Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 287 The Fire of the Gods

Missing means many things. It is possible that the person is still alive, and it is possible that the person is dead. Hannah’s mother was not alive or dead. There are countless people who were eaten by werewolves and disappeared. October 31, 1981 The day the mysterious man "disappeared" was almost exposed to the wizarding world, but it was not done by the mysterious man, but by all the wizards. There was also a meteor shower in Kent, not the same meteors that Dandy had shown because of the light from his wand.

Dedalus Diggle is one of the founders of the Order of the Phoenix. In order to deal with the Death Eaters who came to hunt him down, he summoned a rain of fire. There has always been a "scientific basis" in the Muggle world. Dinosaurs are caused by a large meteor Hit the earth and became extinct.

At that time, the earth had a warm climate, dense forests everywhere, a wide variety of species, and food was easy to find, so dinosaurs ruled the earth for 100 million years.

After the impact of the meteorite, volcanic ash and poisonous gas covered the earth. There is no sunlight and moon all year round, plants cannot photosynthesize, and the oxygen content in the atmosphere drops rapidly. This is what Pomona heard from the museum guide.

At that time, she was busy getting rid of those who were chasing the Philosopher's Stone, and she didn't have time to understand what the end of the world was like, but the meteor shower that fell in Kent that day made Muggles feel the end of the world. Astronomy said that the meteor shower required a telescope. Going to see it, it is rare to encounter one in an hour, and even so, the probability of encountering meteors is much higher than usual.

Since 1970, bad luck has befallen the wizarding world, and there's little cause for celebration.

The Muggle world is not peaceful either, there is turmoil everywhere, Harry Potter puts everyone's hopes on a healthy and peaceful life, people who have been living in the peaceful sunshine can't feel that kind of tension, Jambo Tate's life was very smooth, although he died early, but he was still very smooth, much luckier than the unlucky Sirius and Severus.

Involving children in the war is not what she wants to see. Besides Gryffindor, Hufflepuff also has children who died in battle. She doesn't care. It is sad that children die before her.

To Minerva, Severus was just a child, and yet he was ahead of her, and it was as heartbreaking as she knew it was Severus who killed Dumbledore.

He gave them a body, buried it, and that was it, Severus Snape was dead, and no one should disturb his cleanliness.

He and a silly woman lived together for six years in a house that was not wanted by farmers in the north. The future of mankind and the fate of the Malfoy family have nothing to do with him. He can be himself happily, read when he wants to read, and make out when he wants to make out, until Pettigrew Pete came to the door with the Dark Lord's wand , turning his home into ruins like James Potter's.

The yew wand with the phoenix feather was the one that stayed with Voldemort the longest, from the time he bought it at Ollivander's shop when he was 11, until he tried to kill Harry with the twin-core wand. Looking at him, there is nothing more suitable for a Horcrux than it.

Of course Voldemort can use wandless magic, but holding a wand can be used as a difference between him and Muggles, squibs, and goblins. It is a status symbol.

Pettigrew acted like he was being manipulated, just like Ginny was being manipulated by Tom's diary.

Pete looked dead when he fell in the snow, she didn't wake up until she touched him, then she took him into the neighborhood, gave him something to eat, and let him go, she didn't Leading him into the house, she forgot that there was also a Death Eater in her family. The Dark Mark on his arm was the same as that on Pete's arm. If the wand was really Voldemort's last Horcrux, then how did Pete enter? The house protected by the mantra is clear.

If the Dark Lord came back, she would be separated from Harry like she had been in fifth year.

She slowly opened her eyes, the orange morning light came through the window, like the color of flames, and in front of her was a pair of black eyes.

He has been staring at her closely, those dim eyes are like a labyrinth, with a faint blue light shining in the depths.

He is really not handsome at all, but after a long time, you will find that he also has cute things, such as thin lips.

"I think I figured out what the last Horcrux was," she said before he could say something mean. "Tom's wand, it's more connected to him than Nagini's, and it was at the scene of Lily's murder, I I think he was pretty good at making Horcruxes by then, and it was easier to attach to a wand than to attach to a baby."

"I heard that wands can't change shape." He brushed the hair around her ear.

"Where did you put his wand?"

"Only places I know about." Severus sneered. "He's been avoiding me from those things."

"After Wormtail tortured me with his wand, I often heard strange voices. Maybe I will be manipulated like Ginny." She thought of the white station and the little monster under the chair. Heard those demonic whispers.

