Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2731 The Land of Firebirds (39)

Georgiana followed Humeizi's call, and at the same time, the voice of the discussion was getting louder and louder, as if she was getting closer to them.

"Come on! We're almost there!"

said Hagrid cheerfully, waving at Pomona.

With the light of the torch in his hand, she saw clearly that she was in a cave, and could faintly hear the sound of water flowing.

"Is there water in the hole?" Pomona asked Hagrid.

"No, it's a waterfall," said Hagrid. "It's a two-hour walk if you're going to see it."

"Is this water coming from a waterfall?" asked Pomona, looking at a creek in a hole.

Then there was a squeaking sound, and then a vixen flew around Hagrid's torch.

Hagrid tried to chase it away like a fly.

Since the accident in the third grade, Hagrid's Protection of Fantastic Beasts class has not improved much. For most of the fourth year, Graplan served as a substitute teacher, and he seemed to be working as a forest ranger again.

"That's where I found out."

After chasing away the annoying vixen, they came to a very spacious cave. In fact, Hagrid didn't need to tell Pomona to know it, because the tinder bushes were burning in the cave.

"It's grown a lot more than it does in my greenhouse," Pomona said, looking at the 20-foot-tall kindling bush, which burns quietly in a cave that is dark even in daylight, almost lighting up the entire cavern. Bright.

"There's a bigger one," said Hagrid.

"Why is that?" Pomona asked Hagrid, who was as tall as a giant.

"I think it's the water here," said Hagrid, blinking. "I water the pumpkins with the water from the holes and they grow really big."

Pomona then remembered that the soil in her greenhouse was collected from near the Forbidden Forest. Although it is a small plant, the tinder shrub in the greenhouse still needs frequent fertilization, and it does not grow fast. She speculates that some of the nutrients are consumed by the flames.

Even the twenty-foot-tall tinder bush had far less branches than the wood used to make the Goblet of Fire, which she was sure belonged to Hogwarts because of the wooden carvings of Hogwarts Castle on the cup.

Hagrid had used Tinder to hatch dragon eggs before she tried growing the kindling bush, so she guessed there must be other places around the castle or in the Forbidden Forest where the bush grew.

She collected some water in Hagrid's secret garden, prepared to take it back for experiments, and then followed Hagrid out of the cave.

"Then I'll go first, Dean." Hagrid waved at Pomona. "I'm going to feed those rune horses."

Pomona waved at Hagrid as well, and walked towards the castle.

Probably because of the murder, she felt that the atmosphere in the Forbidden Forest was more tense than usual, and the ancient trees groaned in the wind.

They seemed to want to tell her something, but unfortunately she couldn't understand. Inspired by a mysterious force, she suddenly stopped and walked in another direction.

The surrounding scenery became more and more familiar, and soon she came to the bank of the Black Lake, and she saw Feliwei standing on a stone.

She judged the surroundings again, and she actually came to the place where Harry Potter used the Patronus to repel hundreds of dementors.

Time flies so fast, almost a year has passed.

I am afraid that except for Fei Liwei, the three of them have forgotten to continue investigating this matter.

"Any new leads?" Pomona asked.

Fei Liwei, who was staring at the water in a daze, woke up and stared at her blankly.

"How about a cup of tea?"

Fei Liwei jumped off the rock, and the two came to the lake and found a place to sit down.

"How is Severus?" Feliway said, looking at the surface of the Black Lake.

"Which side are you referring to?" asked Pomona.

"His new job." Felix looked at Pomona and said.

"Adjusting," Pomona replied.

In fact, she thought he was having a good time, and he liked watching the Aurors try to arrest him but couldn't do anything about it.

This is where Moody behaved strangely again, he was able to get along relatively peacefully with Snape, although most of the time he would choose to avoid seeing him.

"I'm not good at getting along with people." Fei Liwei said with some distress.

"But you have a lot of human friends," Pomona said.

Feliwei seemed to have a hard time explaining to her.

"You know it's been rough recently, so don't come out alone," Pomona said.

"I think you should worry more about yourself, I'm a duel champion." Fei Liwei sneered, "Are you alone?"

"My bodyguard just went to feed Beauxbaton's horse," said Pomona.

Felix looked shocked.

"Severus feeds horses?"

"Of course not, I'm talking about Hagrid," said Pomona.

"Sorry, I misunderstood." Felix stood up and said, "Let's go."

"But the tea isn't ready yet," said Pomona.

Fei Liwei glanced at the teapot, turned around and left.

Why would Ravenclaw waste time boiling water for tea? One spell can make a good cup of tea.

So she poured out the unboiled water and walked back with Fei Liwei.

On the way back, she discussed quasi-life with Felix. If the patron saint, as Snape said, was composed of water elements, Pomona thought that the animal soul attached to it was almost the same as the monster soul of the Fiercefire Curse.

"No, the elves attached to the Fiercefire Curse are not the same as the Patronus." Feliwei denied her point of view.

"Why?" Pomona asked.

"The patron saints are mostly animals. You can find a deer in the forest, but you can't find the demon summoned by Grindelwald." Feliway said.

It didn't occur to Pomona that Felix also knew what Grindelwald was doing in Paris, but she had another problem.

"Then you think it's an elf that's attached to the Fiercefire Curse?" Pomona asked.

"In other words, it's something called a conscious body." Fei Liwei said, "Material is the source of consciousness, and it's also the limitation of consciousness. Have I mentioned to you that soul and body are unified."

"You told me," Pomona replied, "Tom Riddle's image in the diary is very different from his adult image."

"They need Fiendfyre as the form of the soul, and Fiendfire comes from black magic. Most of the invisible world can only be imagined by the appearance of the closest thing to it. When we are awake, we will pay attention to see it. When you can't see something, it will be like a dream."

"You're saying that the demons Grindelwald conjures were created in his imagination and dreams?" Pomona asked.

"A lot of magic is related to the spirit. I believe it is Grindelwald's imagination more than the illusory demons." Feliwei said.

"And what about Harry's Patronus? His imagination too?" Pomona asked.

"He's back from the Muggle world, isn't he?" said Fleetwey. "White stags are often a sign of adventure and exploration, or redemption, in many places."

Pomona felt that adventure and exploration were a good fit for Harry, but redemption?

"I also heard that the deer are the patron saint of the forest," said Pomona.

"In some places, there are legends about wolves. These are just legends. The deer appeared in a dream. Harry passed out once, right?" Feliway said.

"Yes." Pomona frowned.

"That's what I thought just now." Felix laughed mockingly at himself, "It sounds really crazy."

"Really crazy people don't know they're crazy. They have their own logic." Pomona said with a smile, and then said several crazy things, and it didn't take long for them to return to the castle.

Schizophrenic people often see things that don't exist, but it is also possible that some things do exist, and Muggles can't see them, so people who think they can see are schizophrenic, such as dementors.

Harry did pass out once, but he woke up in the hospital wing, and then went back in time with Hermione using the Time Converter, saving Sirius and Buckbeak, all this is so real, how could it be a dream?

If he was dreaming, what were they?

Georgiana came back to her senses and continued to run towards Hu Meizi's voice.

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