After casting the Muggle Repelling Charm on the house and keeping it safe, Pomona returned to the house.

The Ministry of Magic requires that the Floo Network must be established through the Floo Network Administration, but in order to prevent the invasion of the Hogwarts fireplace and the Floo Network are disconnected, and only in special cases will the link be established through the Ministry of Magic.

At the same time, the Floo network in the school was connected, and Dean Slytherin's fireplace with spider webs was also connected to the campus network. Borginbock is not a public place like the Leaky Cauldron. Some of the things he sells are not so flashy. His fireplace covered in cobwebs is like the Hogwarts campus network, which is only open to a few people, Arthur It's never a good thing that The Burrow is linked to it.

The house on Guihua Street was originally connected to the fireplace of the Order of the Phoenix, and Severus used this as a link to connect Godrick's villa to it. This kind of Floo network is not as extensive as the Floo network of the Ministry of Magic, and even if you mispronounce it because of smoke inhalation, it will not be teleported to unknown places.

In the 19th century, there was a serious mistransmission. After a quarrel with her husband Albert, the witch Violet Diliman jumped into the fire in the living room and cried while choking and hiccupping. Wanted to go back to her mother's house, and a few weeks later his husband realized she was missing, put up a missing person notice in the Daily Prophet, and no one seemed to know where she was, or which fireplace she had come out of.

Months after Violet went missing, people started to fear using the Floo network, fearing that they, too, would disappear into thin air. But as time passed, people's memories of Violet gradually faded, and no one else disappeared, so the magical society gradually began to use the Floo Network.

When Violet Diliman reappeared many years later, Albert had died. Violet does not appear in the fireplace at her mother's house, but in the fireplace at Myron Ozerhouse's, due to not saying her destination in the correct way when using the Floo network. Myron Ozerhouse, a handsome wizard living in Bury-St Edmunds, fell in love with Violet at first sight when he appeared in the fireplace, even though Violet's face was tear-stained and stained. ashes. Since then, Myron, Violet and their seven children have lived a happy life.

If you don't understand the details, the transmission after Harry mispronounced the address will be regarded as a wrong transmission of the Ministry of Magic's Floo network, which is not a big deal, but everyone has their own social network, not all the way. People can't play together.

Bojinbok only establishes a Floo network with regular customers and long-term partners. If he is connected to the Floo network of the Ministry of Magic, then thieves from anywhere can sneak into his shop and steal his valuables. commodity. Maybe Arthur had broken that link after that wrong teleportation, but the testimony of Harry and Hagrid could prove whether he was guilty.

The current Ministry of Magic's Executive Department is in this style, as long as there is a little thing related to black magic, it will be punished. The owner of Honeydukes just sold candy to Voldemort. Voldemort used candy as a bribe to make Slughorn tell the secret of the Horcrux, and he was almost sentenced to Azkaban. It sounds like the owner of the store is a heinous person. If Voldemort hadn't succeeded in bribing Slughorn, he wouldn't have told the secret of the Horcrux, and Voldemort wouldn't have been resurrected again.

"Which battlefield did you go to?" Severus asked just after returning to the living room, "Dandy or York?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said wearily.

"It's amazing, now you don't want to chat." He waved his hands with an incredible look. "Now I want to 'chat', answer my question."

They had been so busy kissing for the past six years that their mouths couldn't do anything else, and she missed that time so much.

But now she really wasn't in that mood. The flashes from the wand that day were like a meteor shower, covering the entire sky. If it wasn't for the owls that blocked the death curse for her, she might not be standing here alive.

"There are many people protecting me, Severus." It took her a long time to come up with the answer.

Nobody believed a giant could take care of a baby, not even Death Eaters, and Hagrid, on a rumbling speed bike, left him alone after a while of chasing him.

Hogwarts was the focus of defense by the Death Eaters, and fierce battles took place in Yorkshire and the port city of Dundee leading to the north.

The same is true for Kent in the south. The bonfire night originally held on November 5 was held in advance, and there are raging flames everywhere. Relatively speaking, the southwest is much more peaceful. Voldemort had just made a fuss in Godric, and Harry had just picked it up from that direction, who would have thought that he would be taken back the same way.

The broom used for long-distance flying will consume a lot of mana for the user, and riding a Thestral can save mana for the next battle. Sirius' flying bike doesn't consume mana, it's just as big as Tobias' Harley. Expensive things are good, and after fulfilling their mission, it was stored in the garage on Guihua Street for seventeen years. It came in handy when Harry was moved away, but Harry couldn't be held in Hagrid's arms like before. In it, it was added a sidebar.

"Why both you and Sirius are like the little hooligans who joined the society." Pomona couldn't help complaining that good girls are always easily attracted to bad boys, and now whether it's Severus Snape or Sirius Blake is liked by a large group of women, and he really answered that famous saying.

