Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2858 Hagrid's Holiday (8)

Pomona put the celestial model that Albus had used as a decoration in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in the Astronomy classroom.

These things can be cleaned and used, and there is no need to buy new ones. If you buy everything according to the list made by the astronomy club, the budget will rocket into the sky.

Human beings have not left the solar system so far, and the farthest distance is to reach the moon, but the field of vision has reached dozens of light-years away.

While wiping the model of the sun with a magic rag, Pomona thought that variable stars are actually a type of star, but the brightness of most stars is almost constant, regardless of the distance of the star. Divided into 6 grades, 1st grade star is the brightest, 6th grade star is the dimmest, in fact, some stars that look very bright are not very luminous, but because they are very close to the earth.

For example, Sirius in Canis Major is one of the stars closest to the earth, and Alpha Centauri is also the closest star of the solar system. This system is composed of three stars.

Newton's universal gravitation predicts the law of motion of two celestial bodies that attract each other, and their orbits are basically elliptical. But if there are three celestial bodies, such as the sun, the earth and the moon, what is the law of their motion orbits?

This is the famous three-body problem. The Lagrangian point is a special solution in the three-body problem. At this point, the asteroid is basically stationary relative to the two large celestial bodies.

If there is an artificial orbiting satellite, it needs to stay at the Lagrangian point between the sun and the earth, so as not to fall into the gravitational range of the moon, so that it will never fall into the shadow of the earth or the moon, and can last Observe the sun.

Or there is a telescope, which needs to be in the shadow direction of the earth. Although it cannot completely block the sun, it still cuts off a lot. This Lagrangian point is located on the far side of the moon and orbits the earth synchronously with the moon.

Of course there are other Lagrangian points, but they are so far away from Earth that it is really difficult to use them. Strictly speaking, the Lagrangian point is only a stable point in the normal plane connecting two stars, but it is unstable in three-dimensional space, so power is still needed to adjust the orbit, but compared with other satellites, the power required is relatively small. Small, requiring little fuel for long-term stays.

Although it is called a Lagrangian point, it was first calculated by Euler, a pioneer in the field of topology. In topology, connectedness is the simplest property, but orientability is not so trivial. A piece of paper has two sides, such a space is orientable, but after twisting the paper into the shape of a Möbius loop, the two sides become one, and it is not oriented.

Felicity worked hard to solve the problem of the curse of portrait painting, but it was not in vain. He got in touch with a Muggle astronomer to discuss a new algorithm for "Lagrangian points".

Anyway, idleness is idleness, and Henrietta was also an idle post when she discovered the Cepheid variable star. At that time, the astronomical community was still classifying stars, and the spectrum of variable stars was not constant, but bright or dark according to the light cycle.

Suppose there is a candle in the dark night, it looks very dim from a distance, and it is still a small point, you cannot be sure whether it is the light from the candle or the light from the kerosene lamp, it will become brighter when you get closer, and you can see The flame shape of that point of light.

The brightness of the candle itself remains the same, but the distance between the person and the candle becomes closer. The period of light change of variable stars is a few days, and some are longer. Henrietta found that this period is related to the brightness of light. Knowing the period and absolute magnitude, you can use the relationship between absolute magnitude and apparent magnitude. To get the distance, Cepheids are equal to natural candles.

Although Shapley did not agree that the solar system is the center of the universe, he believed that the Milky Way contained the entire universe. When Hubble discovered that the Andromeda Nebula is not the luminous gas cloud that people think, but is composed of hundreds of millions of stars like the Milky Way, people's understanding of the universe has undergone another change, and a new era of "great voyages" Arrived, more "Galaxies" were discovered and spread all over the vast universe.

Pomona decided to talk to Sinista at the beginning of next semester and let the club members figure it out. Maybe they could also discover the new "Andromeda Nebula."

When people described Copernicus, Bruno, and Galileo insisting on the heliocentric theory and opposing the geocentric theory, they only mentioned defending the truth, but did not mention their spirit of rebellion and disobedience to the oppression of authority.

Marx's "Das Kapital" mentioned the overproduction of the cotton industry in 1860, but this was only a relative surplus, because people still had a need for clothing, just like milk during the Great Depression. It was not because they didn't want to drink milk, but because they had no purchasing power. .

In the weaving process, there will be some scraps, whether it is wool, silk or cotton, which were thrown away before, but some people collect these things, reuse these wastes, and re-stretch the cotton threads without damaging the wool. Open, mix wool, silk and other fibers to get "good quality wool fabric", which is the blended fabric that people wear now.

The price of a piece of pure cotton fabric is much more expensive than that of blended fabrics. When you buy clothes, you can still read the wool and cotton content on the label. In 1862, such remade fabrics accounted for one-third of the market share.

But the disadvantage of this fabric is that it is not wear-resistant, but in terms of wear-resisting, jeans are definitely enough. In 1853, the gold diggers in San Francisco had already worn it. It is made of sailcloth.

