Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2756 Song of the Swan (4)

At noon, a housewife is preparing lunch for the family.

Because of the hot weather, it is even hotter to cook near the fire source. What is even more worrying is the crying of children. Two older children are chasing and fighting in the already small house.

This scene has nothing to do with "happiness" anyway, but it may be what Ginny Weasley had to face when she was born, when Bill was 11 years old and "finally" could leave home for Hogg Watts went to boarding school.

"Be quiet!" the housewife in the story yelled at the children. "If anyone is disobedient, the wizard will come and catch them at noon."

If it had been Molly, she would have threatened to send the children to Aunt Muriel's. But such threats are useless, the children still go their own way, those who should cry continue to cry, and those who should make trouble continue to make trouble.

"What is a High Noon Wizard?"

Severus asked while wiping his hands while looking at the fairy tale book in her hand.

"A wizard at noon," Pomona replied. "Muggles seem to think wizards only appear at midnight."

"What will he do?" Severus asked.

"Muggles thought they would take children away," Pomona said. "But that was before wizarding schools, and wizards from Eastern Europe would travel around looking for magically gifted children as apprentices."

"Wish them luck," Severus said, wiping his hands clean and drinking a bottle of soda from the "refrigerator".

Pomona couldn't forget the Coke at Lily's, and Severus couldn't forget the soda at Spider's End. Childhood memories lasted a long time in a person's life, whether it was pleasant or unpleasant.

When Tobia and Irene quarreled, it was often because the electrical appliances at home were broken, regardless of whether the reason for the electrical failure was because of Irene.

He also gets annoyed every time he sees Irene teaching Severus how to use magic, asking them sarcastically who pays to fix a broken electrical appliance. Severus probably didn't notice it, how much he resembled his father.

A writer named Joseph Conrad once said: There is no need to attribute evil to supernatural factors, human beings are enough to commit all kinds of evil.

The stepmother and sister who killed the girl also had no magic. On the contrary, if no wizard appeared, the king would be blinded by the mother and daughter, and the truth would be buried with thicker and thicker leaves over time.

Pomona took a block of ice from the glass.

No matter how deeply buried a secret is, there will always be a patient digger who will dig it out.

In fact, ice, like glass, can be used to make a convex lens and use it to light a match.

But it must be below the freezing point, and the story mentions fallen leaves many times, and the girl is still bathing under the waterfall, which shows that it may not be a very cold autumn.

The feeling of ice cubes in my hands is bitingly cold, it can’t be like a stone, but it’s not that there is a freezing fire spell, so it doesn’t hurt so much to let the flames of the fire burn on the body.

It was midsummer when the dementors attacked Harry and Sirius, and the shallow lake was like a pensieve. After the dementors left, the temperature returned to normal, and there were still silvery substances floating in the lake. There was no difference between the silvery gas that spewed from the end of the wand and the one that was drawn from the temple with the wand.

The Pensieve was not a rare magical item, and Severus used tears as a carrier to give Harry Potter the memory.

It's a pity that there is no Pensieve for her experiments.

So Pomona put the ice back in the glass.

The sound of the ice cubes hitting the glass was clear and sweet in the room, making it even more empty.

Children like their family might not like it. The Weasleys' family is so lively and lively that they look happy and warm. Harry likes that kind of family atmosphere very much.

Suddenly something icy and slippery got into her clothes.

"Oh!" she screamed in horror.

She jumped up and down for a while, and an ice mouse fell from her clothes to the ground.

"Severus Snape!" she yelled, rushing out, who else in this place could play tricks but him?

The culprit was waiting for her to catch him, as if the roles were reversed, he was the adventurous student, and she was the teacher who caught the students who violated the school rules.


Not long after Giuseppina and her violinist lover fled to Russia, she began to perform again, as if it were a long-planned tour. Many Russian aristocrats came to support her, which is as popular as French opera in Berlin and Munich. In this era, as long as it is related to Napoleon, it will become unusual, not to mention that Giuseppina herself sings very well. If she came to sing the Queen of the Night, she might be able to sing those three at the welcome party. The sopranos of the Queen of the Night compare.

After a good night's sleep, Georgiana felt that her mood had stabilized a lot. At least when she thought of Miss Campini, she no longer felt the rush of urgency in her heart.