"What are you going to do?"

"We're going to be separated, Severus. Hermione and I are going to live in the house on Guihua Street. You and Draco live here. Godric's Hollow is far from Exeter. We can use Fireplace Contact."

"Does anyone in the Order of the Phoenix know about that safe house?"

"Maybe Dedalus Diggle knows." It's a matter of life and death, and Pomona has nothing to hide." He holds different secrets from Edgar Burns and Dorcas Meadows. He is very powerful. No brains."

"At least we don't have to pretend we don't know each other this time. Both Draco and Hermione know about our relationship."

"I'm not afraid that Weasley and the others know about us." Pomona recalled the appearance of the old peacock. "But Lucius, I really don't think I can trust him."

"His son is here with me, and he dare not betray me." He said viciously in a calm tone, "I am a good godfather, I taught him how to be a man, not a good son who is obedient and obedient, you Do you think I did the right thing?"

"Don't forget your oath, Severus," she reminded. "You will protect Draco from harm."

"I've been reminding him to let go when it's time to let go, and don't invest too much." He looked into her eyes softly and said, "I'm really doing my best to protect him from harm, you tell me to choose more than Hard work is important. Malfoy's family motto says that doing the right thing is more important than doing the right thing. He made his own choice. He prefers the weak Astonia to the healthy Pansy Parkinson. You should respect his choice. Godmother."

"That's a dead end," Pomona said through tears.

"How do you know that there will be no hope until the end, which is why human beings progress faster than magical creatures, and never give up until the last moment." Severus said with a smile, "He is luckier than me, he The capital invested is not as much as mine.”

"What did you invest in?" she asked knowingly.

"All of it," he said in a whisper. "That's why my harvest is so luscious."

"I was thinking about Scorpius' middle name." Before he could kiss her again, Pomona whispered "Harry used your name as his son's middle name, and Scorpius can't use yours gone."

"Then what do you want to call him?"

"Giant." She said without hesitation, "It's better to be a titan god's name, and it should be related to the sun."

"Do you want me to think?" He rolled over, pressing down like a mountain.

"Obviously it didn't work out." She sighed. "That sign, it's really a problem, and I don't think you can fix it by cutting off your arm."

"So I let you call me if you have nothing to do." He bared his left arm, which had a crown tattooed over the Dark Mark.

"My God." Pomona couldn't find words to describe it. If the students of Hogwarts knew that the head Slytherin, who loves to catch points for violating school rules, actually took the tattoo of his own head, the expressions would be wonderful.

"This kind of pain can heal me." He looked into her eyes and said word by word. The light of the morning sun made his skin almost transparent, as if it would disappear at any time. "It can remind me that I am still alive, And someone needs me."

"I remember, Prince." Her hands and feet wrapped around him like vines.

Through the door, she smelled the smell of butter, obviously Draco was up earlier than them, and Honey was preparing breakfast for him.

Fleur said that the food at Hogwarts was too greasy, and ordinary people would have been sick to the point of vomiting, but Hogwarts students had to eat it for seven years.

They are children, but they also have extraordinary abilities, because they are wizards, and wizards cannot be compared with ordinary children.

In Greek mythology, Prometheus is the teacher of mankind, who teaches mankind everything that is useful to mankind and can make mankind satisfied and happy.

But people refused to sacrifice to Zeus, so Zeus refused to give humans the last thing needed to complete civilization-fire, so Prometheus stole the sky fire and secretly gave it to humans.

Zeus was furious at his brazen disobedience, so he put Prometheus on the Caucasus mountain, let an eagle peck his liver every day, and his liver always grew back, like the limbs of a newt.

The fire salamander ring on Severus Snape's finger ran down his hand on the beautiful body of the woman, looking very ugly and full of sin.

However, a wise man once said that all the perfect and perfect things that human beings can enjoy must be obtained through a kind of blasphemy, and since then, they have repeatedly reaped the consequences and offended the heavens, and finally God will send suffering to attack those who strive to make progress.

In addition to being called a fool and trash, Hufflepuff College is also a well-known college of kindness.

Kindness does not mean not being guarded against others and the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Don’t forget the story of the farmer and the snake. If you forget, you will be bitten by a snake. Being kissed by a snake is not always sweet, and it may be fatal. Like gunpowder, it can make It can be made into beautiful fireworks, and it can also be made into shells to establish the great cause of the so-called conquerors.

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