Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2764 Song of the Swan (12)

"Lily and Snape sat in the tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..."

From the other side of the dirty creek the girls' songs sounded full of joy.

"Ignore them, Sev." Lily smiled indifferently, "Let's continue."

Looking away, there was a book of fairy tales on the boy's lap.

Pomona lowered his wand.

"Continue." The boy in the Slytherin school robe said with a pale face, his face was covered with sweat, and there was a painful expression between his brows.

"Take a break." Pomona said wearily, "Legilitimization is also very tiring."

Only then did he relax, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling of the greenhouse.

Pomona mixed the demulcent into pumpkin juice and handed it to him.

"I hate that story," Snape said old-fashioned, without taking the pumpkin juice.

"Which story?" Pomona asked.

"Fountain of Luck," said Snape.

Pomona shrugged.

"You don't ask why?" Snape asked.

"I also find it boring. Every Christmas is the same drama, even if the actors are changed, there is nothing new."

"That knight is useless." Snape sneered.

Pomona knew a little about "Sev" and James Potter's festivities. It seems that James said on the train that he wanted to enter Gryffindor College as a knight or something.

James, too, finds "Snotlite" unreasonable.

Their conflict isn't all about red-haired Lily.

Pomona took another sip of the pumpkin juice.

After seeing so many of Snape's dim memories, it wasn't hard for her to understand why he liked Lily.

She was like the flame in his life, not only bringing light and warmth, but also refreshing the smoky place, even the riverside where they used to stay with dead trees was purified.

He only had Lily in his eyes, and he didn't notice the garbage and the smelly river at all. Lily listened to him all the time, and imagined together their life after they entered Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at the age of 11.

"Are you jealous?"

she heard a voice say.

She felt angry, but not because she was jealous of some redhead.

At this time, she found a man covered in black standing behind the young Snape, who looked like a tall shadow.

"Get out!" she yelled angrily.

Then the moonlit greenhouse disappeared, replaced by a raging fire.

She was in a daze, and found herself falling from the sofa to the ground, not far from the fireplace in the office.

Even with the fire, she still felt cold, and she curled herself into a ball.

The Fountain of Fortune stopped performing before Severus and the others enrolled, and Professor Kettleburn just finished his probationary period, and the exploding ash snake made him "probationary" again.

She never knew why she rehearsed this play as a pantomime. She believed that most people are still used to lively music and "sound" stories with lines. Until Albus once mentioned at dinner that the movies of his youth were silent, and to young people they were like "prehistoric artifacts".


She said softly, it seems that in people's impression, knights have to ride horses, even if they are skinny horses like the knights in the Fountain of Fortune and Don Quixote.

Horseman is cavalry relative to infantry without horses, but they are not knights.

During Harry's first year at school, Minerva set up a gargoyle chess game in which Ron became a "knight" on a black stone horse. Both Hermione's "Rook" and Harry's "Bishop" are under his command.


The tarot cards in the corner did not fly over as she expected, they fell in front of her like fallen leaves.

The first thing to fall into her palm was the King of Swords, who was wearing the same red cloak as the Knight of Swords and held a long sword in his hand.

He sat on a stone chair carved with a butterfly like the saddle of a Knight of Swords.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Pomona.

The door of the office opened, and a dark figure walked in.

"Professor, the giant is looking for you," Filch said from the door, where his cat, Mrs. Norris, was staring at Pomona with bright red eyes.

"Please call him Professor," Pomona corrected. "Hagrid is already Professor of Care of Fantastic Beasts at Hogwarts."

"I have brought the news. The gate of the castle is open. Let's go, Mrs. Norris."

Mrs. Norris turned around and left, and even ignoring the ugly appearance of the cat, Pomona had to admit that it was a nasty cat.

Pomona stood up from the floor, put the sword king in his hand on the low table, then took the cloak of invisibility, turned it to the inner side, and left the castle by night.

It had just rained, and the grass was still wet. The hem of her robe was wet with dew, and the Quidditch pitch not far away was shrouded in mist.

A tall woman stood out because she was wearing white robes, and beside her stood a slightly shorter man, obviously Hagrid.

They seemed to be talking, and when Pomona got closer, it wasn't just the two of them, but Albus, Ludo Bagman, Minerva, Moody, and when she got closer, she saw Felicity. .

"Ha, you're finally here!" Ludo Bagman laughed, "Come on, let's go in and see what the maze is like?"

"Where's Karkaroff?" Pomona asked the principals.

"I don't know." Madame Maxime looked at Albus "Did you see him?"

"I think Principal Karkaroff has other things to worry about, let's start." Albus said with a smile, and entered the maze with everyone.

The faint blue light of the Goblet of Fire can be seen even in the fog. There are many small flames around it, all of which are emitted by the newly sprouted fire bushes. It looks like the moon and stars in the starry sky.

They arrived in no time, as there were no hedges to hinder them. The "water room" that was originally the core of power has been transformed into a fountain. This is Albus's proposal, so it looks more like a garden.

"Here we are," said Hagrid. "Let's get started."

"Wait." Pomona said while handing a few red stars to everyone present. "Please remember, you must bring it with you when you enter the maze."

"What's this for?" Ludo Bagman asked perplexedly holding it.

