Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2733 The Land of Firebirds (41)

Among the rare antidotes used to cure foxy bugs are the dried stingers of Billywig bugs, which are widely used in potions and even in the sizzling honey sold by Honeydukes.

It's been known to temporarily levitate a few feet, but it also has side effects like dizziness and pinpricks all over your body. Even though Honeydukes has taken care of this side effect, eating too much can cause problems.

"So, that's how you rolled down the stairs?" Snape looked suspiciously at Taubert Weigl lying on the hospital bed.

"Yes! Ow!" whispered the Ravenclaw kitten.

"You just fell from the girls' dormitory, and you fell like this?" Pomona asked suspiciously.

She thought he had fallen off the Ravenclaw Tower.

"I didn't expect that, Professor," Vigel said.

Snape hesitated to speak, and she felt that he would like to give the "Love Saint" two sips of pumpkin juice with Veritaserum.

"I'll bring the raw bone water later, Bobby." Snape said to Mrs. Pomfeller, and before leaving, he didn't forget to "death stare" at Vigil, almost "petrifying him" "Are.

When Gerald Rohart was still teaching at Hogwarts, he once held a book signing called "Sailings, Vampires and Lovers", which was held on Valentine's Day, when the entire Great Hall was decorated as Pink, as well as flying owls and hobgoblins dressed as "angels".

They are giants among the goblins, but they are ugly dwarfs in the eyes of humans. In short, Rohart has selected 6 special guests, and Weigel is one of them.

The name of the new book is "Sailing and Vampires", and the response among the teachers and students was not as enthusiastic as expected. When Rohart wanted to invite people from outside the school, Albus refused, because he didn't want people outside to know that there was something wrong in the school. What happened.

"Nice necklace." Pomona said, looking at the necklace around Vigel's neck. It was a white feather tied on a chain. "Girlfriend?"

"No, it's my mother's," Vigel said.

"Is there a moral?" Pomona asked.

Vigel hesitated.

"That's what she left," Vigel said. "That was all that was left when Dad found her."

Pomona was confused when Felix appeared, so she also left the ward.

"His mother is dead."

She met Severus at the door, his black robe almost blending with the darkness.


"In the first wizarding war, he should have been only one or two years old at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Weigel seemed to be Animagus."

"You're saying that Vigil's injury was caused by attempting an Animagus transformation?" Pomona asked.

"Just being deformed doesn't cause fractures, he said he fell from a height, probably because he was trying to transform into a bird."

Pomona shook his head.

"How do you feel? Sister." He said frivolously.

She hadn't heard him call her that in a long time.

Then he stepped out of the darkness, casting a shadow over her.


She subconsciously took two steps back.

"What girlfriend?"

"Otherwise what do I call you? 'Friend with benefits'?"

The words were so harsh that she almost thought that standing in front of her was the boy who grew up in Spider's End.

He smiled sarcastically, and then walked away without looking back.

After that, they didn't speak for a week.

Pomona groaned and ate his coffee and sandwiches from the kitchen absent-mindedly.

She stayed up late again last night, missed breakfast, and Jennifer Dukan took her place at the teacher's desk.

She was happy too, and became friends with Sinista, who had so many similarities to Pomona in character that few people noticed that it wasn't her.

In order to make it easier for Pomona to brew "herbal medicine", Albus put away the Goblet of Fire and put it in the antique display room, except for the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang who appeared on the long table, like the school It's back to normal again.

Even if there is no final exam, the fifth grade owls exam and the seventh grade newts exam will continue, and the time is set after the third task. They are really unlucky. It involves their personal certification and employment issues.


Pomona let out a long sigh, dismissed the unfinished food on the table, and returned to the kitchen with the plate.

She was slovenly, depressed from lack of sleep, and to make matters worse, her experiments were only done at night because of the noise.

The long spell that was interrupted in the duel, and the effect of chanting it with plenty of time, made her feel that this spell could be placed in the underground house of doom, and Albus took her Apparation to a deserted place. The island was discovered by the surrounding fishing boats, and it was on the news the next day because half of the island was gone.

Later they went to another place, this time it was a deep mountain and old forest, but the mountain was covered with heavy granite. Her magic power was exhausted and she did not really move the mountain, but only removed a few boulders.

