Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2740 The Land of Firebirds (48)

Albus's pet phoenix, Fawkes, has a hobby of burning its tail for fun.

The phoenix's feathers shone even in the dark, especially its tail feathers, but that didn't mean Fox burned his beautiful tail.

Sometimes its tail is like burning hot gold, and it cannot be touched by hand at all, and sometimes it controls the temperature of the feathers, so that the wand craftsman can grab one and make the core of the wand.

"Maybe it's practicing temperature control," Albus had said to Pomona jokingly.

Fox looked at Pomona with his dark eyes, and she thought the bird was playing a joke on her too.

Since both You-Know-Who and Harry used a phoenix tail feather, and Harry used the Evoking Guardian in his third year, Pomona had a new task. She wanted to approach Ollivander and ask him where he was. Why do you say "strange" after seeing Harry's wand?

She was going to ask Ollivander from the stands during the final mission of the Triwizard Tournament. Just like during the second Black Lake mission, no matter how nervous and adventurous the players are underwater, the audience on the water can only see the surface of the Black Lake.

She figured Severus wouldn't make excuses this time, saying it was silly to blow a cold wind on the lake for an hour or something. He had to be there the whole time, if there was a third mission.

There are still several problems to be solved in building the maze. Pomona should be busy with research instead of playing wizard chess with Madame Maxime in the greenhouse planted with fig trees.

The temperature of human skin is between 20 and 47 degrees Celsius. When the temperature is lower than this range, it will feel cold. If the temperature is higher than 47 degrees, it will feel scalded. If it is higher than 50 degrees, blisters will form. When the temperature is 60 degrees, it will be touched for one minute. There will be burns.

The recommended drinking temperature for amphora honey wine is 63 degrees Celsius. If you drink it at this temperature, even the fine wine made by wild flower spirits will burn your digestive tract.

According to Gobalot's second law, when multiple substances are mixed, the activity of material compatibility takes precedence over the affinity.

Both perfume and wine need to be stored at a certain temperature. If it is higher than the temperature range, the aromatic substances in it will deteriorate, and this deterioration is irreversible.

Perfume has many colors, including transparent, golden, etc. These colors are the result of the ingredients used in the production of perfume. However, after heating, the color of the perfume will deepen, and even something will be separated out, just like alcohol will give the snake venom to the body. It came out.

Not only has the color changed, but so has the pleasant smell, possibly even musty.

If it is stored at low temperature and protected from light, the perfume will not deteriorate. Similarly, some substances need to reach a certain temperature before their fragrance can be volatilized and reflected. The perfume must be applied to the human body. The same perfume has different reactions on different people. On the lower side, the fragrance lasts longer, and some people's body temperature is on the higher side, and the after-tone smell is different from that of others.

Temperature will affect the activity of organisms. No one will use 100 degrees Celsius water to soak yeast. Many enzymes will not work until 37 degrees Celsius to help the body absorb and digest. When this temperature is not reached, the enzyme activity is very low. React It will slow down and be replaced by other enzymes that remain active at that temperature.

Both bees and wildflower sprites go to flowers to collect nectar, but bees are diurnal creatures, and hungry bees will be active, prowling flowers for nectar, which is a perfect pollination opportunity for plants.

In order to attract insects such as bees and butterflies, wildflowers have bright colors that fall right in the visual spectrum of bees.

At the same time, the temperature will also affect the activity of bees. The "garden" fragrance will be more intense in the morning when the sun rises, so that the bees can complete pollination before being exhausted by the scorching sun.

The beehives near the apple orchard mainly collect apple honey, but there are also honey from other flowers mixed in. The apple pollen sticky to the bees will not make the iris flower produce seeds.

The wild flower elf prefers the magic power of plants. The flowers of amphora are inconspicuous, and the flowers of mint are only as big as rice grains, not as bright as cornflowers, and even smaller than small daisies.

They don't rely on bees to pollinate, but rely on the wind. The wild flower elves have a soft spot for them, even if they can't give the elves honey to make wine.

"It's your turn." Madame Maxime said softly.

Pomona was now concentrating on the chessboard, where the lady had just moved the black knight.

Pomona then moved her white queen to the side, just in time to face Madame Maxime's black knight.

When Madame Maxime began to think about the next move, Pomona was also thinking about it, but she was not thinking about chess.

Sugar is not all sweet, caramel has a faint bitter taste, the process of Muggle making caramel is first to add water to boil, then continue to heat and stir until the syrup starts to change color. At this point, what is consumed is actually free water. After continuing to heat, dehydration will form between sugar molecules. Although no one will care about it, "the water content in food determines the stability of food. The lower the free water content, the more stable the food. , and the reduction of bound water will produce a chemical reaction", which may produce a burnt-flavored substance, or it may be overburned all of a sudden and become "coke".

Pay special attention to the heat when making caramel. It is only a short time from the syrup boiling to the caramel aroma to the burnt bitterness. Be sure to turn off the fire on time and keep away from the fire source, but you can't directly soak in cold water, not only burnt The sugar will "pop" and the thick syrup will clump together. Pour it into the mold while it is hot, and then pour the pudding liquid into it when it is cool. The eggs in the pudding will start to solidify at 58 degrees.

Therefore, it is a good thing to be cold at the right time.

The morning glory potion is filled with nibbling vine, which is simmered with water until the potion turns red. At this time, watch the fire and continue to stir until it turns green and add honey water until it turns pink.

