Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2786 Spots of Youth (6)

A game called yo-yo is very popular in the Muggle world, and this "ball" was even taken into space by a spaceship as part of the space toy program.

Although it is difficult to understand, Pomona still allows the existence of this kind of ball club, but the members of the club may have to develop this kind of toy by themselves, because Zuko didn't sell it.

The principal's signature is still required to transfer the gold fee. After signing her name, Pomona put the application form in a thick stack of application forms, and then went to the principal's office.

Thanks to Lucius Malfoy's trusteeship, the ex-Death Eater resurfaced in the public eye as an educator after a couple of charity galas.

Compared with the public's opinion of Ludo Bagman in the wizarding world, Pomona's partiality is not worth mentioning at all. Who makes wizards love Quidditch so much?

Thinking of this, she took out an application form. This was her application to replace the brooms used in the Quidditch class at school. They were very old, and there was even the Moon Dream that was used "a century" ago .

This was the seventh time Albus had returned the application and she felt they needed to talk face to face.

She planned to go up the gargoyle spiral staircase on the third floor, so she had to pass the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and when she passed by, she heard it was very lively inside.

"...178, 179, 180..."

The children were counting, and a Gryffindor girl was holding up her wand to "stab" the flying bats in the classroom one by one.

Pomona couldn't help but stop.

That girl actually used "stunning ground", but it's rare to have a hand as fast as hers, just like what she held in her hand was not a wand, but a thorny sword.

"...201, 202, 203, no more!" The girls clapped and screamed, "You're awesome, Taylor."

Emily Taylor smiled proudly and confidently, looking at the "corpses" of bats all over the floor.

In fact, they are not dead, and they can still be seen twitching occasionally, but with the size of these bats, they are almost dead after being "stunned".

"Great!" Patricia Linnaeus was also applauding. "Even in Durmstrang, there are very few students who can do what you do."

"What's his record?" Emily Taylor asked Patricia.

"310, but he, like you, holds that record because the bat is gone."

"Then you remember to catch more bats next time, and I can break his record." Emily Taylor said.

"Who's the record holder?" Gerald Rohart, a Ravenclaw graduate who had been in this classroom for some reason, asked Patricia.

Patricia looked at the people around her.

"Gellert Grindelwald," she said suddenly in a menacing tone.

A few people were really startled, but Pomona guessed it was because of Patricia's expression, and they were standing too close, most of them didn't react.

After all, Gellert Grindelwald is already part of "history", even though he is still "imprisoned" in Nurmengard.

"Oh, hi, Pomona, why are you here?" Patricia noticed Pomona standing at the door and greeted her.

The "Duel Club" is currently the second most popular club, although Patricia Linnaeus doesn't think it should be called that.

Patricia combined her adventure experience with Durmstrang's compulsory course, martial magic art, and the children in the club seemed to experience Patricia's experience in the ancient tomb adventures.

This club is difficult to get into, at least not like Magic Yoyo.

"Just passing by." Pomona raised the application form in his hand. "There are many documents that need to be signed by the principal."

"Oh, wait." Rohart said suddenly, "Excuse me."

Then he dragged Pomona out of the classroom.

"What?" Pomona asked inexplicably.

"I want to ask, are the birds and snakes in Hogwarts still healthy?" Rohart said with a smile, showing his snow-white teeth.

"You want to make shampoo out of bird snake egg yolk again?" Pomona said coldly.

"Of course not, I just say hello to them." Rohart laughed nonchalantly. "Of course, if there are suitable bird snake eggs, that would be great."

"There are no birds and snake eggs, and the graduates must leave before the castle is locked!" Pomona said fiercely, and then walked towards the gargoyle without looking back.

"Ice cream candied pear." She said the password, and then the stairs started to move, and she quickly jumped up.

She stood on the steps and looked up, the sunlight shot into the well, changing rapidly like a time-lapse photography, and the stairs were also spinning, she felt extremely dizzy.

When the stairs reached the top floor, Pomona swayed as it stopped, barely standing.

Someone gave her a hand.

"Thank you." She said subconsciously, and happened to meet a pair of black eyes.

