Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2810 Red Hunger (12)

Liz Stewart was the head of the Hogwarts Weaving Club, and it was she who, not long ago in Irondale, had thrown a net over trolls and pack beasts, tripping them to the ground.

The web was indeed made of silk spun by eight-eyed spiders, but it needed some special treatment after collection in order to make a strong enough "thread".

Web-spinning spiders have slightly more viscous silk than hunting spiders, but they only live for a year, and hunting spiders have less viscous silk, but they can hibernate in burrows and use their silk Block the hole.

Liz took advantage of this habit of spiders to collect spider webs in the Forbidden Forest on cold winter nights. It took her two years to make the last web.

While Pomona doesn't offer flowers for the celestial ball, the girls find other ways, and the weaving club is busy. It was precisely because the preparations for the ball were coming to an end that Liz had time to busy herself with her own affairs, but she was caught by Minerva as soon as she came out.

But what happened to Leeds was just a trivial matter that night.

What should a boy do when he has two girlfriends and they both want to attend the celestial ball?

It turned out to be no need for him to worry, the girls figured it out for themselves and each other's existence, and then they wrestled without using a wand.

The principal will not deal with this kind of thing, and the vice principal is drunk again...

The nightmare is still not over, even for Barnaby, he still has a friend, this boy is a Gryffindor Muggle named Ben Cooper.

He and Barnaby belonged to the same class. When he woke up, the whole world was arguing about a haunted house in North London. It happened that a ghost appeared in Ben's house, and only he could see it. At first his parents thought he was lying, and later they planned to send him to a mental hospital for treatment. He was frightened, and the movement made by the magic riot made the Auror who was acting at that time run over, resulting in the "net" that was set up. The loophole allowed several prisoners to escape.

Although his parents told the neighbors that he went to boarding school, the neighbors still thought that Ben had gone to the madhouse. He may not go back during the short Christmas vacation, but how to spend the long summer vacation is a torment.

It was the time when the persecution of Muggles was at its worst, and the wizarding world was not new and interesting to Ben. He felt that he was stupid, stupid and cowardly, and he was not worthy of Gryffindor. where.

One day he met Barnaby in his "nest", and the two got to know each other.

Mr. Li and Mrs. Li were arrested earlier, and Ben spent the summer vacation of the third grade at Barnaby's house. But at that time, although Mrs. Lee was not there, they were still alive. Hearing the news of their death, Ben was even more nervous than Barnaby. He actually ran from Gryffindor to the door of the Ravenclaw lounge. Nabi didn't come home all night.

When Pomona saw Barnaby again, he appeared in school wearing a Ravenclaw sweater vest, making her almost think that the man in red on the three broomsticks was hers. hallucinations.

The theme of this year's celestial ball is Mars, and no one is required to wear clothes that match the stars, but Barnaby's red can be paired with Ben, who can only wear Gryffindor school robes, but no one wants to see this combination arrived.

The only good news was that Barnaby was back in Potions and that Snape was eating at school again.

Of course, if it had to be classified as "news", it would be that Esmeralda joined the Slytherin girls' gang, and she can often be seen in the corridors with others.

Since that night, Pomona has been in a "floating" state. Maybe one day she, like Professor Binns, will suddenly become a ghost.

"I'm having vertigo, cardiac arrest, and..."

"If you have these symptoms, Dean, I suggest you go to St. Mungo's instead of lying here with me." Madam Pomfrey interrupted Pomona mercilessly as she described her symptoms.

Pomona then "floats" out of the hospital wing and goes to Myrtle's bathroom next door.

The place has been abandoned for a long time, and with the myrtle that always wet the ground, Pomona can do whatever she wants without worrying about being disturbed.

But someone spoke to Myrtle before she did.

"...I know he's a ghost, but he's handsome," Liz said to Myrtle.

"He is handsome indeed, but he is still a ghost," said Myrtle. "Are you going to become a ghost when you die?"

"No." Liz said in panic, "I don't want to die yet."

"Me too, but death came all of a sudden," Myrtle said, wailing. "I'm stuck where I died, and he doesn't even dare to see where he died."

Liz didn't speak for a long time.

"He's not worth your whole life, and life after death, like Barrow, who saw the Cinderella go to another," said Myrtle.

"People? You mean living people?" Liz asked.

"How do I know, I just heard." Myrtle floated to sit above the faucet, showing an ambiguous smile. "I also heard that they were dating on a terrace in Ravenclaw Tower."

"What happened?" Liz asked.

"He has deserted her, and the Cinderella is less trusting than ever, and she won't even come to this ball," said Myrtle.

"She's a Ravenclaw ghost, if she doesn't participate, can other ghosts participate?" Liz asked.

Myrtle thought for a moment, shook her head, and laughed, and went into the pool, splashing everywhere.

"Who are you talking to?" Pomona asked with a smile.

Liz was taken aback.

"I heard you said that the ghosts of Ravenclaw are not participating, are they all ghosts or just the Gray Lady?" asked Pomona.

"Only Gray Lady, by the way, the fat friar wants to ask Peeves..."

"No, the ball was held in the Ravenclaw common room. If he is invited in, he can enter and leave the common room freely in the future." Pomona interrupted Liz, "Remember the Hogwarts kitchen? It was also off-limits to Peeves in the first place."

"I thought scratching that pear was to prevent it from being stolen," Liz said.

"At Hogwarts, you can eat whatever you want, so how can you steal it?" Pomona said, "Even the Gryffindor common room won't let him in."

"But I'm worried that Peeves will hate us for it," Liz said anxiously.

"If you're worried about safety, you can find Baron the Bloody," Pomona said.

"Why is Peeves afraid of Barrow?" Liz asked.

"Because if you mess with someone with blood, you will definitely get into a bloody disaster."

The two looked towards the door together and found Barnaby standing there.

"I read it in a book at home," said Barnaby.

"Really?" Liz asked.

"You guys want to talk about this in the girls' bathroom?" Pomona smiled sweetly.

Liz and Barnaby left together, and after they left, Pomona looked back at the bathroom, wondering if it was her illusion, she seemed to hear a whisper.

"Blood," it said.

"It's really terrible." She said frightenedly, and retreated hastily.

What did she think just now, to be "alone" in such a terrifying place.

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