At this time, turn on the fire, continue to stir, wait for the "potion" to turn orange, add mint leaves, continue to stir, add mint leaves after it turns blue, heat and stir until it turns pink, add stewed mandrake.

Continue to stir until it turns orange, add the hellebore syrup, continue to stir, pay attention to the heat when the potion turns red, just like caramel turns "coke", wait for the "potion" to turn into a yellow paste It's the finished product.

It's more boring than potions, which require occasional wand waving, but are very suitable for wizards like Neville who don't have a strong foundation of magical power.

Neville's grandma took him for Frank, and even let Neville use Frank's wand, but even father and son, the affinity was not the same, and that wand didn't suit Neville.

Harry's Patronus is the same as James's...

Pomona came back to her senses and looked at Mrs. Maxim who was looking at her with a smile.

"You don't want to play chess, do you?" Madame Maxime said with a graceful smile.

Pomona was about to say something vaguely past.

"I heard from Dumbledore, you can speak French?" Madame Maxime said in French.

"Yes, ma'am," Pomona replied in French, too.

Madame Maxim leaned against the back of the rattan chair, which was too big for a normal person, propping her chin with her provocative hands.

"Then let's chat, what should we talk about?"

Pomona glanced at Audrey Dumont who was standing behind Madame Maxime. She was looking at Pomona hostilely.

"Oh, I heard you ate that box of sweets by yourself. How do you feel?" Madame Maxime asked.

"Delicious," said Pomona honestly, "but I wouldn't eat it alone if I knew it was wine."

"It's made by our school, and you can't buy it outside." Mrs. Maxim said, "Does Hogwarts also have special products?"

"We have a lake of mermaids," Pomona said.

"But there are no such big lakes in the Pyrenees, I think they will not be used to it." Madame Maxime said with a smile.

"Are you still used to life at Hogwarts?"

"We are leaving, so you are asking now." Audrey said coldly to Pomona.

"Go and help me look out and don't let anyone in," Madame Maxime said.

Audrey shook her hair, turned and left arrogantly.

"It's your turn," said Madame Maxime.


"It's your turn." Madam pointed to the chessboard.

Pomona bowed her head and found that although the White Queen put the Black Knight in a dilemma, Madame Maxime's Castle Black also threatened the White King of Pomona.

"I heard that the chess we play now came from India." Madam Maxim said, "Indians can make elephants run, that's natural. Isn't it unreasonable for us to use castles?"

"Why isn't Fleur with you, isn't she your favourite?" asked Pomona.

"This is Furong's last year at school, and she will graduate this summer." Mrs. Maxim said with a smile, "I can't stop her from graduating just because I like her."

'So Audrey is a substitute. '

Pomona said heartily.

"You can say what's on your mind." Madam Maxime said, "I respect Dumbledore, he is a wise man, but I also hate his habit of hiding everything."

"Aren't you hiding something?" Pomona asked.

"Of course, every woman has her own secrets. There are many differences between me and Dumbledore, not just because he is a man, but I am a woman. When you saw Fleur, how did you feel?"

"A self-centered 'princess,'" Pomona sarcastically said.

"You don't envy her?" Madame Maxime asked.

Pomona looked at her in shock.

"Although we have many differences, we still talk a lot, unlike Kakarov, who prefers to chat with the potions master at your school."

Every muscle in Pomona tensed.

"I let Fleur do what she wants, just like I let Audrey do what she wants, they are happy, and I am also happy, Dumbledore...I think he is lonely in his soul, you Did you know he was once friends with Gellert Grindelwald?"

"Yes." Pomona said softly.

"He is afraid of freedom. Although he allows you to sing the school song at will, you sang in the same tune at this year's opening ceremony. I was expecting what kind of scene it would be, but what I want to say is that if at this time Albus would be offended if someone offered to sing as he pleases, he is a man who likes to plan, even if his plans sometimes seem risky and inexplicable."

Pomona looked at Madame Maxime, and then at the black castle. The knight only needs the king to move one step to be under the protection of the knight, and this seemingly dangerous move is resolved.

"Fleur didn't complete the second task." Madam Maxim said, "Not only did this make her the third place, but she almost lost her sister. Recently, she often had nightmares. In the dream, Gabriel was not rescued. She Lost her forever."

"So Fleur goes swimming every day because of nightmares, and she wants to go to the lake to find her sister?" Pomona asked eagerly.

"She found that all this is not a game. If she continues, she will lose something, but she knows that she can't quit before the start of the third mission. Unless a miracle happens, we can't win. I just hope that there will be no more Someone died." Madam Maxim said, putting a letter on the chessboard.

"This is a letter from the president of the International Federation of Wizards, Albus Dumbledore. He entrusted me to assist you in completing this task."

As Madame Maxime took her hand away, Pomona saw the phoenix emblem on the envelope, which was Dumbledore's family crest.

"I let you participate, will you tell Fleur the secret of the maze?" Pomona asked, "let her 'miraculously' get the trophy?"

Madam Maxim smiled, "I heard that there is a 'champion' from your academy, and he is still your favorite. How do I know if you will tell him the secret?"

Pomona could never tell her that he would be fair and just.

"You can do whatever you want." Madam Maxim said in a charming nasal voice, "I will only assist you when necessary and do what I should do."

Pomona looked at the confident Madame Maxime, and she was angry.

She really wanted to ask Madame Maxime how her date with Hagrid was?

But she still squeezed out a smirk and asked sweetly, "How is my French?"

"I still need to practice." Maxim Fu curled his hair, "I will come here often in the future."

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