Snape let go of her grip and strode down the other staircase, the wind from the castle tower billowing his cloak into a black sail.

She slowed down for a while, and then walked to the principal's office with tired steps.

It seemed that Snape hadn't closed the door properly when he left. Pomona pushed the door lightly and it opened. Albus was standing by the Pensieve, ecstatically looking at the "reflection" in the basin.

"Ahem." Pomona coughed twice, and Albus woke up.

"Welcome." Albus said with a smile in a good mood, "What did you bring me this time?"

She remembered the first time she took the application form and nervously handed it to him to sign. Dumbledore was serious at first, but he immediately laughed when he saw the Mouse Race Club.

"Look for yourself." Pomona handed him the stack of application forms.

While looking at the pile of application forms, the old fool moved to the desk, and he even picked up the candy given to him by the students.

This good mood lasted until he saw "that" application form.

Pomona deliberately pretended to be ignorant and looked at the principal's office. Most of the portraits of the principal were pretending to be asleep.

"Can you explain?" Albus put the application form that had been returned seven times, and this time it should be the eighth time, on the desk.

"The teaching aids in the school are very old, even if Mrs. Hodge didn't say anything..."

"Do you know how many Quidditch players from each house can have their own broom?" Albus interrupted Pomona.

"I know brooms are expensive, but if you think about it, if someone gets hurt in class..."

"They can go to the medical wing," said Albus. "You can add to the budget for the medical wing."

Yes, potion makers could be paid for with an additional budget, but that's not what Pomona was trying to express.

"Children grow up without being injured." Albus said calmly, "What's more, with potions, no scars will be left."

"What if they fall from a high place?" said Pomona. "Even a wizard would die from it."

"Do you want me to teach you 'deceleration and shock absorption'?" Albus asked.

Pomona was offended, but she said nothing and took the application away.

Look, Dumbledore is such an abominable grandpa, he can't even satisfy such a small request of a child.

"I remember Harry had a toy broomstick that James bought for him, and he was only one year old," said Albus. "He could ride pretty well at that young age."

After a few seconds of silence, Albus continued, "Even magic can't do things. We can't bring back loved ones who have passed away, and we can't bring back the original life, so we need to do something before we take action." Think carefully."

"Did you fly on a broom?" asked Pomona.

Albus looked at her with blue eyes.

"I understand the feeling of wanting nothing." Dumbledore said, "There are too few perfect things, and it is human nature not to have everything you want."

"What about people who get what they want?" Pomona said. "Are they the lucky ones?"

"Focus on what you have," said Albus. "You'll find you have a lot."

Pomona didn't think he would understand.

"Young people don't know what old people think or how they feel, but if they think that old people have forgotten what it was like to be young, they are very wrong." Si said, "I once loved deeply."

"And who do you love?" asked Pomona.

"I think a good night's sleep will allow you to think clearly about what happened tonight, as I am going to do now." Albus stood up and said with a smile, "Maybe I'll forget about it when I get up tomorrow." gone."

"How can I forget this?" Pomona looked down at the application form in his hand.

It didn't know when it turned into a white rose.

"I don't know what your favorite flower is, so I'll give you mine," said Albus.

"You don't like roses," Pomona said. "You just think girls like roses."

Albus smiled.

"Good night, Headmaster," said Pomona, and left the headmaster's office with a rose, respecting Dumbledore's "old man's routine."

But when she walked out of the principal's office, she found that the moon had already hung high.

She was even more confused, she clearly remembered seeing the students in their after-school activities just now.

But Pomona didn't think too much, and returned along the same path. When the spiral staircase reached the third floor, there were several teachers standing at the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. They were arguing with Patricia.

Later, Patricia simply closed the door and stopped talking to colleagues outside.

"I said she wouldn't pay it back," Kettleburn said.

"That's the earring my dad gave me!" Sinista angrily wrenched free of Kettleburn's fake hand.

"And my vase, which was left by my great-grandmother," Trelawney said.

Taking advantage of these people not being noticed, Pomona returned to the lounge by another way.

She estimated that no one would listen at this time, as long as there is no proof of guilt, it is innocent.

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