In the Muggle playground, you can see a variety of amusement facilities, such as carousel, Ferris wheel, ocean ball pool and so on.

But these are for "children". Older children will go to places such as mirror houses and haunted houses. There are various distorting mirrors placed in the mirrors. It's different from the real situation and makes people laugh.

Sometimes the mirror room is arranged in the shape of a maze, using the principles of reflection and refraction to create various creative and confusing passages, making it difficult to distinguish where is the real passage and where is the mirror.

The haunted house is deliberately arranged in a thrilling and terrifying way, coupled with eerie music and lights, and staff who suddenly run out from time to time, it makes people feel creepy.

However, the haunted house is not necessarily always a place like an abandoned hospital, or there have been murders of a bad nature in that place, at least Ben Cooper’s family has not heard of it, and the grandparents who lived here before are also very ordinary old people. They passed away peacefully in the hospital.

The house started to be haunted because Dad received a music box that was brought in for him to be repaired. Ben remembered that it was a rainy evening when a fashionable woman brought the music box to Dad's shop. , She has never appeared since then.

The sound of the music box is very ethereal and pleasant, but the music played by this kind of machine is not as full of emotion as that played by humans, and it will feel uncomfortable after listening to it for a long time.

But that ghost didn't do anything, she just liked to open the music box in the middle of the night, and then the neighbor next door knocked on their door because of neurasthenia, so that Ben didn't want to continue playing with toys in the middle of the night.

The old townhouses in London look good from the outside, but there are various problems when living inside. Poor sound insulation is only one aspect.

Ben's father had warned him several times not to play with the music box again, and Ben swore it wasn't him who did it, but the ghost.

At that time, the whole world was arguing about the family in North London. The neighbors didn't want their lives to be disturbed by the media like the family, so they asked Ben's mother to let him settle down, but Ben kept saying, "It's not me. dry".

Then the situation got worse. The lights in the house often turned on and off by themselves, the furniture would move by itself, and the sound of their dragging disturbed the neighbors, but no one called the police.

According to reports at the time, the family in North London also called the police, but it was useless when the police came, and left after saying, "This is no longer within the jurisdiction of our police."

Neighbors asked Ben what gift he wanted, and as long as he stopped making trouble, he could meet all the conditions he proposed.

Ben says "I didn't do it, it was a ghost", and no one pays any attention to him.

At that time, news about the family was often reported on TV. Some people who claimed to be scholars and experts doubted the authenticity of the photos, thinking that they had carefully planned and forged them.

Then Ben's mother warned Ben not to do bad things again, and not to say that he could see ghosts.

Ben couldn't understand, his parents had always taught him to be an honest person, he could clearly see ghosts, why did he pretend not to?

He didn't want to lie, but everyone around him agreed that he was lying, and only the ghost in the house believed him.

When they received their acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Ben's parents thought he was playing tricks again and locked him up. Ben felt extremely painful, when the ghost told him that Ben's parents were discussing sending him to a "special hospital", so he had a magic riot.

Because this magic riot attracted the nearby Aurors, the Aurors knew that there was such a little wizard. They took him to Diagon Alley to buy things for the new semester, but Ben's luck did not change when he arrived at the new school.

Mary and Lily are girls, they will not be physically harmed, and Ben is often teased by the "Little Death Eaters". Emily chose to fight, but Ben chose to run and hide. Almost headless Nick took him to the secret room, and later Nick introduced Barnaby to him.

Both of them are unlucky, if according to "people with similar backgrounds in life can become bosom friends", then Barnaby and Ben are destined to be friends.

Paul had a father who was similar to Barnaby's father. In his eyes, Paul would never be able to do anything. He was tinkering with dolls all day long and could not take over his studio. He gave all his skills to apprentices.

At the same time, because of their status as refugees, as well as his father's sudden wealth and various scandals, Paul has always been lonely.

He will feel sad when he is a child, but he doesn't care when he grows up. He felt that he, Barnaby and Ben had "smelly similarities". They were different from the people he had met before. They didn't want to be "normal", or to follow the lessons of those around them and become like them. That's why Barnaby and Ben went off to the Forbidden Forest to not "play" with him, and that's why Paul was so angry.

Later, Ben came back and told him that he needed a little help from him. Paul happily agreed. He possessed a small doll made by Ben and manipulated the "big doll" to teach Carter a lesson. , he was almost smashed into a pulp by the troll's mace.

Peeves can "directly" grab things such as chalk and water polo with his hands, but Paul can't. He has to be attached to something. At the same time, he can also control some wooden boxes and barrels and turn them into other objects. A kind of "doll", and "remotely" controlling it is like throwing it by an invisible string.

It was one of Paul's earliest awakenings, when, as a kid, he wanted his music tutor to fuck off because he didn't want to take piano lessons. There happened to be a plaster cast on the shelf, and Paul thought of throwing the governess at it.

But he was still some distance away from the shelf at that time, but he didn't think so much when he was furious, and he didn't feel the abnormality until he calmed down.

When he was a little older, he heard about a meddling witch in the 16th century who wasted her talents on people who didn't matter.

In Paul's view, the way to resist pain is not to transfer it away, but to create "happiness". The more "happiness", the less pain, so he created a "playground" and wanted to find someone to be with him "Play".

However, he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait for anyone to come to his door. Just like a deserted amusement park trying to attract business, "poor Paul" decided to take the initiative. But the boring goblin stuffed some lunatics in tights into his "playground", he didn't like it, so he made a dungeon for the goblins to hold those people, and the "playground" was for playmates.

After listening to Ben's description, Pomona couldn't help but think of a sentence written in the book used for entertainment.

Insane people always have their own rules of conduct.

"Where did he get the 'power' that killed Paul?" Severus asked Ben curiously.

"He didn't mention it much." Ben scratched the back of his head. "He thought the mention of 'death' would be a turnoff."

"What about the people who died because of him?" Pomona asked.

"They have a choice, they don't have to listen to him." Barnaby said tremblingly, "Just like I didn't use the Unforgivable Curse to open the embossed door, he didn't say that you need to use the Unforgivable Curse to open the cave. Carter I thought so."

"I thought he was killed." Severus said, "I didn't expect him to be 'raised to death'."

"Oh, Merlin's beard." Pomona lamented. "How am I going to report to Dumbledore later?"

"Tell the truth," Severus said, "even the truth is hard enough to believe."

"Or you go," Pomona said.

Severus shook his head.

"You let me go alone?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"I need to figure out how to start." Severus cursed "Damn Carter."

If Severus didn't go out today, would Carter do it?

Pomona felt that he would have scruples, but who let this be Albus and his plan to deliberately expose flaws and let Carter act?

Things are often not what they seem, don't be fooled by appearances.

But even if you don't get dazzled by the colorful cover, there are other traps waiting.

If you fight the dragon for too long, you will become a dragon yourself; if you stare at the abyss for too long, the abyss will return the same gaze.

How could the staff of the centaur office of the Ministry of Magic control the scene just now?

But she was the only member of the Ministry of Magic present at the time. The others were either in London or guarding the fortress. What kind of treasure is there? Is it worth the effort?

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