Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2855 Hagrid's Holiday (5)

"Background" can sometimes be understood as the same person.

Just like Emily Taylor's gang, not everyone joins because they want to be her friends. Many people join them in order not to be ridiculed by them. Even if they don't intend to, they have to be with them after joining Laugh at Esmeralda Mook.

Esmeralda Mook couldn't have joined Emily Taylor's gang because she was a Slytherin, how could she have joined the Gryffindor girls' gang?

At this time, in order to protect herself, she will join the girl gang of Slytherin, just like her sister, but the leader has changed. It is no longer Bellatrix, but a girl named Isabella. Sidney's Half-Blood Witch.

The Sidney family can be traced back to Philip Sidney, the sommelier of Queen Elizabeth I in the 16th century. Another famous person is Rogers Sidney, who participated in the parliamentary reform in 1867. This reform and the 1832 That reform was different.

On the surface, it seems that the decline of constituencies is canceled, the standard of voters is lowered, and the number of parliamentarians in densely populated emerging industrial cities is increased. This is inevitable. With the development of industrialization, some previously prosperous areas are empty, and some places are densely populated. Like beehives and ant nests, these decaying constituencies can sell their votes to unrepresented constituencies such as Birmingham.

If having money but not power was the biggest worry of British merchants and factory owners in the early 19th century, then power and lack of money were the troubles of landlords and aristocrats. The trend of urban development cut off the "historical relationship" between voters and representatives, and on the contrary it was closer in the community of interests.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. Although an annual income of ten pounds is not worth mentioning in the eyes of those who are really rich, it seems "reasonable". More voters mean that there are more locals. Places like Dunwich have sunk under the North Sea. North Sea Kraken vote?

At that time, the landowner aristocracy still had some power. Apart from those who lived in cities and rented houses, farmers who paid land rent in counties and villages and owners of their own land could vote. In 1710, parliamentarians were required to hold real estate, and real estate was not the only one. A house, and land that can be used for farming.

One thing happened before the second reform. After Britain became the "world factory", the factory owners felt that their power was stable and began to implement various policies that benefited them, which led to heavy oppression of workers.

The new prime minister, Gladstone, suddenly dissolved the parliament and held a new parliamentary election. Due to the short and sudden dissolution of the parliament, some cities did not respond enough. Most cities took less than eight days... The Liberal Party represented by the factory owners was elected.

Gladstone ignores the fact that this election introduced the notion of "respectable" males. Paul's father owned 68 properties, which he gave to his unmarried daughters so they could live on rent. But real estate is directly related to the right to vote, and women do not have the right to vote. The prime minister believed that the "respectable" working class had an innate conservatism, but had no idea how much money they had.

That is to say, this reform turned "some people and no one" into a "population ratio" issue. Queen Victoria signed and agreed to the plural ballot system, with one vote for those who own a house, two votes for those with an annual income of 10 pounds, and three votes for those with an annual income of 20 pounds. .

The opposition party believes that the details of the ownership of urban real estate should not be stipulated, and it is suggested to expand the scope of elections, such as 5 pounds can have the right to vote.

The end result was chaos. The 1884 suffrage reform extended the 1867 urban property owner and tenant suffrage to all county owners and tenants. At this time, the house was not just the property owner "decent and respectable" "It also represents the imbalance of voting rights between urban and rural areas. Plural votes cannot offset the number of voters of town property owners. For example, the number of voters in Manchester has increased from 22,000 at the beginning to 48,000. Some historical cities have not increased much. After absorbing the property owners in the surrounding suburbs , barely prevented the township from being affected by the city.

In Jane Austen's novel, the life of a squire is described. Mr. Bennet doesn't pay any credit or offend anyone. He stays at home and kills time. Instead, his wife wants to marry his daughter to a rich bachelor .

Mr. Bennett can be labeled as lazy, or he can be said to be easily satisfied, pursuing inner peace and serenity. This kind of satisfaction will appear when people feel that they are very happy, "being content with the status quo and not seeking to make progress."

But in Ben Cooper's neighborhood, a young man with good hands and feet, no illness, no disaster, no job, and nothing to do all day, even if the matter has nothing to do with the neighbors, there will be a lot of talk about him.

The disturbing spirit is produced along with the house, whether it is Paul or the ghost in Ben Cooper's house, it is attached to dolls, music boxes and other things. They don't own the house, so they dare not make too much noise The movement drove away those who lived in the house.

But the disturbing spirit thinks that this place belongs to him, and all those who live in are intruders. The scale of Peeves' chaos depends on his mood. Similarly, if Paul finds his "playground", it will turn upside down.

