Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2812 Red Hunger (14)

"Stop it, stop it!"

Liz Stewart said to the two boys who were throwing myrtle with water balloons.

"Go away!" Liz said to Myrtle.

Myrtle looked at Liz as if trying to discern her intentions.

"They've got me trapped!" Myrtle pointed to a clock on the ground. "There's a restraining spell on it, and I can't leave until I break it."

"Mind your own business!" a boy said to Liz.

"Haha, I hit the head and got 10 points," said another boy.

Liz used the explosive spell to destroy the clock.

Myrtle fled into the toilet immediately after being freed.

"That's how we met," Liz said to Pomona and Snape.

They met on the way to Ravenclaw Tower, and Liz was wearing a black dress, which looked like she had attended the ball with Snape. Pomona stood in the middle, looking out of place.

When they came to the hall outside the auditorium, there were already many people, and all the partners who had made an appointment met here.

"Where's your partner?" Pomona asked Liz.

"I've found him," said Snape, but he dragged Pomona away after he had finished speaking.

"Where?" Pomona searched as he staggered along.

When they evacuated to a "safe distance", Pomona, who was hiding behind a sculpture, saw Barnaby wearing the red coat he had worn on the Three Broomsticks last time, and a black shirt underneath, which happened to match Liz's black gift Skirt "pair".

Barnaby was not handsome, but he looked stunning now, and he held a jewel box in his hand.

"He didn't wear the three rings," Pomona told Snape.

"I can see it," he said impatiently.

"Put it on for me!" Liz said to Barnaby.

Barnaby opened the jewelry box and took out a ruby ​​necklace. Liz turned around so that Barnaby could help her put the necklace on.

"Wow," Pomona sighed.

"She doesn't worry about what people think of her?" Snape asked.

"I asked her that question too," Pomona said.

"How did she answer?" Snape asked.

Pomona looked at Liz, who was wearing a black dress and a ruby ​​necklace, and she looked absolutely delighted.

There is a room in the clock tower. This room is usually locked with the picture frame that trapped Phoebe. Pomona asked for the key. After opening the double doors, Barnaby, Ben Cooper , Liz, Bill, and Charlie filed in.

Except for Charlie and Bill, none of them went home for Christmas, and of course they couldn't go home to create happy memories for "calling on God's protection" as Professor Carter said.

"How do you feel?" Pomona asked a few people.

Bill lifted the white cloth covering the furniture, and everyone took a step back to avoid the dust.

"I thought it was a blackboard, but a mirror?" Bill said.

It was a very imposing mirror, reaching as high as the ceiling, with a line engraved on the golden frame.

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Even though it was covered with a cloth, a lot of dust still accumulated on the mirror, making it difficult to see the figure shaking in the mirror. Pomona used a magic wand to cover the white cloth in Bill's hand again.

"You can use it after I clear the things here." Pomona said, "You go first."

The students were a little puzzled, but they left anyway.

After they had crossed the bell tower courtyard and returned to the corridor, Pomona walked up to the mirror.

Next to the mirror were some dusty planetariums and a desk, and Pomona opened a drawer that contained a student file.

Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, sorted into Ravenclaw College on September 1, 1940, died on June 13, 1943.

Followed by Myrtle's school grades and awards.

"I was the Transfiguration professor."

Pomona looked up to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway.

"When Professor Doris is away, I will be a substitute teacher. Those are the ones I used before." Dumbledore said, pointing to the planetariums on the ground.

"This mirror too?" asked Pomona.

Dumbledore walked over to the mirror.

"I told them that the murderer was not Hagrid, and they believed it, because the murderer was Hagrid's pet, and Hagrid was just the owner of the eight-eyed spider." Dumbledore said in a voice full of memories, "But they still broke Hagrid. Grid's wand."

Pomona put the form back.

"I wasted a lot of time in front of this mirror, and then I put all of it in this place, since you want to use this place now, you have to keep it safe, read the words on the mirror upside down, meaning It's the magic mirror that makes you see your deepest, most intense desires, and it's fun, but don't get lost in it."

"What do you see in the mirror?" Pomona asked.

"It's privacy, this mirror doesn't tell us the truth, and you don't have to tell me what you see, but I can tell you that I've seen a lot of wool socks and only the happiest people see themselves ’ said Albus, and left the tower.

Pomona looked in the mirror, and she saw a blurry figure, but she thought it was herself.

"In the middle of winter, I finally knew I had an unbeatable summer," Pomona said.

"What?" Severus asked.

Pomona smiled at him, and walked with the others towards Ravenclaw Tower.

Anyone can enter Ravenclaw's common room by answering the eagle knocker question correctly.

It happened to be June, a not too hot summer, when Newt Scamander arrived in New York with a box of Fantastic Beasts and the Thunderbird rescued in Egypt.

Although Newt is a bit shy and not as good at dealing with people as his brother Theseus, he is not a timid person. He is Liz's imitation object, and she also became friends because of the common "fire crab hobby" with Hagrid. In addition, Muggle newspapers and magazines are everywhere telling how Bill, the richest man in the world, dropped out of Harvard University to start a business. Dropping out of school and taking a break from school are not as big a deal as "the sky is falling" for her.

She's just come out of an unrequited love affair with a ghost, and Barnaby is better than Ben Cooper in every way except for being the "son of the Death Eaters" who gets thrown a dung bomb. Moreover, it is said that black wizards cannot use the guardian spirit. Barnaby's wand can spray out some silver substances. Although he cannot form a physical patron saint, his progress is similar to that of ordinary people.

There was a time when it was popular among students to shoot firecrabs, and Leeds would stop some people from throwing myrtle water bombs. She wants to stop Charlie from training the swallowtail dog to go through the ring of fire. She was always like this, so the nickname "Nose-sniffing Liz" grew up, and no "living" boy invited her at all.

When Pomona and Severus appeared at the entrance of the Ravenclaw lounge, Sybill Trelawney was discussing "Mars" and "Bloodlight" with Sinista, and the air was filled with the smell of burning spices. This is emitted from the large furnace in the center of the Ravenclaw lounge. The upward smoke forms a "curtain", and the image of Mars is projected in the smoke.

"Look, all the teachers are here," Severus said.

Pomona scanned the venue, including Dumbledore, who were chatting and laughing with everyone.

Then he left her alone, without any consciousness of being a "partner".

At this moment, two girls in blue dresses ran up to Pomona holding hands.

"Good evening, Professor!" said a girl.

"It's a great party, isn't it!" another girl said with unspeakable excitement.

Pomona remembered them, they were the ones who asked her to borrow flowers, and she refused.

Although the scene is now covered with flowers.

"Oh, did you ask about these flowers? The dean told us that even flowers are life, and we should cherish them." A girl seemed to see Pomona's confusion and explained to her.

"That's what magic and charms do," said another girl.

They giggled together and left Pomona to greet the other guests.

Pomona was so pissed off that a plate full of punch flew by, and Pomona picked up a glass and drank it down.

Then she walked around, trying to calm the fire in her heart.

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