Her purpose was to levitate the plants that covered the mountain, and then she thought of using Billywig stingers to make potions, maybe she could make trees float a few feet off the ground like people, and then she remembered that night thing.

When she returned to her bedroom, she lay on the bed with her eyes wide open, not feeling sleepy at all.

In the fairy tale, the wizard prince smeared his lips with the invigorating potion and kissed the princess who drank the water of life and death. Sting.

The potion will take different times to brew depending on the pot, 8 hours for a copper pot, 14 hours for a bronze pot, and 23 hours for a pewter pot.

This does not mean that the longer the cooking time, the worse the crucible. Some soups need to be boiled slowly over low heat, and all the ingredients cannot be added at one time. Just like adding sugar in batches when whipping egg whites, too much sugar will be absorbed at one time. With the water in the egg whites, not only will the sugar clump, but the egg whites will not be able to form a proper foam.

After adding all the ingredients of the eye-opening potion, the operator can go away. After simmering for 8, 14 and 23 hours, look again. Finally, add aconitum, stir counterclockwise for three weeks, and then wave the wand. As for drinking Whether you wake up afterwards or just "sleep" is a matter of luck.

There are more than 250 types of aconitum, and boat-shaped aconitum and chamaejasma aconitum are the most common ones. Detoxification with compound potions is very troublesome, because according to Gobalot’s third law, the number of antidote ingredients in mixed poisons is greater than that of a single species The sum of the antidote to poison.

When two or more antidotes are used in combination, if they act in the same direction, they can achieve mutually reinforcing effects, but if they are opposite, they will weaken or disappear each other, and even produce toxicity due to mutual repulsion.

Therefore, according to the second law of Paracelsus toxicology, the types of antidote should be reduced as much as possible. Muggles created target organ toxicology based on this theory. First, the critical concentration of poison in each organ is analyzed. Detoxification is required, for example, it is easy to accumulate in the brain, so the brain is the target organ of mercury. The kidney is an important excretory and accumulation organ, and 80% of the mercury is also concentrated in the kidney, but the presence of mercury in the urine does not mean mercury poisoning, as long as the blood mercury does not exceed the critical value, it is normal.

This does not mean that you can sit back and relax. You need to find out the reasons for your exposure to mercury, change your living habits and certain behaviors, and get rid of mercury exposure. Otherwise, the accumulation of toxins in the body, beyond the critical point, will also be poisoned.

That is to say, in a cup of compound poison, most of the poisons do not meet the poisoning standard, and can be eliminated by the body's own metabolism, so you don't need to worry about it. You just need to pass the test and test to deal with the poison that meets the poisoning standard. It is enough to get rid of it without generating new toxins in the process of neutralization reaction.

It is impossible to be completely non-toxic and pure in the human body. We are very interested in a certain food. We taste this food, which stimulates the taste buds and stomach. If we feel uncomfortable after eating, we will give up voluntarily. There is a sense of comfort that sweeps the body, that is, there is a benign reaction, and people will continue to eat this food. Just like eating too much Zizi honey candy will show signs of poisoning, just like some people buy it to eat, just eat less, who asked you to eat it?

People in ancient times believed that mercury could make medicine for immortality, and they would die early if they took it. If you told him not to take the medicine, he would think that you were harming him. At this time, you could no longer tell whether it was his cognitive impairment or mercury poisoning. Brain damage.

Wanting to fall asleep is simple, but waking up is difficult, just like the problem Pomona is facing at the moment. She wants to wake up all the hedges and obey the command of the "brain". "'s limbs moved due to stimulation...

At this time, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black hair on the snow-white pillow, and immediately remembered that he had been lying there, and then a series of pictures appeared in her mind.


She wailed, covering her face with a pillow.

She is in her 30s. It is normal to say that her children should be about the same age as Harry Potter. Let alone soy sauce, they can "slay dragons".

Rita Kister dared to write that a 12-year-old boy could kill a Hungarian Horntail alone, and the Daily Prophet dared to publish it. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is actually a positive report for Harry. After all, he is so powerful that he really deserves to be the "boy who survived".

But it’s about the same. Harry killed a basilisk when he was 12 years old. Although he had the help of the phoenix, and he was lucky enough to have phoenix tears to detoxify him, good luck is also an ability. No wonder so many people worship him.

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