Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2794 The sun in the water (6)

Mrs Loris, Filch's cat, used to meow at Snape all the time.

Snape was annoyed by it, and used the Wandless Confusion Charm on it, and it fainted a few times and then hid away after looking at him recently.

"Fix a fireplace before winter comes!" Pomona said to Snape. "Don't think you're young..."

He put on a cold expression and walked away without hearing.

Pomona raised his waist angrily.

"Just wait until you get old and suffer!" She yelled at his back.

"What suffers when you're old?" asked Richard Carter.

"Oh, hi, Carter, what's the matter?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"Here you are," Carter said, handing a piece of paper to Pomona.

"What's this?" Pomona held up the card.

"The Ministry of Magic's Christmas party, I heard from the headmaster that the students are not at school during the Christmas holiday." Carter said, "Or do you have somewhere else to go?"

Pomona was momentarily speechless.

"Keep it, maybe you need it." Carter said, as if he had just sent an insignificant postcard.

Pomona sighed and put the invitation in his pocket.

There is a rumor that Carter left the Ministry of Magic because he embezzled things that should not belong to him. Before he became a genealogist, he was also a "treasure hunter" of Gringotts, and he did not turn in all the things he found. , was fired during the probationary period, but didn't the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts have all kinds of rumors?

The fact that the murderer has not been found is always a hidden danger, not to mention that the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk guarding it have not been found.

The time when the mysterious person had to go back to the dormitory when he was studying was 11:00, but now it was 9:00. A biting chill spread all over her limbs, and she glanced at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

The dungeon is for prisoners, and of course comfort is not considered. Who was Salazar Slytherin trying to imprison when he built the castle dungeon?

The person who betrayed him? Or those who oppose him?

If Dumbledore, like other headmasters, did not allow werewolves and "veela offspring" to enter the school, she would not exist now.

But he was always alone, and now even Severus knew about the bet between the teachers, not to mention that Albus had told Pomona himself that he, too, had loved deeply.

But who is he in love with?

In the history book of Dashabak in Brazil, Dumbledore's photo looks so young, and Grindelwald is standing next to him, who is also young. They don't look like the same person who is now appearing in front of everyone.

Time flies, and the face is easy to age. Beauty does not stay in this time for a long time, but "days" still have to go on.

The place we call home should be a place we want to return to, not a place that creates haze and avoids it.

"Snape definitely did it on purpose," said a Ravenclaw boy passing by. "I told you that Barnaby had a grudge against him."

Pomona found it strange how a student at school had a feud with a former Death Eater.

"He must know the inside story, otherwise how would Snape deduct 20 points for howling in the first Potions class." The Ravenclaw boy said, "He still resisted Snape today."

"I'd do the same thing if I were him," said another Ravenclaw boy in disgust. "That idiot."

"What did he do?" Pomona asked suddenly.

The two Ravenclaw boys looked at her together.

Pomona smiled at the two of them.

Ravenclaw's sixth grade will hold a celestial ball after Halloween and before Christmas. Although this ball is held within Ravenclaw, people from other colleges can be invited to participate. As "partners", two people should wear matching clothes, the style is optional, there are no special requirements, they can wear formal clothes, or fancy clothes, and there is no requirement to match men and women. In a sense, this is related to the canvassing of the president of the student union, and the participants can give speeches at the ball, and of course it can also be seen as a "date".

Barnaby, being a Ravenclaw, of course he's going to have to. That day Snape was teaching them the basics of alchemy, and a note was passed to Barnaby. Before Barnaby could read the contents, Snape had already "summoned" the note, and then loudly Read it out.

"Do you like me? Yes or no, circle your answer."

No one signed who wrote the note, but everyone looked at Esmeraldamuk in unison, and she laughed with another Slytherin girl.

Everyone was embarrassed that Barnaby left without class, and he got himself locked up for it, in the Forbidden Forest.

"Can we go, Professor," asked the two Ravenclaw boys.

Pomona let them go.

Barnaby Lee's family situation is "very" special. His parents raised him as a Death Eater and taught him some cruel spells since he was a child, but Barnaby was unwilling to learn them. Once on Barnaby's birthday, the house elf accidentally rubbed the cake cream on the tablecloth, and Barnaby's father wanted to execute the house elf. But instead of doing it himself, he asked Barnaby to do it, and Barnaby burst into tears, and his father yelled at his son for being weak, and then dumped him to his grandmother.

His grandmother was a loyal supporter of the Dark Lord, and the house was full of dark magic items, which were used as toys to accompany Barnaby growing up. It was also at his grandmother's house that Barnaby met the Dark Lord, and his house-elf followed Barnaby to Hogwarts.

Barnaby was a loner most of the time, like a lot of Ravenclaws, but he was never one to be submissive.

Muck's situation is the opposite of his. She has a very popular older sister who used to be Bella's friend. Her parents love this older sister very much, but they don't care about Esmeralda at all. Only the pet dog at home cares about her. feelings.

At present, this elder sister should be in Azkaban, and Esmeralda prefers to immerse herself in the world of books, and does not want to join the "gang" like her elder sister.

If someone writes a note asking "Do you like me or not", and the note doesn't say who it is, how will the person who receives the note know whether he likes it or not?

Then Pomona went to the hospital wing as usual, and she saw Hagrid as soon as she entered the door, and he almost blocked the whole door.

"Swallow it, you gluttonous dog," said Hagrid, snotting and tearing up.

Pomona looked at the dog in his arms, Fang, which was foaming at the end of his life.

"Don't worry, it ate a mince pie with a sleeping potion," Madam Pomfrey said. "Drink the antidote and you'll be fine."

"Who did it?" Pomona asked.

"Probably a student, it attended a pet party," Madam Pomfrey said.

"Why would someone put a sleep potion in the food at a pet party?" Pomona yelled.

"They are students." Madam Pomfrey said helplessly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Yaya let out a "woof" and woke up.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " said Hagrid holding it affectionately and crying.

Pomona patted Hagrid on the waist, she was just that tall.

After making sure there was nothing else going on in the medical wing, Pomona returned to the conservatory where she was approached by a few girls who wanted flowers for the ball.

For a moment it seemed that the whole school was busy for the dance.

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