Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2790 The sun in the water (2)

Due to the turmoil in the wizarding world of Britain in 1982, he did not participate in the Quidditch World Cup, and this time in 1986 will not be missed again. The Minister for Magic, Millicent Barnold, who once said "I uphold our inalienable right to celebrate", reiterated the incident at a party at the Ministry, where it seemed that everything had been restored to the way it should have been.

Pomona noticed the photo of Damocles Belby, chatting and laughing with Slughorn.

Even if the wolfsbane potion could not stop the werewolves from transforming, it could at least turn them into listless wolves and pass through those few days safely. For this reason, Belby was awarded the Order of Merlin's Order and was eligible to participate in this party.

"Dean!" Graplan shouted from outside the door. "Let's go!"

"Right away," Pomona said, putting down the Daily Prophet and leaving the office in the greenhouse.

Gamekeeper Ogg has retired, and today is going to hold a farewell party in Hogsmeade, which also means that Hagrid has "officially" become the gamekeeper of Hogwarts.

Apollyon Pringle, the former caretaker who kept the swallow-tailed dogs, was fired, although corporal punishment of students was not as banned then as it is now.

The Cruciatus Curse does not cause instant death like the Avada Kedavra, and it has also caused many people to taste the torture of the Cruciatus Curse.

Many parents feel that the hardships they have experienced do not want to happen to their children. The post-war education bill was passed to prohibit corporal punishment. Pringer, who had committed "numerous crimes", was fired. None of them were taken away.

That dog was disgusted by Pringle's domestication. Hagrid, who lacked a dog as his helper, planned to raise it, but it barked when he saw Hagrid, so Kettleburn tied up the dog and raised it. .

Pomona originally planned to invite Snape to go with her, but he declined. Pomona didn't care either, he didn't like "socializing" in the first place.

However, when it came to the three broomsticks in Hogsmeade, since the students had gone home for the summer, adults became the main guests in the bar, and they looked at the Hogwarts teachers with what could be called hostility.

This is a very uncomfortable look, so that Pomona wanted to leave as soon as he went. It was only then that Pomona overheard why the situation just now happened.

Because of Albus Dumbledore's protection, Severus Snape was not tried, although Karkaroff confessed him, and he was still in XZ at the time of the trial.

This is an era of "winners" and "losers". Although the guests in these bars did not join the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors, they did not join the Death Eaters. Now they just need to give the Death Eaters some color. Look, they are also the successful and lucky group.

Who doesn't want to win a game? It’s just that instead of taking a high risk and choosing to stand in line, these people choose to be wise and safe. Americans describe a person as smart and like to use smart, while the British like to use clever, but clever is mostly used for children. Smart has a shrewd meaning. Now it seems that they How "smart" was the original choice.

She didn't even feel that angry after drinking three glasses of cold canyon water, but when the vast majority of people agree, it would be very unwise for you not to pretend to agree with them, or even show your displeasure.

So she chose to remain silent, and returned to school with a full stomach.

On the way back, she passed the Shrieking Shack, which has become a "scenic spot" now, and many people will take pictures outside the cordoned-up cordon, especially at night.

In fact, Sirius and James don't like Peter that much. The one who treats Peter really well is Remus, and Peter also likes Remus. When Remus is not a werewolf and needs to be taken care of, Peter always does what Sirius and James do. Something James didn't want to do.

But once Remus turns into a werewolf, Peter will hide away, his Animagus is even a mouse, and only James and Sirius dare to face Remus.

On June 21, 1977, Sirius and James entered the secret passage behind the mirror, and Peter stayed at the door to remind them at any time, but Peter didn't do that, as usual, he didn't dare.

At this time, Remus returned to the school. After entering the secret passage, he first found James, and then James notified Sirius with the double-sided mirror, and the three of them retreated unscathed.

He joined the Order of the Phoenix like James and Sirius, but where he went after the war is over, I don't know.

Actually she could write him with an owl, but what?

School is just a stage in many people's lives, and no one will never graduate like her.

In the dead of night, when the Polyjuice Potion lost its potency and she regained her half-blood Veela appearance, Pomona jumped into the black lake in her bathing suit.

The moonlight is not as penetrating as the sun's light, but as long as the eyes get used to it, you can see things underwater.

Using some reference at the bottom of the lake, she swam to the Slytherin lounge window and looked in from the outside.

It was summer vacation, and of course there was no one in the lounge, only the huge fireplace was still burning.

Pomona walked backwards, and the fire became smaller and smaller as the distance got farther and farther away, just like the stars in the sky, some of them are stars with a mass larger than the sun, but because they are too far away from the earth, they become smaller and smaller. It was as big as the tip of a needle. When the clouds are too thick or the weather is bad, it can't even be seen at all.

There is one more thing to add to modern civilization, that is, the light on the ground, especially a big city like London, even a star as shining as Sirius will be affected by it.

People don't need the stars so much to determine the time and distinguish the direction like the ancients.

People don't need the romance of the stars, a candlelight dinner is enough.

Pomona had dinner with Sirius, and he didn't feel any difference, probably because he had to perform another mission after eating.

He has always been popular with women, but compared to the appearance of him wearing a leather jacket and riding a flying motorcycle, landing on the scene of the battle like a magic soldier, Pomona still remembers the sunny music classroom and the eyelashes in the sun. The "Boy King" is shining brightly.

The Boy King said: Can "Happy" wear the clothes worn by "Sorrow"?

Just thinking of Sirius in his Azkaban suit made her sick, and she didn't want Severus in that suit either. His handwriting is very good, delicate and neat, much more beautiful than those deliberately large handwriting for the thesis assigned by the teacher.

She didn't want to throw a brilliant man into Azkaban, sent to that place of destruction to be destroyed.

Pomona swam to the surface, bared her head, and looked up at the moon in the sky.

Even though it's the second brightest object in the sky, that doesn't change that it's just a satellite and doesn't shine like a star.

The flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water look elegant and hazy, but they are illusory scenes after all. Both the mirror and the water are cold. But when the sun shines on the mirror, it will not only reflect the glare, but also make the mirror hot. But if multiple mirrors are used to reflect sunlight and change the light path, will the mirrors all become hot?

Pomona swam toward shore, hoping tomorrow would be a fine day so she could do her experiments.

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