The consumption of pure raw silk has decreased, and the consumption of silk scraps has doubled. In addition to the improvement of machines, which made the original worthless industrial waste reutilized, it is also due to the progress of chemistry.

The second industrial revolution has already begun. Although the recognized symbol of the second industrial revolution is the application of electricity, the chemical industry and the application of new materials are also important components. This breaks the original supply relationship. If the demand decreases and the profit rate falls, capital will be withdrawn. If the milk price reduction promotion can maintain an acceptable profit rate, it is not necessary to dump it. But even if the price is reduced, the milk cannot be sold. Those who can afford it will naturally be able to buy it, and the poor will not be able to sell it if they sell it for 2 cents. Many people have their money in the bank and cannot get it out because the bank has closed down. .

In addition to the dairy farmer's own loss, if it is transported to the city, there will be a freight loss, and it can save some money if it is simply dumped.

It is better to arouse some people's conscience than to arouse their competitive war. In order to increase the profit rate, people improve machines. The flour mills in ancient Rome and modern flour mills have different production rates. For the same grain, the Romans got only half or even less of the modern milling flour.

It is the fall of the profit rate that leads to the competition among capitals, rather than the competition that leads to the decline of the profit rate, which is the so-called price war.

The purpose of capitalist production is value appreciation, not consumption. Many companies before the Great Depression would expand their production capacity after making money, hire more workers, produce more products, and purchase more machines, but where are these products sold? where?

In 1860, the British mainly sold to France, which had a much larger population than the British, and their purchasing power was also strong. A country with too many poor people has no purchasing power, and no matter how large the population is, it is not a high-quality market. It is not possible for everyone to buy a nightcap and let the British machinery fully operate.

But France also has its own textile industry. Pomona planned to buy a lighter pajamas two days ago. It will be much cooler to sleep in summer. When she arrived at the store, she found that the pajamas are not only made of silk, but also of lace. More breathable and comfortable than silk.

Lace is originally a kind of net yarn, but the price is very different. There is the most expensive Levi's lace. A small piece is enough to buy dozens of ordinary lace pajamas. The clerk said that this kind of lace is woven. , instead of embroidery, which is smoother.

This kind of lace requires a complex machine. After the designer designs the pattern, the engineer compiles it into a card with holes, and the machine threads the needles according to the card.

Pomona didn't buy it because it was too expensive, and the clerk was very upset, so she didn't buy other cheap lace pajamas either.

Fortunately, Pomona knows the president of the weaving club. She wants to write a letter later, asking her if there is any lace there.

Beautiful trophies made by Paul de la Mery the Elder, empty inside, contemporaneous watchmakers could already make puppet figures that could play pianos, with intricate gears and springs inside, and tinkling music Voice.

Father and son may have similarities, but unfortunately they are different people. A son is not a copy of his father. He does not necessarily have to do what his father said and live a "successful" life like him.

Britain implemented compulsory education later than Germany, and fell behind in the second industrial revolution. It was Prime Minister Gladstone who first proposed public schools and compulsory education.

Godric Gryffindor is a wizard beyond his time. What he values ​​is "potential". This potential is not only in pure blood, but also in Muggle seeds. But there is an undeniable problem. Many Muggle breeds are illiterate when they first enter school. They don't even know abcd, and they have to spell their names wrong.

Hagrid's spelling problem was not because he hadn't learned it before, just like the rock biscuits he made couldn't be chewed by humans, and the teacups he made with humans were also easy to crush.

But he was reluctant to throw it away, and always put it in the pocket of his coat. This is the case for people who are used to living a hard life. There are also people who hate their past self and those unbearable pasts, so they throw them away and look for and imitate a new identity that can bring him a sense of superiority.

After wiping all the planetariums, Pomona looked at the astronomy classroom.

That celestial ball will definitely not be held in the next school year. Rohart is making a lot of money in the name of a hero. He needs an occasion to promote himself. As a "well-known alumnus" of Ravenclaw, he will definitely come.

On the contrary, the real heroes are forgotten, and people take it for granted that the transition from heliocentric theory to modern astronomy is taken for granted.

Summer worms can't talk about ice, well frogs can't talk about sea, but others don't have that self-knowledge, so they must say that what he said is the truth...

At this time, she heard the sound of flapping wings and found that it was an emperor dragonfly appearing in the classroom.

She didn't care about it. There are so many windows in the Astronomy Tower, it will fly away by itself.

Then she breathed a sigh of relief, or instead of Peeves, she could use a secret ballot like Gladstone's and see how many people in the school supported a celestial ball.

Precisely because before Gladstone reformed the voting law, the elections were all based on real names. In order to avoid "unfair" pressure, the workers all voted for the "Liberal Party" that the factory owners were satisfied with.

But factory owners also suffered heavy losses in the riots, as workers smashed their machines.

It is a pity that the law does not blame the public.

Smiling smugly, Pomona left the astronomy classroom on the top floor and went back to the "bottom floor."

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