office has been prepared for him. It's in her former Transfiguration office."

"You never even asked his opinion..."

"He doesn't need to be 'asked', he needs 'advice', Harry has always been that kind of person, Hermione, he likes to ask people 'what to do', choose from other people's answers, if let him do it himself Decisions are basically reckless and ill-considered, which is why you are indispensable in the Salvation Trio." Pomona coldly interrupted Hermione, "Your birthday is September 19, Hogwarts The incoming freshmen of here must be before September 1st of the academic year. You received the admission notice a year earlier than Harry, but you learned more than the third-year students. You must be wondering why you were not sorted into LaVine Crowe, right?"

"Did you do anything during sorting?" Hermione asked intuitively.

"I would like to say yes, but no, Hermione Granger, this is fate, no matter how much you deny it, think like a witch, don't be like a Muggle, when you encounter a problem you don't understand, you are doubting and denial!"

"I hate the way you act emotionally," said Hermione in disgust.

"I hate it too!" Pomona yelled angrily, "If you were too busy being sad and forgot to save him at that time, I swear to Merlin, I will let you be punished, Hermione Granger!"

"Oh, how are you going to punish me?" Hermione said defiantly.

Pomona didn't answer Hermione's question, and walked towards Harry Potter's house with a cold face.

Like Bellatrix, she would not do it directly to Hermione, but to her beloved Ron.

It's a pity that Nagini is dead, otherwise Pomona can let it bite Ron and make him fall in a pool of her own blood like Severus.

But even without Nagini she'd have other ways to keep Miss Know-it-all at bay, she'd let Hermione live in hell like her.

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