Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 282 Bonfire Night

Severus was a normal person, unlike the last tsar's crown prince, who could be fatal if cut by a knife, but Nagini's bite wound would still bleed.

After the black robe was soaked in blood, it glowed a strange purple in the sunlight.

She didn't know why he was still alive, her brain lost the ability to think, he asked her to follow him, and she said yes without hesitation.

At that time she was no longer the head of Hufflepuff, nor was she a student of Dumbledore the White Wizard, she was just an ordinary woman.

She felt she had him, the green-eyed Lily was far away from them, and she deluded herself into believing that all these years would eventually give him his place in her heart. She was just like Tom Riddle's mother, foolish enough to think that old Riddle would not leave her after having a child.

She no longer judges people by their appearance, why does God still punish her like this?

In the wilderness where there were only two people, they could do whatever they wanted, but deep down she still felt very scared, and her request to him was almost obedient.

It was irrational and demeaning because she wasn't thinking about anything at the time.

It was a dream, and when she woke up from the dream, she had to face the world alone, and because she was a hybrid of magical creatures and humans, she would live a long life, and she couldn't do what Dumbledore did wholeheartedly for the benefit of mankind own all, or like Minerva devoted his life to education.

The white wizard must restrain himself and keep the precepts. Both Minerva and Dumbledore have done a good job, but they have no offspring, and it is difficult to distinguish between love and lust.

Since Mr. Lover loves Lily so much, he shouldn't come to mess with her. She can find a partner outside of school like other teachers. Sirius is so handsome, loyal, warm and hearty, rich and powerful, he is the dream lover in every woman's heart. What's the use of jealousy in Severus, that's what Sirius was born with, after twelve years of hard work, he has achieved something, and he can also choose brides outside of school, even students, Tonks and Lupine are like this It doesn't matter, just wait until she grows up.

The only thing he shouldn't do is to Lily's good friend, a woman who also loves Lily deeply.

Dark wizards are crazy, they do whatever they want, Grindelwald encourages wizards to control their own destiny, stop suppressing their magical instincts, and rule Muggles openly.

If freedom is evil, why would one want it? Hermione even gave it to the house elves at Hogwarts.

Everyone does stupid things when they are teenagers, and when they grow up, they have choices. As a result, he acted in the style of a black wizard in the order of the Phoenix in the white wizard camp, disregarding the overall situation to provoke Sirius, the head of the Black family who will take on important responsibilities after the war; in the Death Eaters of the black wizard camp, he acted in the style of a white wizard , take the overall situation into consideration and not kill Wormtail, the traitor who killed his beloved woman, she really doesn't understand what he is thinking?

The White Wizard and the Dark Lord couldn't figure out who he was loyal to, and as a woman, Pomona couldn't figure out what he loved. She wanted to get rid of him, but if she dared to try this idea, he would die with her.

As for why she is sure that Severus will die if she dies, the unbreakable oath he made, the one who breaks the oath and is punished is her, Bella is very good at torturing people, she will play with her prey like a cat before killing people For a while, Snape betrayed her beloved Dark Lord, her master and lover, she tortured the Longbottoms into "vegetables" with the Cruciatus Curse, and made Neville like a Squib, she would never let go But Snape, who had brought her master to the brink of failure. Because the wands with twin cores can't hurt each other, the Dark Lord changed a wand, he used Lucius Malfoy's, but Lucius' wand was blown up by Harry Potter, so he had to change the wand Elder Wand, Wand of Fate, Wand of Death.

Some people may not believe that Tom Riddle did not pursue the Deathly Hallows like Grindelwald and Dumbledore. He only touched it when he had no choice, that is to say, he dared to cut the soul. Fucking Tom also has a taboo that he doesn't dare to do, which is collecting Deathly Hallows like an old madman and an old fool.

The person Tom is most afraid of is Dumbledore. Some people think it is because of the fear of the greatest white wizard, the fear of darkness for light.

Dumbledore even dared to sacrifice his lover and his own life, what else could he not sacrifice, and only someone like him could instigate underage children to commit suicide.

As for Severus Snape, the teacher who kept saying that he loved Lily and condemned Dumbledore, who had conscience and morality, and would risk his life to protect the children, became an accomplice to assist Dumbledore in completing his plan, because At this point, there is no right or wrong. If Dumbledore's plan is not followed, there will still be a piece of Harry Potter's soul. If the White Wizard is dead, who is still the opponent of the Dark Lord? Kingsley with humanity?

Ollivander once told her that the owner of the birch wand is trustworthy, has powerful and strong magic power, and has clear moral values. Severus has realized that the White Wizard's approach is problematic. But he did it anyway, let Harry die like a raised piglet, and he was on the verge of becoming as great as Dumbledore.

He would not let Draco take risks, and even killed the old fool for Draco, which was completely different from Dumbledore's way of educating Harry to take risks and bravely shoulder his responsibilities.

