Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2754 Song of the Swan (2)

Long, long ago, there was a king who went hunting in the forest one day, and was attracted by a beautiful singing, so he followed the singing and walked all the way to the forest.

Soon he found a small stream, the source of the stream was a waterfall, and there was a beautiful red-haired girl bathing under the waterfall.

He was fascinated by the sight, so that the girl saw the strange man from a distance, and she grabbed her clothes in a panic and ran home.

But the king didn't want to give up this "hunting", so he rode his horse around the road, chasing the red-haired girl. The fallen leaves were blown up by the wind, like burning sparks, but in the eyes of the king, the girl's slim figure and beautiful red hair were even more eye-catching.

During the short chase, the two fell in love secretly. When the girl arrived at home, the king came to her door, and an old woman stopped him who wanted to break in.

"Who are you?" asked the old woman.

"I am the king of this country." He said, "I am willing to take out the gold, silver and jewels in the treasury, and even change the fate of your family, as long as you let me marry your daughter."

"I have two daughters." The old woman said lazily, "One is my own daughter and the other is an adopted daughter. Which one do you want to marry?"

The king looked at the old woman and thought that she might not be able to give birth to such a beautiful daughter, so he said, "Send your adopted daughter to my castle tomorrow morning, and you will get everything I promised."

Then the king left the hut in the woods.

Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérulier's father was once a mole catcher on the royal breeding farm in Laon. He had a small manor and was considered a nobleman in the local area, so he was 13 years old in Sérulier At that time, his father bought him a second lieutenant's commission.

It was 1755. At that time, France had occasional conflicts with surrounding countries, but it was generally peaceful. Compared with Louis XIV, Louis XV did not like war, but preferred hunting and chasing "prey".

During the War of the Austrian Throne in 1744, Louis XV took his mistress Mrs. Charruto to the battlefield, which aroused extreme dissatisfaction among the people, so that the archbishop came forward and asked Louis XV to expel Mrs. Charruto from the court.

Continuing to let his son guard the breeding farm where no one will come will only waste his life, not to mention that many officers at that time were just a way to be promoted, and they might not really go to the battlefield. Old Sérurier held this The idea is to buy an official position.

Unexpectedly, the Seven Years' War broke out in the second year, and Mathieu began his military career.

Georgiana remembered him, whom they had met at the former Austrian Doge's residence. After Augereau left, Mathieu replaced him in Batavia. He also participated in the partition of Austrian territory with Talleyrand and others, but she didn't know why Desever suddenly mentioned him.

"The general fought in Hannover," Desever said stiffly.

She understood instantly that England would not sit idly by, and she remembered William Pitt Jr. saying "see you in Belgium".

"Thank you for your reminder, Major," she said with some headache.

"No, what I need is not your thanks." Desever paused for a moment. "I hope you can stop the rumors from spreading. This is a matter of a young lady's reputation."

She looked at De Seville.

"Alice called me out alone just to say thank you, nothing else," Desaiville said.

"I'll consider it." Georgiana said deliberately.

It's like haggling with a vegetable buyer. Seeing the buyer leave, the hawker will call her back.

"There is one other thing." Desevier said compromisingly, "It's about General Moreau. Both the First Consul and him wanted to repair the relationship, but on Easter..."

"I know." Georgiana interrupted him coldly, "I see him smoking on the balcony of the Tuileries Palace, and I don't think he intends to reconcile."

"No, that's how it happened," Desever said.

In Notre Dame de Paris there is a porch which separates the altar from the hall. Assuming someone is going to hold a wedding, the groom will stand there, waiting for the bride's father to walk in front of her, and then the bride's father will give the bride's hand to the groom, and the groom will hold the bride again, and the two will walk together to the sacrifice ceremony. stage wedding.

This place was reserved by Napoleon for Josephine. Napoleon told Davout the order, Davout told Bessier, and Bessier put a guard there, but Madame Hulot, that is, Mo Luo's mother took the seat with her daughter and squeezed Josephine aside. Napoleon saw it when she came in, and she showed sullen expressions during the ceremony, and broke up with Moreau after the ceremony.

"Why didn't I notice!" Georgiana exclaimed.

"Maybe it was because you were busy looking around at that time. What are you looking at those people behind?"

