Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2800 Red Hunger (2)

On the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle there is a tapestry where a troll beats Barnabas with a club, where Charlie, Rowan and Bill wait for Barnaby to come and join them.

Usually, when everyone is in class, there seem to be empty rooms everywhere in the castle. After class, these empty classrooms are occupied by various interest groups, and a few of them will be preempted by others. There is no "private space" at all.

"Here he is." Charlie was the first to spot Barnaby.

"Let's go, you got your consent?" Bill asked Barnaby.

"Did Mom sign it for you? William." Charlie asked Bill with a smile.

"Don't pay attention to him, you can call me Bill." Bill held out his hand to Barnaby.

"Nice to meet you," said Barnaby, taking Bill's hand.

Then they left the castle together for the weekend in Hogsmeade.

"Did they mention nothing else?" Pomona asked Robbie the house-elf.

He shook his head. "Robbie didn't leave the castle. They said they were going to the Three Broomsticks before they got into the carriage."

Pomona thinks this is nothing special, but Bill and Barnaby appearing together on the Three Broomsticks may surprise many people.

Yesterday she was so angry that she had no energy all over her body. She lay down until the afternoon before she had the energy to sit up from the bed.

At a young age, she felt that she needed to retreat like a retired old man.

When Scamander was in New York, all the magical animals in his box ran out. Among them, a poison horned beast ran to the Muggle Zoo and destroyed the wall, causing lions, ostriches and other animals to come out. Fortunately the animals were well fed.

Pomona drank a cup of hot cocoa, which is perfect for this cooling season.

And butterbeer, of course, but she was too lazy to go to Hogsmeade.

Originally, she planned to conduct the trial again at the next full moon, but it seems that there is no need for it now, but Severus will not let Barnaby off so easily. Ravenclaw?

She had expected this weekend to be in a daze, but Minerva came to visit her, and Gryffindor had Quidditch practice before the snow fell.

The athletes were sweating on the brooms, and Pomona was shivering in the stands. She clearly remembered that it was not so cold when she sent Harry away from the wizarding world.

"We were going south, so of course we felt warmer," Minerva said after hearing her complaint.

"But we didn't start from Scotland," Pomona said.

Then Minerva remembered that Godric's Hollow was indeed not in Scotland, but in the wastelands of western England.

"Is Harry, like Barnaby, resistant to the Dark Arts?" Pomona asked Minerva.

"That didn't occur to me either," Minerva said, "and he was a baby."

Pomona recalled "Savior" in diapers.

"I should take a picture," Pomona muttered.

At this time, the Quaffle was passed to Carter. The former Gryffindor captain was still very agile, and after avoiding the interception, he threw the ball into the hoop.

He gets along so well with the students that they actually bump fists with him.

"Has anyone checked on Harry over the years?" Pomona asked.

"Of course not, where he lives is a top secret," Minerva said.

"But you can go and see," Pomona said. "It's Saturday anyway."

Minerva didn't answer.

Pomona was shaking as she watched the athletes practice, and she reckoned only a Gryffindor had the enthusiasm to play Quidditch on Hogsmeade Day.

When she returned to Hufflepuff's lounge, there were really not many people in the dormitory, except for the first and second graders.

Then she noticed Phoebe and Joey in the corner. They were not yet old enough to go to Hogsmeade. Joey tried to talk to Phoebe, but Phoebe was not so willing to talk to her.

Joey looked sad, but Phoebe remained expressionless, as if indifferent to her sister's feelings.

Pomona hesitated, then turned to the Slytherin cellar.

It was cold in the cellar before the snow fell, and Snape couldn't hibernate like a real snake.

She knocked on his office door.

She knocked for a full two minutes before the door opened with a "huh", and Snape looked at her with an unfriendly expression.

"Whether you like it or not, I fixed the fireplace," Pomona said. "It's part of the employee benefits."

He didn't want to talk to her at all, but he didn't close the door either.

So Pomona entered the Potions classroom in a dignified manner.

Fortunately, a fire will be ignited when brewing the potion, at least there is no need to worry about any student freezing to death here.

"Where's your bedroom?" Pomona asked.

He looked at her with terrible eyes, as if he was going to petrify her.

"Where else are you going to put the fireplace?" asked Pomona.

"It's over there," Severus said, casually pointing to where the office was.

Pomona recalled a moment.

Nearly Headless Nick said that the meeting place of the Headless Horseman Club was in the dungeon. She walked into the next door and found that the decoration here was slightly different from the dungeon. The erosion is almost invisible.

The cabinets for potions are placed against the wall, and the bottles and jars with horrible animal carcasses are placed neatly. The Gryffindor dormitory with smelly socks and jerseys just off is a different style.

Of course, the place where the ghost lived did not need a fire, but the weather in Scotland, even indoors, would feel very cold without a fire, and even Snape opened the door for her.

She looked at the clothes on his body. It looked warm in spring and autumn. In winter, it would be better to add a scarf, otherwise the snake would really freeze.

"What are you looking at?" he said unfriendly.

"Don't you think the styles of these two rooms are a bit different." Pomona pointed to the classroom behind Snape and said, "They were originally connected together?"

"I hadn't noticed," Snape said.

In fact, Pomona didn't notice either. The potions classroom and office were connected together when she was studying.

"All revealed." She said the incantation.

A layer of gold powder spread out and fell to every corner of the room, and a circle of golden door frames appeared behind the wall of the medicine cabinet.

Together they removed the medicines from the medicine cabinet along with the cabinet, and Snape cast a spell at the wall, and the stone wall disappeared, revealing the boarded-up fireplace.

Pomona couldn't figure out why a fireplace had to be hidden, but Snape lit the logs, and the fire made her feel much warmer.

"Okay, now you have a fireplace." Pomona clapped her hands. "I'm leaving."

When she was about to turn to leave, someone grabbed her collar from behind.

"And these?" He pointed to the medicine cabinet and herbs that had been set aside to make room for the fireplace.

"Just find a place to put it." Pomona said perfunctorily.

"Where to put it?" He frowned.

Pomona looked around, and there was indeed no place to put it.

"Look next door," said Pomona, making a detour from the Potions classroom.

From the outside, it looks like a whole corridor with paintings on the walls.

Pomona recalled what he saw from the outside during his previous snorkeling, and something seemed wrong.

Under the dome is a square room, but from the outside it looks rectangular, and she tries to connect the two.

"What were you thinking?" he asked.

"How many secrets does this castle have," Pomona said. "What about the 'equipment' you bought?"

He looked at her silently for a while, then took out the tools from the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket.

Pomona picked up a brass "Do you know how this thing works?"

He picks up the tool to teach her, and as they teach and learn, they stumble across a small room.

There was nothing inside, as if it was used to keep out the moisture, but Snape still tapped carefully on the four walls until he found that one wall was actually fake, like the camouflage of Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

They passed through and found a huge space where the pipes of countless fireplaces were concentrated, and a cave of glowworms.

This place should be a bit deep from the ground, and the temperature of the surface does not affect it, even in summer fireflies are still flying.

"Is this the Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets?" Pomona asked.

"So many people have been looking for it for so long, so it's that simple?" Severus asked.

"That's not it, let's go."

But he didn't want to leave, and wanted to continue exploring.

"This place won't run away, and there will be opportunities in the future." Pomona said.

Seeing that he was unmoved, she tugged on his sleeve.

Then they leave this underground world together.

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