She couldn't think of any reason why a virtuous person would be replaced by someone who was desperate for victory like Dumbledore. She just wanted to understand why he was still alive. She would use the Resurrection Stone to resurrect him if necessary, but he She wasn't resurrected, so she always thought that she was dreaming, and she didn't need any restraints when dreaming. Who dreams of shame and morality?

She thanked the person who kept him alive, and at the same time hated Hermione Granger. Harry Potter didn't know how to save people because he was lazy. Hermione was capable but refused to save him. She deserved to be punished.

Severus Snape looked suspicious, he was a big villain, but he was not the one who exposed the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. After he died, the misunderstanding was cleared up, and that annoying old bat became a "good guy". He became a Gryffindor Slytherin, so why bother with Sorting? As long as there is no branch, Gryffindor will not be able to blame Slytherin if he gets into trouble in the future. As for who should blame? You can learn from those politicians.

Birch never chooses politicians as masters, but there are two ministers of magic who use birch in history.

One was Eldritch Diggory, who founded the Auror Recruitment Program and promoted the reform of Azkaban, but he died in office.

The other is Evangeline Orpington, who is a good friend of Queen Victoria, and it is rumored that she used magic to intervene in the Crimean War. As a result, the queen was cursed, and the entire European royal family was affected.

Every wizard who holds a birch wand seems to have a sad story once he gets involved with power. She hopes that he will be safe and healthy, and stop being so serious and gloomy.

The fire in the fireplace was burning blazingly, dispelling the chill brought by the coldest night in winter. This time they did not dare to start a fire for fear of disturbing the snowman as they did in XZ.

Draco and Hermione are in the study, just the two of them in the living room, a pile of little birds, snakes and cockroaches coiled at their feet, enjoying the warmth of the fire, it looks bigger than yesterday, without wings Curled up, the colorful feathers are as docile as the scales, and they look very beautiful.

"Do you think she can take it? Harry Potter is out." Severus said lazily, lying on Pomona's lap.

"Hermione's wand is the heart of a dragon. Don't worry, she's fine." Pomona pushed back his curtain-like hair parted in the middle. His skin was not as delicate as when he was a child. This is a picture of a man. The face "is the same as Lily's wand."

"Every time I see Miss Know-it-all raising her hand, I think of Lily. Do you think she approached Slughorn because of Dumbledore's instructions?"

"Maybe she just thought the question was so simple and no one answered, so she couldn't help raising her hand." She bravely pinched Snape's hooked nose, and he immediately laughed.

"what are you doing?"

"I don't know, I just want to do this." She said proudly, "If someone else dares to do this, you will definitely be taught a lesson."

"I remember Cedric's wand was yellow ash, which is said to drive away poisonous snakes and heal snake bites..."

"Don't think about him." Pomona put her finger on his lips. "You are my favorite."

"Can you say that again?" He looked at her expectantly.

"I'm thinking about the day we'll meet again, which seems to happen to be November 5th."

It was a festival of laughter and fireworks, but it commemorated an incident of treason, where the traitor was tortured and tortured to death, and the winners were celebrated.

If it weren't for the conscience of some of the desperadoes who sent an anonymous letter, their plot to blow up the Capitol with explosives would have succeeded, and it would have been another kind of fireworks at that time.

"I noticed it when you went up the steps. No wonder Dumbledore wants to make you a fat woman." He looked into her eyes and said, "Even if you have a bad face, you are still beautiful, senpai."

"Did you send Devil's Web to Baldur to alert the Auror Department of Mysteries?" she asked like a burst of inspiration. "To remind them to step up their vigilance?"

"Smart girl." He smiled and pinched her nose. "Lucius encountered a lot of trouble after he raised his vigilance. He wasted a lot of brains trying to lure those Aurors guarding the Department of Mysteries away."

"How did he do it?"

"Emeline Vance."

"How can you keep playing with him?" Pomona could almost imagine Lucius Malfoy being teased by this real villain. "You are such a wicked wizard, Severus."

"In front of Narcissa, I told her that I betrayed Emmeline, tell me how you feel now?" He sat up, looked her in the eyes and asked.

"I'm mad you killed Emmeline, but I still think you're smart." She suppressed her anger. "You don't expect me to be proud of you."

The praise that he didn't expect made his expectant eyes dim suddenly.

"You've done a very good job with Lupine, you've kept him healthy, I know you'd love the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship, but you've restrained your desire, and that's a creditable thing. "

"Then what reward do I have?" He deliberately kissed her ear and made a loud voice on purpose.

How can a woman say no to such a man?

"Draco is spending the night with us tonight." She lowered her voice. "Shouldn't you be talking to your godson?"

Severus ignored her completely, as if immersed in a dream he knew, his expression very enchanted.

"Ollivander said willow is good at healing, and Lily's wand is," he said as if he were whispering a spell, "but I think beech is actually better at it."

"Why do you say that?"

He smiled mysteriously, put his hand on the back of her head and kissed her lips, the room was so quiet, as if he could hear the sound of men and women arguing through the door, but they were arguing about academic issues related to magic, not Trifles.

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