In fact, Giuseppina and Mademoiselle Campini are no different, they were both met by Bonaparte during the Italian War, but Giorgiona couldn't figure out why she would target Miss Campini so much, maybe because Giuseppe Pinner at least had the courage to elope, and she managed to get to Russia.

The dinner was champagne with seafood. She chose a champagne-colored silk dress as her dress tonight. This was designed by Bertin based on the ancient Greek style.

Louis XV paid his maids four pairs of shoes a week, three feet of ribbon a day for shawls, and two feet of taffeta a day to cover baskets for gloves and fans.

Georgiana didn't have that much money. Fortunately, she knew the merchants in Lyon. They had already discussed with Bertin how to supply the goods. The girls only needed to go to the tailor to get the clothes they wanted to wear.

The girls were very happy to be able to wear new clothes. They didn't have the old-fashioned serious faces in Paris at all, screaming and playing like normal girls.

She was paid so little at the time, no wonder the barber left later, not just because she was in the vortex at the time, the former queen's dressing lady, the tip paid for "every" single milk and buns every morning It costs 2000 francs.

Her hair is not windless and automatic like hibiscus, but very flowing, and a champagne-colored rose is her hair accessory. It is precisely because of these simplicity that more gorgeousness is needed when choosing jewelry.

On the banks of the lake in Rambouillet, Georgiana heard the quarrel between Louis and Josephine's niece, who was about to become princess of Baden, for which Napoleon gave her a complete set of emerald jewelry.

Josephine's natal family was not rich, even if Louis was sure that he wanted to marry the girl he loved, the woman would not be able to provide so much dowry to match Louis' current status and status.

Therefore, the most sensible choice is to become a bargaining chip in the marriage, at least she doesn't need to worry about preparing to marry the Duke of Baden's dowry.

If she was not dreaming, how could there be so many jewels for her to choose from.

She raised her head, looked in the mirror, and stroked the empty neck.

There was an invisible swan necklace there, and she told him she would be old and ugly taking it off, but he tore it off anyway.

"Choose this, Madame," said the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld.

She seemed to intend to take Georgiana's jewels in place of her daughter Alice's.

It was given to her by a merchant in Rouen, a necklace of pearls and fire diamonds.

"Just this one," she said casually, and Margaret brought the necklace and put it on for Georgiana.

She observed the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld through the mirror, she stood with lowered brows, her expression was very calm, and she did not mention her plans for her daughter's marriage.

"Major de Seville doesn't seem to mean that. I misunderstood." Georgiana said, "I will clarify."

"At your disposal," said the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld.

"I don't mean to make peace," said Georgiana. "Marriage is a private matter, and it requires mutual gratification."

She looked up and looked at Georgiana.

"Alice has feelings for him because he took care of you."

"This silly girl." The Duchess of La Rochefoucauld muttered.

"I can see that too," Georgiana said. "Girls desperately need someone to rely on when they are in the middle of nowhere."

She didn't answer.

"I have a respected elder, when he was sick..."

"Mr. Smith took care of him?" The Duchess of La Rochefoucauld tentatively asked what Georgiana wanted to call her.

"Let's go with the flow, I won't interfere with their normal interactions, but I don't want them to have an early intimate relationship."

"I know that," said the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld. "I have always raised my daughter as a dignified lady."

Georgiana thought of Alice's brisk way when she danced, and felt that she was still a long way from "dignity".

But she is not a bad girl, she is just a little willful, she was bound by etiquette in the past, but now she releases her true self.

"I wish I could be like her," Georgiana said.

I will always be 15 years old, and my parents will protect me from the wind and rain, carefree.

"Madame, what is that scroll?" Madame La Rochefoucauld asked as she served her jewels.

Georgiana looked at the scrolls tied with ribbons on the dresser.

"My Christmas present," she said listlessly.

The Duchess of La Rochefoucauld seemed eager to open it and see what was written on it.

"Help me see it." Georgiana handed it to the Duchess of La Rochefoucauld.

She didn't answer at all.

"I want to keep this surprise until Christmas," Georgiana said with a smile, "but I'm afraid there is an important message on it."

The Duchess of La Rochefoucauld took it over.

Then she gently pulled the ribbon and slowly opened the scroll.

Georgiana watched her expression.

She was a little surprised, but she was still relatively calm, and it didn't seem to be a very shocking thing.

After reading it, she rolled up the scroll, tied it again with a ribbon, and held it in front of the dressing table.

"Come on," Georgiana said, turning and leaving the lounge.

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