Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 274 Visitor

The dream that Pomona had when she was in a coma was like a gift. It fulfilled many of her wishes. The first was to become a human girl, the second was to be the same age as Severus, and the third was to share a carriage with Lily. Take the Hogwarts Express to study in that magical school of magic.

No geek would share lunch with someone he just met, but candy. After leaving the control of their parents, children will do things they couldn't do at home one by one, such as eating snacks as meals, as Ron and Harry did on the Hogwarts Express. Although she didn't want to admit it, even Pomona herself sometimes felt that she was really weird.

The Severus in the dream was very adult, and apparently whoever had given her the dream didn't know what a terrible loser the young Snape was. There was a detail in the dream that she remembered, when she and Pete came out of the communal fireplace, the first thing she saw was the Honeydukes branch, and Honeydukes didn't have one in what is now Diagon Alley.

The public fireplace in Diagon Alley is at the Leaky Cauldron. Although it is broken now and can be repaired later, the Honeydukes branch should be near the Leaky Cauldron. Looking at the Leaky Cauldron, Partridge's Cauldron is the closest store to the Leaky Cauldron, opposite Florin Fusco's Ice Cream Parlor.

Florin Fusco is a descendant of Dexter Fusco, the former headmaster of Hogwarts. Harry often did his homework in Florin's shop during the summer vacation when he lived in the Leaky Cauldron. Helped a lot with his dissertation on medieval witchcraft and gave Harry a free box of ice cream every half hour.

People in the Order of the Phoenix generally wear hats, and there is another one that likes to give people sweets. Florin Fusco fits these two points. In the summer of 1996, he was kidnapped by Death Eaters and eventually killed, perhaps because the Death Eaters suspected that he was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Yes, not only the members of the Order of the Phoenix are going crazy, but the Death Eaters are also going crazy. At that time, it felt very medieval, and wizards were hunted down by Muggles, even though wizards were capable of many powerful and incredible things in the eyes of Muggles.

The Crimean War, also known as the Eastern War, was the largest international war after the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire. The Ottoman Empire, Britain, France, and the Kingdom of Sardinia declared war on the Russian Empire successively. The war lasted until 1856. The defeat of the Russian Empire ended, thus sparking a domestic revolution, and this war gave impetus to the further development of artillery firearms and mine weapons.

At the same time, the British female nurse Nightingale went to the front line to nurse the wounded during the war, which reduced the death rate of the wounded and sick, which led to the improvement of battlefield medical care and the birth of Nightingale's nursing system.

War is not for women, but it does not mean that women should avoid war. If you want peace, you should prepare for war. Pomona put down the binoculars. The location of the store is very suitable for a fortification. , that Momoran wouldn't be rampaging in Diagon Alley.

The Chinese don't like bandits who wantonly rob and destroy their territory. Those Muggle soldiers who went to Europe rushed into their summer palace just like the silent one, robbed countless treasures, and set them on fire. It is a gorgeous palace, but Pomona believes that Chinese wizards will not take advantage of the opportunity of cultural exchange to wreak havoc in London.

People in the state of etiquette are very particular about etiquette. When others visit their home, they are hospitable and hospitable. The Leaky Cauldron is not suitable for minors to come and go, the first image is too bad, Muggle parents will definitely be worried when they see such a strange place. The first image greatly affects other people's views of him. Snape is not a good person at first glance. When he was a newborn Harry, he was on guard against his "guardian angel", but it turned out that the real problem was the seemingly submissive Chino.

People are like this, it’s easy to judge people by their appearance. When Honeyduke drives, children will flock there. When Muggle parents see so many children and magical candies, they will let go of their guard and look at this strange world with a peaceful mind. .

Astonia was staring at Puffy in a daze, as she had been since she and Pomona separated.

That Ravenclaw girl was not as strong as Pomona thought, and no one would take it easy when they suddenly learned that they were cursed.

She chooses her own destiny. Even if Astonia misses Draco, she will still encounter the same problem if she marries another man. Unless she finds a man who doesn't want to have children, she will spend her life with cats.

It's the Slytherin reptilians' ability to make a place as joyous as Weasley's Trick Shop so gloomy.

After handing over the job of looking after the children to Severus, she also left the office and walked around the store. At this time, Bill was no longer in the store, and Fleur was in charge of looking after the store. People are pleasing to the eye, even if she does nothing, she is more suitable for attracting business than Ron who is trying to shout.

Poor Ron, he's no better than anyone else.

Pomona caught a monkey that was sitting on a blanket and flew past her, and planned to take it back to the office to amuse the old bat, as long as she didn't take it out to play with and didn't have to pay for it. Just two steps away, a figure suddenly appeared at the door, and Pomona recognized him at a glance.

"Justin!" She poked her head out from the second floor and waved at him. Justin Finch had his hair slicked just like Master Draco Malfoy when he was a child, and he looked like a rich man's child.

"Dean!" Justin said cheerfully, fighting against the current through the crowded flow of people.

The human eye is easily deceived, a child's hair is not hard to find, and with a Polyjuice Potion you can turn into another person. It's just that adults and children pay attention to different things. Pomona saw a few "children". After Astonia and Fleur appeared, their attention was not on toys, and they relaxed their vigilance when George was away. , It wasn't until Justin's "Dean" that they refocused their attention.

The presence of the Dean of Hufflepuff at Weasley's Trick Shop was something to watch out for. Pomona Sprout, who used to be pro-Gryffindor, is now pro-Slytherin. While others are enjoying the carnival of the fruits of victory, she is asking for trouble for fairness and justice.

Neutrality does not mean not helping anyone, but being unbiased and giving assistance according to the needs of others.

She will not do stupid things like Dumbledore's sacrifice of herself, and she will not consider such a big issue as how to make society progress. She just wants to live a simple and happy life, like an ordinary girl, and find a decent man "talk "Love and love", by the way, farming a little to support the family, but who told her to meet a double agent who even Dumbledore and the Dark Lord couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

Mrs. Hufflepuff was easy to be deceived, and Pomona could not let others be deceived.

"You're a fool, Hufflepuff." Pomona murmured, this kind of intrigue is really exhausting, she wants to live like a fool, travel around the world and discover magical animals, how easy that kind of life is comfortable.

At first she heard that Newt Scamander's Boggart was a desk and thought he was a weirdo, and now she also felt that working in one place for many years was really boring.

She doesn't want to go back to Hogwarts to continue teaching, that place is like an uncovered cage to her, but now Minerva needs her help, and if Hogwarts closes, where will Teddy go from now on read?

Other countries also discriminate against werewolves, but he is the son of Remus Lupine. Remus won the Medal of Merlin. The Werewolf of the Order of Merlin.

Barty Crouch Jr. was tired of his father's reputation. The school was full of people who wanted to curry favor with him, or people who were prejudiced against him. No one really knew him. If Teddy went to a foreign country to study, people from other countries would not give Remus Lu face, and he would have to experience the feeling of being looked at with suspicion and prejudice just like his father.

"Severus Snape, you better not have falsified my memory."

Pomona cursed that the man who faked his memory had even beautified him as a child.

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