Before taking Ben Cooper to the Ministry of Magic, Pomona took him to the Muggle Chancery Courts. She knew Cecil's explanation to Barnaby, and she didn't accept it, but Albus had "reached a consensus" with Fudge that in the future, the Daily Prophet must recruit interns after graduation from the seventh grade. Which meant that the internship that Rita Kiester had promised Emily Taylor would not come to fruition until after she graduated, if Rita Kiester remembered it at the time.

At the same time, Rita Kistor is not allowed to visit Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and other surrounding areas without accepting the invitation of the school to avoid the leakage of some "sensitive information".

Ben Cooper, like Phoebe Burns, has no parents, relatives, etc. as "background" in the wizarding world, but he, like Lily Potter, is a victim of the Unforgivable Curse, and their shared Muggle background makes his remarks changed a lot. Phoebe, on the other hand, has nothing to do with Lily and is vulnerable to unfair attacks.

There used to be a great hall at Westminster whose roof was decorated with stars, so it was called the Star Chamber.

The Privy Council and the High Court formed a publication review body here, which at that time specifically punished nobles who were not loyal to the king or even conspired to rebel.

There is no jury in this court, but while the publication is restricted, there is also a licensing system, which is the royal franchise.

In 1641, Congress passed the "Great Protest" to limit the king's power in accordance with the powers conferred by the Magna Carta. The Star Chamber Court was also closed that year and has never been restored.

But the censorship system has always existed, even during the republic period where Cromwell was in, until it was "abolished" after the restoration of Charles II.

The licensing system has always existed, but the House of Commons refused to extend the Licensing Act. Free speech on this basis is only a permission for things that are restricted, prohibited or illegal.

Dad told Icarus, don't fly too high, the wings made of wax will melt, and then fall, even if it is on the water, falling from such a height is almost like a slate. You can't fly too low, if you fly too low and your wings get wet, you will fall and drown.

As long as it is between these two lines, Icarus can fly freely.

If the person who said "If you have no background and decide to be a good person, even if you are talented and insightful, you will almost certainly fall into the bottom of society" is the essence of class oppression, then class solidification is accomplished in this way of.

First of all, you have to recognize the rules of the game, or join in to avoid her ridicule like Emily's friends. After becoming one of them, you have to work hard to climb up, but it is not so easy for people who are already standing on the high ground Let you climb up, no matter how hard you try, it is difficult to succeed, the other party will set up obstacles for you. Or like the old aristocrats asking the upstarts to show the genealogy of more than three generations, this will cross the threshold of "wealth is not more than three generations".

How can you succeed without hard work? Of course success requires hard work, but when you get over that hurdle, new obstacles appear again. Leta Lestrange's mother is a pure-blood Senegalese aristocrat. She arrived in the new environment of Paris and was unfamiliar with the place. His mother became the object of his lust.

If he still decides to be a "good person" at this time, he will end up suffering the same fate as Yusuf Kama's father, leaving his last words for his son to avenge him.

After the son passes this level, if he is still alive, he will continue to break through other levels until he also becomes a person with "background".

There is a movie where an italian immigrant came to America and the daughter went through some bad things and the court didn't give them a fair sentence, for the same reason, they are not like the perpetrators, they are east coast Anglo-Saxon white The descendants of the Puritans, they are not the same people, that is, they have no "background".

Whether it is a Senegalese nobleman or an Italian coffin shop owner, they all left their hometowns for a better life and went to places they thought were better.

So he was right, if you don't want to be a "good guy", you can do it. The boss of the coffin shop found the "Godfather" and asked him to come forward to avenge himself, and the boss also gave his loyalty to the godfather.

According to the U.S. Constitution, citizens have the freedom to hold guns. According to the Magna Carta, people have the right to resist tyranny. In order to ensure that when the government implements tyranny or may appear dictatorship, the people will not be slaughtered with bare hands. Therefore, the people's right to hold arms cannot be violated. If 99% of the people in a society are good people, their dignity and life depend on the awareness and conscience of the 1% who monopolize the right to hold guns, which is very unsafe.

There are no dignitaries in front of the bullet. Even if there is no background, Batman's parents were killed by the minions. They had just finished watching the movie, and they didn't have guns in their hands. The minions also robbed impromptuly. Money, do not know their background.

For the background to work, we must first let others know what the background is. They should keep saying "who is my father", "who is my uncle", "who is my grandpa". , and even some people will flatter him.

So applaud the man who told the truth, if only Hagrid could understand, but he would probably be sleeping in the courtroom audience like Ben Cooper. The atmosphere in the courtroom was serious and dull, more boring than Professor Binns' history class.

Isn't the drama of law and justice in TV dramas very exciting? Both sides of the debate are at each other's lips, you come and go, why is it like this now?

"You want to spend the day here?" Pomona heard a voice say.


"Boring!" he growled.

"Okay, let's find some other fun!" Pomona compromised, waking up the sleeping Ben.

"I'm not asleep," Ben said automatically.

Paul laughed sharply, like Ben had told a funny joke.

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