Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2758 Song of the Swan (6)

Valmont died, the cause of his death was a duel with a knight who was in love with Lady Meady. However, before he died, he handed over the letters between himself and Mrs. Meadow, and these letters spread throughout Paris after Vermont's death.

The people were so shocked, there was a lot of noise, but no one was willing to speak up for her, so Mrs. Mayday had to live in the country for a while.

When the wind had passed, or she thought it had passed, she was back in society again, but in a very different way from when she had left.

One day, when Mrs. Meadow went to the Italian theater to listen to the opera as usual, she had a box there, but no man dared to enter it.

During the break in the play, the female relatives were all chatting in the small living room. They chatted very enthusiastically at first, and then suddenly became quiet when Mrs. May Dai appeared. At that time, she didn't realize that they were talking about herself.

Immediately after she saw an empty seat to sit down, all the women sitting in that row stood up, leaving her sitting there alone. This obvious move drew applause from all the men present, the murmurs grew louder, and finally turned into boos.

Mrs. Mayday's situation reminded Pomona of the beginning of La Traviata. When the writer entered the bedroom of the woman who was full of storms, all the women who had been visiting the bedroom came out.

Pomona closed the book in her hand.

In her hand is another novel written by Oscar Wilde. The protagonist of the story, Dorian Gray, is actually very similar to Valmont.

Dorian Gray followed the persuasion of his "friend" Henry to give up his marriage with the actress and continued to play in the world.

However, Valmont was provoked by Mrs. May Dai. For the so-called "victory", he really abandoned the dean's wife, proving that he is still the master of love.

What do you want for yourself, and what do other people tell you, "you want"?

This kind of fool not only harmed themselves, but also hurt others. They all deliberately played a role. Women had to see through their thick camouflage, and it was not so easy not to be deceived by them.

But the wizards would rather condemn the Twelve Trees of Dorcas than Bartholomew. If people in the eighteenth century had to move because of Dorcas' talkativeness, causing trouble for themselves, what about people two hundred years later?

So this question is unsolvable.

There are many more talented people than Neville Longbottom, but they lack the same determination as Neville, willing to get hurt for a good grade in a class.

The same is true for Harry, it's just a school competition, why bother to work so hard?

Talent and determination were essential, and if one day she had to leave, she wanted Neville to look after her greenhouse.

So she took out her quill and parchment, and thought of how to write Toots back to reject him.

He had enough, not only had his own radio station, but was so rich, why would he want it?

In the past, she thought Tootz invented the resuscitation agent and rejuvenation agent, but it turned out that she only read it from ancient books. No wonder he didn't dare to sue Severus Snape for infringement.

If he dared to sue, the investigation would reveal that he himself was the real infringer, and the target of his plagiarism happened to be the Prince family.

Threatening people with this excuse is a bit dark, and writing it in a letter may be used as evidence, but she can't pretend that the cover letter doesn't exist.

Human nature is not absolute, and rogues also have their strengths. If only Peeves could leave the castle and come to the greenhouse, it would be great, so that Toots can retreat from difficulties.

But fortunately, Peeves can't leave the castle and harm her flowers and plants.


In the middle of the night, the little devil was jumping around in the magic workshop and making all kinds of noises. If it was an ordinary person, he would have screamed in fright when he saw such a supernatural sight, and even ran away directly.

Henry, who wanted to win the princess, was not afraid. He picked up a wooden stick and suddenly hit an invisible thing. The invisible little devil showed his figure under pain.

"Why did you do that!" Henry said angrily, "I thought we reconciled."

"How do I know you are so powerful." The little devil said angrily, "I have frightened away many people who want to marry Alisa."

Henry felt a little funny, and he comforted the little devil, "Don't worry, I'm staying here just for the princess, and I won't compete with anyone for Alisa."

As a result, within a few days, the little devil became worried again, because Henry and Alisa were talking and laughing, and they were inseparable.

With a dilapidated, abandoned castle nearby, the Imp allies himself with the Naxe and decides to trick Henry.

They told Henry that there was a princess in the castle, and that night Henry came to the castle with a little hope, looking for the princess, but found a frog wearing a crown and a black cat.

"He kissed them?" Severus asked from the bed.

"Yes," said Pomona, looking at the book in his hand.

He immediately showed disgust.

"You want to keep listening?" Pomona asked.

"Go on." He said patiently.

Pomona gets past the "stupid" episodes quickly.

The miller felt that he was getting old, and at the same time, he also saw his daughter's thoughts, so he planned to marry his daughter to Henry so that the mill could continue to operate. But Alyssa felt that Henry only had eyes for the princess, and would not take a fancy to her as a country girl. The father felt that his daughter was too self-willed and too picky, and she always couldn't do this or that, so he was so angry that he had to choose a marriage partner before the night of the full moon, otherwise he would let Alisa marry the first one to him. Proposer.

The Duke of this land has long been interested in Alisa, but due to the obstruction of the water demon and the little devil, he could not get close to Alisa. He came to the mill as soon as he heard the news, and became a suitor.

Elisa didn't want to marry any of them, but because of her father's request, she asked three suitors to give her gifts, and she would marry whoever had the most beautiful gift in the world.

The duke gave Alisa a gorgeous dress, the little devil gave her a crown, and the nixie gave her a scale, with which she could walk on water as if walking on flat ground.

"So she accepted the presents and wore them to meet Henry next month?" Severus interrupted her again.

"How do you know?" Pomona asked while holding the book, "Have you read it?"

He didn't speak.

Originally there was a very romantic plot of singing under the moon, but now that he said that, she also felt very boring.

Alisa used these gifts to dress herself up as a princess. Henry recognized her, and he knew she was not really a cursed princess, but he still accepted Alisa.

Possibly he accepted the fact that Alyssa had a mill to inherit.

It may also be because he understands that it is much easier to be loved than to be loved, and he chose a way of life that is easier for himself.

The duke has riches and glory, the nymph has an underwater kingdom, the devil has a terrifying subterranean kingdom, and Henry has nothing but dreams and love.

"Do you prefer the black swan in Swan Lake or the white swan?" Severus asked suddenly.

She originally wanted to say the white swan, the white swan looks elegant and beautiful.

"The black swan is the devil's daughter," Pomona said.

"Are you afraid of the dark?"

With a sneer, she blew out the candles and stopped reading the damned bedtime fairy tales.

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