When the moon rose, Mina and I came to the castle newly bought by the Dutch couple. The garden of the castle was full of laurel. I kissed the hostess, which made Mina feel very strange. I know this Pure girls must have never seen this set.

I took her hand, and just as I was about to repeat what I had just done, a man rushed up and shoved me.

They spoke the local dialect, and though I had no idea what they were speaking, it was clear that Mina knew the man.

"For the sake of your life, don't do that!" Mina said to the man, "You go, Alvin."

"I'll keep an eye on you," Alvin said to me, like a ferocious lion.

Mina covered her face, I grabbed her arm, took her to a chair beside me and sat down, I looked at her poorly until her expression became quiet and peaceful again.

Mina told me that Alvin was a gardener who tended the gardens of several nearby castles, and that he had always been in love with her, but that she had only brotherly affection for Alvin.

This skirmish made what should have been a wonderful evening a little bit worse, but to make matters worse, shortly after the concert started, all the wolves started howling.

The guests left the table one after another, and we followed suit. When I got into the carriage, I saw Alvin, and he was staring at me as he said.

I had no other thoughts about Mina, and got into the carriage as usual, when I passed a hill halfway, I saw the figure of a wolf.

They ran very fast and chased the carriage faster than a horse, but they didn't attack us, I could see their glowing eyes in the dark, luckily none of the wolves had eyes like mine the day before It's red as you see it when you get here.


Igor Karkaroff is good at dancing an Eastern European dance, and the Dark Lord often makes him perform at banquets, making this outsider an important member of the Death Eaters.

It took Alastor Moody six months to catch him, but overall the "investment" was well worth it. Karkaroff has confessed to many people in court, not just Barty Crouch Jr. , and August Rookwood, the Reticent Man of the Department of Mysteries, and his network.

"If you name the person who 'hurt' you, they will hurt you once they come out." Severus said to Barnaby who was lying on the hospital bed. In addition, there is actually another person who can be his puppet."

"Ben," said Barnaby softly.

"He's much weaker than you," Severus said, "and unlike you, he has an uncle in the wizarding world, and he only has Muggle parents."

Barnaby was silent.

"So... you know what to do?" Severus said.

Barnaby nodded.

Pomona checked the calendar and realized that this year's summer solstice was actually a full moon.

Then she remembered the Christmas Eve when Sirius and James discovered that the mirror on the fourth floor was abnormal. She looked through the past calendar and found that it happened to be the winter solstice, and it was also a full moon.

There was a knock on the door, and she put the calendar back in the box.

"Come in," she said after sitting down at her desk.

Mrs. Pince came in.

"What's the matter with you, Irma," Pomona asked.

"There is something I have to report to you." Mrs. Pince sat across from Pomona, her voice trembling slightly, "Professor Carter asked me to borrow something a few days ago."


"Toots' borrowing record from his school days," said Mrs. Pince. "I think he's looking for a formula for a rejuvenating and rejuvenating potion."

Pomona looked at Mrs. Pince in surprise.

"It is true that Tootz's rejuvenation agent and rejuvenation agent are not patented, but how does he know that Tootz found them in the school?" Pomona asked.

"How old is Toots this year, how could he invent such a magical potion." Mrs. Pince said.

Pomona had wanted to say that might not be the case, since Severus had also invented the euphoria while he was a student.

But that was an improvement based on the potion formula left by the Prince family.

"How do you know so much?" Pomona asked.

"He promised me a share if he found the recipe," said Mrs. Pince, "but I think he's changed his mind. He's found another way to make money."

"Do you know what it is?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know, but I guess it has something to do with the treasure from the goblin rebellion," Mrs. Pince said.

"Treasure?" Pomona exclaimed.

"The goblins put the treasure in one place, but I just read it in the book." Mrs. Pince said, "The goblins found a maze left by the Blackwood family and put the treasure in it."

"Okay, thanks for telling me that, Irma," Pomona said.

"You're welcome," said Mrs. Pince, and stood up.

"He's not a bad guy." Mrs. Pince said suddenly when she walked to the door.

"You mean, Carter?" Pomona asked.

"He liked school, but he didn't want the Mengertons to win," Mrs. Pince said.

Then she left.

After Mrs. Pince's figure disappeared, Pomona took out the double-sided mirror.


It was a while before his pale face appeared in the mirror.

"I have important news..."

"I've found what Carter was looking for," Severus said. "He wants the formula for the Rejuvenation Potion and the Rejuvenation Potion."

"How do you know?" Pomona asked.

"How do you know?" he asked back.

Pomona decided not to give Mrs. Pince a confession.

"Have you ever heard of Goblin's Treasure?" she asked.

"I've heard of pirate's treasure," he said bitterly.

"I think that's Carter's new target," she said weakly.

He was still simmering the potion, looking intently at the cauldron.

She stared at him in a daze. His regular movement of stirring the potion clockwise and counterclockwise made her enter a state of "fugue wandering", feeling that she was no longer in her office.

The ticking of clocks filled her ears, and a Nutcracker appeared before her, beating a snare drum.

"I found what's important to me, and you found yours?" Henry asked.

He didn't look like an old man with white beard and hair at all, but a child.


She suddenly ended her "fugue wandering" state, like a student caught distracted in class.

"Do you have any fresh mandrakes?" Severus asked.

"Sapling or mature?" Pomona asked.

"Mature," he said.

"I'm going to pick them in the greenhouse," she said, just about to stand up.

"I'll go too." He said, and left with the cauldron in hand.

Pomona hurried to the greenhouse.

In the dark corridor, there seemed to be rustling whispers, which sounded a bit like Parseltongue.

Ben can't understand Parseltongue, can Paul control him like Barnaby?

Maybe Barnaby forgot this, so he was controlled by another snake.

Pomona returned to the greenhouse, but there was no one in the greenhouse with the mandrakes, as if he hadn't come.

She felt an inexplicable fear.

It was a dream, and he was actually dead.

"Pomona!" Snape yelled. "Are you listening to me?"

"Wow~~" she cried like a mandrake.

"What's the matter with you?" He asked patiently.

"I had a dream that you were dead."

"You're like Trelawney too?" he asked sarcastically.

She sobbed for a while before she calmed down.

"I've been searching the North Ford Swamp for a while. There is an abandoned fort on the edge of the swamp. Will you go with me?"

"Is it the summer solstice?" Pomona asked.

"Why did you choose that day?"

"Because it was Sunday," she said casually.

"Okay." He agreed without doubt.

"When did you go to North Ford Swamp?" asked Pomona.

But he has already buckled the double-sided mirror.

It's often said that a full moon drives people crazy, but A Midsummer Night's Dream takes place at a new moon.

So she believed that on the day of the full moon on the summer solstice, the door to another world would open.

Pomona stood up. It was getting hot, and she wanted to take a shower before going to bed.

Although the teacher's bathroom is comfortable, it is too far away. Fortunately, she has a bathtub with cat feet.

At this time, the effect of the compound decoction was almost gone, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

She looks like an illusion in the mirror of Erised in the mirror. Without beauty, no man would love her at all.

It was Albus' hope not to waste his talent.

If no one loves her, she can at least love herself.

Albus heard a local proverb while traveling.

Be humble, for from the dust you are made.

Be noble, for you are from the stars.

Each of us is made up of the stardust left behind after the death of the previous star, and when we die, we will also become part of the stardust.

As she unbuttoned her clothes, she thought, when will she, like Albus, go on a trip?

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