"For safety." Madam Maxim conjured up a brooch and pinned the red star on her clothes.

Ludo Bagman saw that Dumbledore also turned the star into a necklace and hung it around his neck, so he also pinned the star to the whistle on his chest.

After everyone put their stars on, Pomona took out his pocket watch.

The dream potion must be drunk "simultaneously". They agreed on a time of 9:45. Although the more ideal time is 11:00, it was too late, and it would not only affect Filch's ability to close the castle door. Instead, it will wake up sleeping people.

At this time, the people in the castle are still active, focusing on their own lives, and they don't care about the "no one" Quidditch pitch.

When the time came, Pomona poured the potion into the fountain.

It didn't dissolve in the water, or be diluted by it, but stretched out in all directions like a band of red light floating on the water's surface.

The tinder bushes that Hagrid sprinkled on the ground had just begun to germinate. Originally, they only produced candle-like flames. When the red light stream flowed through, those flames began to go out automatically without wind, and seemed to be extinguished.

"It's not the wind." Fei Liwei looked around. "The fog hasn't changed."

Others looked around too.

Pomona couldn't help feeling worried, and looked at his watch again, did the intern pour the medicine into the Goblet of Fire?

The flame that was about to go out gradually began to burn, became more and more prosperous, and finally turned into a big fire.

Just as Pomona was about to use the Extinguishing Charm, Albus took out his wand, and the out-of-control fire turned into a firespout and shot straight into the sky.

There were bursts of thunder in the cumulonimbus arranged by Fei Liwei, and then a bolt of lightning suddenly hit the fire tornado.

The fire tornado "shattered" and turned into butterflies or birds, which slowly fell to the ground.

Then the blue flames in the trophy suddenly turned red and spewed out a red flame, just like when it spit out the champion's note. It was connected with those "ashes", and by the time it landed, the red fire had turned blue, and then went out one by one.

"Congratulations." Felix looked at Pomona, "You succeeded."

Pomona felt as though he were dreaming, when Albus lit the hall candles, which took the fog away, and then he took out the extinguisher as promised to suck the light away.

"Next, it's your turn," Minerva said to Hagrid.

"I won't let you down." Hagrid said cheerfully, and Madam Maxime stood aside reservedly, without even looking at Hagrid.

"Let's go." Albus put away the extinguisher and led the crowd to leave.

Before leaving, Pomona glanced at the fountain behind her. If she had the opportunity in the future, she must go to that cave to explore and see where the spring water came from.

If someone found the spring of the Fountain of Good Luck, would he and the whole kingdom wait for the garden to open on the summer solstice?

That garden must have been artificially arranged. When the four of them came to the river, there was a stone in the depths of the clear river, with a line on it: Give me your past wealth.

Using a magic wand, Amata pulled out the happy memories spent with her vanished lover from her mind, and threw them into the flowing river. It is a kind of happiness to be able to get rid of such a ruthless person.

The antidote for the Love Potion is not the Hatred Potion. If you drink the Hatred Potion and use the Love Potion to cure it, you will become obsessed with the other party.

According to Pomona, food brings happiness.

Severus believed that power brought happiness.

Now there is a Muggle who says that it is a kind of happiness to be able to give full play to one's talents.

When he was a lieutenant, he only had 85 francs with him, and he took his 13-year-old brother with him. This money was needed for food and clothing for the two of them, and for the younger brother to study.

At this time, the Lyon Academy of Sciences was holding a prize for essays, with a prize of up to 1,200 francs. The title was "What situations and feelings make people happy."

"I am the best at this problem." He once thought proudly, but the bonus did not fall into his pocket.

In his article, he praised the Spartans, thinking that strong is good, weak means evil, and a truly great man is like a shooting star, burning himself to light up the earth.

But unfortunately, she is not a woman obsessed with the strong, and bullying the weak is not acceptable to her.

Moths to a flame are foolish, but they follow the light.

A butterfly is fragile, but when it flaps its wings, maybe nothing happens, maybe it can really cause a storm.

"Ma'am, are you looking for me?" Figel asked.

Georgiana had just finished her bath and was wearing a very flimsy bathrobe.

"I have a task for you." She put down the book she was reading.

"What mission?" Figel asked.

"Take one of those recruits from Fontainebleau, put him in women's clothes, and bring him to me," said Georgiana, laughing.

Figel was shocked.

She recently discovered that men are too tall for women, have too big a frame, and have beards and Adam's apples, and no matter how clean the beard is, there will be stubble.

On the contrary, he is a teenager, his beard has not grown, and his Adam's apple is not obvious, so he is very suitable for dressing up as a woman.

"Is there a problem?" Georgiana asked.

"No." Figel replied dumbfounded.

"Then you go." She smiled easily, and then began to read again.

She guessed that some people would get it wrong, but secret missions required smart brains and resourcefulness, and she hadn't forgotten about sneaking into the Halep convent.

According to Scamander, Mataggot, who guards the French Ministry of Magic, is usually in the state of a black cat and will send messages like an owl. If someone is particularly friendly to it, it will also become an ordinary cat. If in the Muggle world Will disguise itself as a cat, and will split if anyone attacks it.

Severus had asked her, was he inferior to a cat?

Maybe the answer is indeed so, she is tired of raising abandoned pets for others, it's time to get her own pet.

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