Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2875 The Unforgivable Secret (12)

Thanks to the Disillusionment Charm, Pomona can appear in the village more freely. Judging from the tone of the picture, it can be seen that it is daytime, which should have been a sunny day with blue sky and white clouds.

Screams could be heard from time to time in the village. She walked along the stone road for a while, and heard a murmur, and then she walked towards the place where the sound came from.

It was an "alley", and because the residents' houses blocked the sunlight, it was dark inside. Beside a stable, she found the farmer covering his head and praying in a corner.

"What happened?" Pomona asked.

The farmer shuddered and looked around blankly.

It was only then that Pomona remembered that he had used the Disillusionment Charm, so he showed his figure again.

The farmer identified her, seemed to think that she was not in any danger, and looked calmer.

But the next second he picked up the pitchfork and stabbed straight at Pomona.

Pomona was caught off guard, only to see that the man who was trembling just now suddenly showed a ferocious face.

At this time, a strong light flashed, and the farmer was hit by the light and lay directly on the ground.

Pomona looked where the light came from, and there was a beak doctor standing there.

"Don't be soft." Doctor Niaozui said, "They deserve death."

Then he left the alley.

Pomona looked at the farmer lying on the ground. She wanted to ask some questions.

"He got what he deserved."

She heard a child say, and saw a pair of shining eyes in the haystacks in the stable.

"What do you mean?" Pomona asked.

The kid looked at Pomona with a maturity beyond his years.

"They killed Joan in the name of God," said the child.

"Who's Joan?" Pomona asked.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps. Pomona looked over and found that it was a villager. He was holding a pitchfork like the farmer lying on the ground.

"The devil!" said the villager, and rushed toward Pomona without saying a word.

Pomona raised her wand, stunned the villagers with a swoon, and when she looked back at the haystack where the child was hiding, he was gone.

Sighing, she cast the Disillusionment Charm again to make herself invisible, and after exploring the village again, she found another survivor in a house.

The woman barricaded the door with everything she could find, but Pomona made the bricks dance, leaving a passable entrance, and, as the woman watched in horror, used her wand to Legilimimize her.

The woman's mind was flooded with useless information, but Pomona found what she was looking for.

It was by a small lake, and there was a place similar to a pier by the lake. A girl was tied up with both hands and feet, and two men were pushing her into the lake.

"My God, if she's a witch, what about her baby?" said a woman in the crowd.

"Haven't you heard? That child was born to Satan, and she refused to betray her master," another woman said.

Just as they finished speaking, there was a loud cry. Pomona looked in that direction and found that it was the cry of a baby, who was being held in the arms of the executioner.

"NO!" the woman yelled, and Pomona withdrew from her brain.

The woman threw herself on a basket covered by a cloth.

"Please let my child go," she begged. "He's innocent."

This not-so-beautiful village girl suddenly overlapped with Lily Potter's face.

Pomona pointed her wand at them, but it wasn't a death-defying curse, but guarded safely, and the children's cries could not be heard outside.

"Stay here, don't come out," Pomona said to the woman.

Then she left the little house.

After walking for about a minute or two, she saw another "Doctor Bird's Beak", because he was alone, and Pomona also used Legilimency on him.

His head was filled with a lot of drinking and binge stuff, but she found something useful in the end.

This is a gang of wizards and robbers in the name of "revenge". Whenever they hear that a place has used God's Judgment or burned a wizard to death, they will attack that village and create the illusion of a plague. Those who came to investigate did not dare to enter the village, but burned everything. Sometimes they also skip this step for investigators, because they feel that they have done nothing wrong anyway.

After Pomona obtained useful information, he used fainting on the wizard again, but the fainted person will wake up and nothing will change.

"Nothing will change," Fitzgerald said.

"Then why did you make me watch this?" Pomona asked.

"Keep going, don't stop," Fitzgerald said.

Pomona did as she said, and walked forward, and soon she saw a castle-like building.

In that direction, she climbed up the stairs.

"You said that if human beings really want to do something, they can still do it, all they need is time and energy." Fitzgerald said suddenly.

"It was just a passing feeling," Pomona said.

"Go back now," Fitzgerald said, "and tell me what you think."

Pomona stopped climbing and stood on the steps looking back at the village.