"I grew up, he didn't, I quit, whether it's Death Eaters or the Order of the Phoenix, but he wants to make a difference in the Order of the Phoenix." Severus looked around the house full of Gryffindor style, "I I thought he would live in Black's old house, but he was obviously unexpected, if it wasn't for Miss Know-It-All, how long would you keep it from me?"

"You broke through, Severus!" Pomona couldn't help shouting. "This is no longer a moral issue about opening letters privately."

"Oh, my dear Slughorn broke into the Muggle's house like Dumbledore, so they are innocent?" He immediately said sarcastically, "And you, what are you doing at the Muggle's house? "

Pomona suddenly realized a fact.

She's a housebreaker, too.

"I don't want to be like an old fool, becoming enemies with the one I love. Both you and the Dark Lord are good at reading people's hearts, but he took a fancy to others' weaknesses and tortured them with illusions. You are looking at the good things in others. The white wizard uses the kindness in human nature to let others do things for him, don't imitate him, Pomona." He said very tiredly, "Why don't you do whatever you want, but use your brain to think, your heart will soon be like a rock. It's like a pie cracked your teeth."

Petunia also has her own difficulties. She must keep the secret, and prevent Harry from showing "unusual" magical talents under the watchful eyes of so many prying neighbors, causing suspicion and comments from others.

The last thing Harry Potter needs in the Muggle world is fame, especially when people are looking for him everywhere and want to kill him while he is still young, a woman must harden her heart and put Lily and James together. And the magical world she had longed for was excluded from Harry's life.

She didn't allow Harry to ask any questions about his family, and she never went to Lily's grave to mourn. The safety of the family was more important than anything else, and years of pretending to be "normal" had hardened her heart.

It is much more reasonable and reasonable to give a baby who is waiting to be fed to grandparents than to a sister. After the parents die, the property is divided, and brothers and sisters will turn against each other. It is often played like that in Muggle soap operas. Why should she take care of the son of a sister who has severed ties with her? Woolen cloth?

But Petunia also had a soft spot in her heart. She accepted Harry who was still wrapped in a blanket. Although she couldn't treat him as her own, at least she didn't let him grow up in an orphanage like Tom.

She did still care about Lily, but this emotion was covered up by jealousy and resentment, because Lily caused troubles and Petunia couldn't even see her parents.

The only relatives who would come and go with the Dursleys were the Fernons. When Maggie wentssiping about Lily, Petunia had to pretend she was a woman from the Dursleys.

What woman doesn't want her husband to be a handsome and personable legend. Fat Fernon really had a hard time getting women to dream about him, and now she had a hooked nose, far less than Sirius' handsome Severus.

A strong and strong body was hidden under the wide cloak, and the black clothes would give people the illusion of being entangled and thin. It is already very good for a man in his forties to maintain this figure.

"I like silver more than gold." She said dryly. "Can you make some fake silver Sickle as a communication tool?"

He looked at her in bewilderment "What are you thinking?"

"I'm just telling you what's on my mind. The sword of Gryffindor is made of silver by goblins, and Slytherin is also decorated with silver." She pursed her lower lip nervously. "The Patronus is also silver." It is made of fog, so I like silver."

His black eyes watched her.

"We usually mix potatoes with sauce, how about we mix rice with sauce this time?" She walked over, lowered her head and whispered softly, "It's the same as what we ate at the camp in XZ. "

She took his hand and stroked the back of his hand. "At that time, our performance was very poor, and wizards in other countries thought we were nothing."

"What did Dumbledore teach you later?" Severus asked in a low voice.

"Fireball, and he apologized to me." She opened her arms and threw herself into the arms of the dark wizard "He said he shouldn't have put me in such a dangerous situation. When Dante was attacked, I just wanted to hurry up." Run away, there are many people blocking my way."

"How do you deal with them?" he said in a cello-like voice.

"A magical Mediterranean plant, similar to a sea anemone, but a plant that can secrete venom but does little harm to humans, except that it will grab living creatures that approach with its tentacles and eat them."

"Sounds terrible," he said falsely.

"It likes warm sea water. The water in Dundee is too cold, and it didn't take long for it to die." She stroked the potions professor's chest. "Can you warm me up?"

"You don't want to chat with me?"

"I want to hear your voice. This problem is really difficult to solve."

"I have an idea," he said, smiling, "as long as you stop talking to me about the war."

"I'll do my best," she said seriously.

"Well, how about we talk about poetry? You like William Blake?"

"how do you know?"

"Longbottom told me you wanted him to be a tiger," he said, kissing her on the lips. "He's so forgetful that he memorized the poem, but I hope you don't teach him the anima." Gus, I hate Animagus."

"Do you hate Minerva?" she pouted.

"Let's continue talking about Longbottom. He is a tiger in your eyes. What am I?"

"You're a Cerberus," she said like mad. "The wound Nagini gave you was like a collar."

"You think this scar is cute?" The Potions Professor's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I've changed my mind." She hooked his neck and kissed his thin lips.

Malfoy's family training, sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing to say everything.

She should really learn how to shut up.

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