Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2792 The sun in the water (4)

It's a new school year and Emily Taylor is back at school.

At the teacher's seat at the opening ceremony, Pomona looked at Emily sitting at the Gryffindor long table with a loss of appetite. She was able to eat calmly regardless of the surrounding atmosphere.

The others were eating with more or less focus on Slughorn's place, which had now been taken by the "new man," another person who could eat with ease at this time.

The new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was sitting next to Felix, the two were caring and talking, and barely ate, while Albus and Minerva toasted to celebrate Hagrid as the forest guard, sitting on the teacher's seat At the table, even though he was seated very far back, Hagrid also raised his wine glass in response.

In short, the opening ceremony and sorting ceremony ended peacefully, except for a boy named Quirrell who was wearing a sorting hat and fell before sitting on a chair to be sorted into Ravenclaw, and there was another boy named Nymphadora. Tonks' disguise Animagus, her hair was changing color before she was sorted into Hufflepuff, and everything else was normal. Then there's Phoebe, who cut her hair over the summer so people could easily tell her apart from her twin sister, Joy.

No matter how similar, there will be differences, even if you don't experience interstellar travel, forming the twin fallacy. Although theoretically the twin who went to Proxima Centauri was younger than the one on Earth, he also missed a lot. After returning to Earth, he has become a stranger.

After washing, Pomona lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling of the four-poster bed in a daze.

After Snape successfully challenged Slughorn with the explosive potion, Pomona appeared in front of him in his true colors, but he was not happy about the long-lost reunion.

His eyes were dull black, there was no expression on his face, and even after that, they didn't speak again.

Then there's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Richard Carter, who went to Gryffindor College in the '60s, worked as a clerk in the Goblin Liaison Office, and later became a genealogist. During the reign of the Mysterious Man, he went abroad for "expedition". It is said that he killed a manticore with his bare hands, and he just returned home recently.

In fact, everyone knows that if a direct member of a certain family becomes extinct, the offshoot can inherit the direct lineage if there is a genealogy to follow, just like the current Black family is a side branch in the 19th century, not a A direct descendant of Themisia Black.

As long as there is an heir, the goblins cannot regard the things in the treasury as their own. Originally, Richard Carter's profession would be very annoying to the goblins, but Richard has a way to make the goblins "happy".

And the mysterious talent doesn't care whether the goblin is happy or not, as long as a pure-blood family asks him for help, he will "give a helping hand" and coerce the goblin to hand over the key to the vault.

As the activities of Death Eaters and black magic gradually converge, clearing up all kinds of dark magic creatures recruited by Death Eaters has become the new goal of the Ministry of Magic, among which the werewolf capture team is the most important.

The Ministry of Magic didn't know Greyback was a werewolf at first, he claimed to be a Muggle bum, and the fact that Greyback had dirty clothes and no wand was enough to make both overworked and ignorant of Muggles The members of the inquest committee believed what Greiberg said. But Lyall Lupine noticed some details, he had a Muggle wife, he was not ignorant of Muggles, and told the committee to keep Greyback locked up until the end of the next full moon.

But just 24 hours later, Lyle, who was usually mild-mannered, became angry when he was ridiculed by colleagues on the committee...

Anyway, the principal warned the freshmen not to go to the Forbidden Forest at the opening ceremony, so she fell asleep with a mess of thoughts in her head.

As a normal human being, Slughorn prefers to live in a house with sunshine. His goal is the office of Professor Dorothy, the last professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who has been teaching for many years. Classrooms are very close.

But his actual residence is in the old potions classroom near the library. Before the 19th century, Hogwarts potions classes were held on the ground. People can accurately tell whether the color of the medicine meets the requirements in the book.

Due to an accident, there was a violent explosion in the Potions classroom. Although no one was injured, some people were worried that the potions would damage the books in the library, so the Potions classroom was moved to the dungeon.

Snape's residence and office were moved to the Potions classroom next to the Slytherin lounge, and his chemical equipment that had been placed in the medical wing was also moved there.

Compared to Slughorn, he is really on call. It's just that after he became a professor, points were deducted at every turn, even Hufflepuff was deducted.

"At first Snape said to deduct 5 points, but Sylvia said, 'It's okay, it's not too much', and then he deducted 10 points." The Pomona prefect said with a sad face, "He stood on the podium Next to it, Sylvia whispered it in the last row, how could he hear it?"

Pomona thinks it's okay, Ravenclaw's Bernaby Lee was deducted 20 points for howling wolves in Potions class, but compared with the points deducted by Gryffindor, these are small numbers.

If the classroom door is not closed properly, two points will be deducted; if the medicinal materials are cut to different sizes, three points will be deducted; if the flask is not cleaned, two points will be deducted; if someone looks too stupid waving a magic wand, two points will be deducted.

The Slytherins laughed triumphantly when they saw this scene, and Gryffindor's angry face "coordinated with each other".

But the "good show" is yet to come.

Richard Carter served as the captain of Quidditch during his school days. He organized the Gryffindor students and planned to give Slytherin a good "competition" in the Quidditch match.

The school does not allow magic to be used on classmates. In the past, Barnaby and Gryffindor boys also used bats in the "competition", but Quidditch can run rampant. One of the purposes of the medical wing is to treat those injured athletes.

So the most important Quidditch players in the college also surrounded the new headmaster. Although Pomona had never seen Snape interested in Quidditch, the match between Slytherin and Gryffindor It has become more and more "watchable".

Hufflepuff values ​​getting along with people more than winning or losing. Pomona couldn't remember which book it was in, but it went something like this, good intentions may be insignificant, but they have amazing power to change us, more powerful than any technology.

We are living in an ice age, and this coldness does not refer to the temperature, but the indifference between people, which started almost like the industrial revolution and has continued until now, making the world today fragmented and shallow.

Perhaps in some people's eyes, only people who don't have the courage of Gryffindors, the wisdom of Ravenclaws and the shrewdness of Slytherin go to Hufflepuff, but Hufflepuff is not a dump.

After going through a summer vacation, no one is going to delve into what happened last school year, but the freshmen are everywhere in groups, and they will never be left alone like Phoebe.

Try to keep the peace and avoid conflict as much as possible, although this characteristic can sometimes seem to be a disadvantage.


Pomona turned her head and saw that it was Hagrid, who was carrying a large wooden bucket full of sticky liquid.

"Going to deliver Frobber slime to the Potions class again?" Pomona asked.

"Of course," said Hagrid happily, "I just said that worm would be useful to keep."

Nobody actually thinks the worm is useful, even though it's one of the few creatures that can be summoned with a wand.

Pomona fried it, and no one ate it on the table. Only Snape thought its slime could be used to make potions, and Hagrid brought it here and there.

"Next time you see a unicorn sharpening its horn, collect some of that powder," Pomona said to Hagrid, looking up.

"Of course, I remember!" said Hagrid cheerfully, and humming, he walked towards the Potions classroom.

Maybe it feels bad to be taken advantage of, but it's probably even worse to be felt worthless.

Pomona scratched the back of her head, Severus hadn't eaten in the school hall for a long time, how was she going to keep him from eating out?

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