In fact, it has been half-destroyed, and there are not many screams left, and there are black smoke and ruins everywhere.

"Now you can talk," Fitzgerald said.

"I hope I'm wise enough to answer your question, Professor," Pomona said.

"You may call me Niofer," said Fitzgerald. "You tell me how you feel about the dark wizard."

Pomona smiles "Every woman can keep her own secret."

"You don't wonder who my lover is?" said Fitzgerald.

"I can imagine, what kind of person can make you fall in love?" Pomona said with a smile.

"Have you ever heard of the 'four roots'?" Fitzgerald said.

"You mean, Empedocles' 'root of all things'?" Pomona replied.

"It was the power of love that united the fire represented by Zeus, the water represented by Nestis, the air represented by Hera, and the earth represented by Adonis, and the conflict (strife) separated them." Fitzgerald said.

"You think I 'love' these?" Pomona said, looking at "everything in sight."

"You heard me, seeing is not believing," Fitzgerald said.

In fact, in the past, the world was not composed of earth, but fire, air, and water.

Adonis represents the god of plants in spring, but he is actually a human being, born of the king of Cyprus and his daughter. When his father learned that it was his daughter who had a tryst with him, he angrily wanted to kill her, but the daughter was pregnant, she ran away like crazy, and was deified by Aphrodite into a myrrh tree , Adonis was conceived and born in the tree.

Adonis is more beautiful than anyone else, and at the same time is a vigorous young hunter. Both Aphrodite and Persephone fell in love with him, and the two goddesses even had a dispute over him. Zeus intervened, and Adonis stayed with Aphrodite for 4 months of the year, with Persephone for 4 months, and alone for 4 months.

Persephone is also named Nestis. After she was robbed by Hades and sent to the underworld, she shed tears all day long. Her tears became the fountain of the world, but like Adonis, she spent half of the year in the underworld and half of the year. Time is in the world.

Hera was often jealous of Zeus's love affairs, and Zeus seemed to have nothing to argue with. He was the king of the gods and could get whatever he wanted. It's just that he sent Adonis to the underworld to live with Persephone, ignoring Hades' opinion, and sent the disputes of living people to the underworld.

"I still don't get it," Pomona said. "What the hell are you trying to tell me?"

"Go on up," Fitzgerald said.

Pomona looked again at the village.

There are still people alive in this village, if the woman with the child is obedient and does not leave the area guarded by Ping An.

But pain has arisen, will she want Isidora to take them all away?

She remembered the woman's face full of tears, and then the space under the stone steps was flooded with water, and the water level rose as she went up.

Soon she came to the top floor, the castle was next to it, and there was a platform guarded by four beast sculptures facing the stairs.

"The magic of the stone will take you out of this place," Fitzgerald said, "if you really want to."

"Why wouldn't I want to leave?" Pomona asked rhetorically.

Fitzgerald didn't speak for a long time.

"I used to think that when the crisis came, the principal would definitely help. But when that time really came, I passed out and asked Batar to take care of me." Fitzgerald explain.

"You blame yourself for that?" Pomona asked.

"That's the answer to your question," Fitzgerald said.

She thought for a while, and finally walked towards the platform with a dull head.

In the village earlier, she didn't smell anything, not even the strong smell of blood.

Standing in the middle of the platform at this time, she smelled a smell of sage, but she knew that it was not her "coordinates".

She closed her eyes, searched carefully, and finally caught the scent of a hippogriff.

As an animal, it doesn't smell very good, but the Hippogriff is very clean and always trims its feathers.

When Sirius Black rode Buckbeak to school before, why didn't she think of asking to ride too?

Close your eyes and feel the wind blowing on your face, it must make you feel refreshed.

When she opened her eyes again, the sketch-like world disappeared, and she returned to the colorful "real" world.

When she turned her head, she saw the Batar Tower not far away. After so many years, it was still strong, and it was not in ruins like other castles. There was an eagle hovering around the high tower without an entrance.

Then she looked at the ground, which was not far from the poachers' camp. You could also see the cage where the Hippogriff was held. Now the building was empty, and there were wreckage everywhere.

She didn't stay in this place for long, and walked down the hillside.

She didn't have a key last time, even if she knew the entrance, she couldn't get in. This time, the key was on her neck.

This time she believed that she would not return empty-handed.

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