She recalled the situation at that time.

She remembered biscuits being eaten at Communion, and Lana's spurs, and the crowds of people standing outside the doors of Notre-Dame.


"Are you really going to tell the First Consul's mother?" de Seville whispered.


Desaiville thought.

"How did you know that?" asked Georgiana.

"You mean..."

"Moreau's mother, Madame Hulot and her daughter."

"Because I happen to be the guard," said Major de Seville.

"Didn't Davout tell you to look at that place!" She roared angrily.

"That's in the hall of Notre Dame, how could I do anything to two women?" De Seville said confidently.

Georgiana remembered another incident. The Tuileries was already full, and Madame Hulot still felt that she should live in it because her son was there.

"Useless stuff!" Georgiana snapped.

Desevier's hippie smile "Would you tell the first ruling mother?"

Besides the matter of Mademoiselle Campini, was there anything important enough to "report" to old Madame Bonaparte?

"What good is it to tell you about me?" asked Georgiana.

"So you can't tell?" Desever asked.

Georgiana looked at his unscrupulous appearance, why did she think he was a cautious person just now?

"I'll tell!" said Georgiana coldly.

"Including the clarification of Miss Alice's reputation?" Desaiville put away his playful smile and said seriously.

"I will." She also said solemnly.

"Then I won't disturb." Desever bowed to Georgiana, passing another person who was walking towards her.

"You talked a lot," said Mr. Gaston Martin, laughing.

"Have you been waiting long?" she asked back.

"No, there is a gift for you." Mr. Gaston Martin said, and handed her a scroll tied with a ribbon.

She recognized this scroll, the credential of the First French Republic.

"What is this?" She didn't answer immediately.

"It was originally a Christmas present, but I'm leaving for Aachen soon, so I'll give it to you before I leave," Mr. Martin said.

She didn't continue to ask, and took the scroll.

"Do you know what Aachen is?" asked Mr. Martin.

"The armistice of the Seven Years' War was signed there," she replied.

"Charles the Great built a church in Aachen, which throughout the Middle Ages was the coronation church of German emperors," he said.

She wasn't shocked that Napoleon's proclaiming emperor was not "news".

"It is still the textile center of the silk industry, which is the purpose of my visit." Aston Martin said, "What do you want to explain?"

Georgiana's first thought was that Bonaparte would destroy the silk textile industry in Aachen and determine the status of silk textiles in Lyon. After all, Central Europe is not suitable for the development of the silk industry, although Frederick the Great tried his best to support the silk textile industry in Prussia. Industry.

"Everything is ordered by the First Consul," Georgiana said.

Aston Martin bowed to her and was about to leave.

"How many people in Lyon support Moreau?" she said to Aston Martin's back.

He stopped.

"You think Napoleoni is irreplaceable?" Aston Martin asked Giorgiona.

"You told me that being able to use your talents is a kind of happiness." She looked at Aston Martin. "Do you think he is right?"

He took a deep breath.

"Sometimes I feel happy and sometimes I feel miserable. I was thinking about that all the time last night." She cried as she spoke. One knife!"

"It's a good thing for you," Aston Martin said. "Don't take love too seriously."

She froze.

"If you pour too much beer, the foam will overflow, and the table will be covered with dripping water. It will be troublesome to clean it up. Eight points are enough." Aston Martin said, "The same is true for love, and the remaining two points are for yourself. "

She woke up.

She used to cry for Severus all the time, should she continue crying for someone else in the future?

This didn't change anything, she was always the crying woman.

Aston Martin nodded at her, turned and left.

After he left, she picked up the credential.

What, exactly, is worth as a Christmas gift?

"Could it be that a country was sent to me?" She laughed at herself, and the dream became more and more outrageous.

"Ma'am!" Matilda hurried over.

Fortunately, Bertin was here, otherwise the maid would be made fun of if she dressed too shabby.

"What's the matter?" she said coldly.

"The First Consul rescued a woman on the road. She is a Corsican nobleman." Matilda said, "What should we do now?"

Georgiana sighed.

"Ma'am?" Matilda asked.

"Let him go," Georgiana said wearily. "I'm tired."

Then she went back to the lounge, lay on the bed, fell asleep quickly this time, and never heard Hu Meizi's voice again.

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