Death Eaters are ranked by strength, while Lucius Malfoy has relied too much on his political skills in the past sixteen years. After the return of the Dark Lord, he will pick up his wand again. After so many years of neglecting him, he is no longer so Like a real wizard, like Narcissa said, he screwed up everything, couldn't even use the Imperius Curse well, and took a life for nothing. He had let the Dark Lord down on him during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and even though he had donated his ancestral home as Death Eater headquarters, he still hadn't been forgiven. In order to save his father Draco Malfoy and agree to carry out the task under the Dark Lord, he must kill Albus Dumbledore. If Severus does it for him directly, then the credit will go to Severus , In this way, Lucius will not be able to make up for his mistakes, and he will still die.

Severus had the right to speak after taking the first seat among the Death Eaters. Lucius' life may be saved thanks to Severus. He never told her what happened at the Death Eaters' table, etc. After everything was settled, he told her in the house where they lived in seclusion that he saw Keruiti being swallowed by Nagini alive. A person was eaten by a snake. How could other people be so indifferent. Severus' heart was like a deer. He was terrified enough, but he still forcibly suppressed that fear and continued to perform the mission. It was not until those traumatic memories after the battle began to haunt him, keeping him awake at night, Kay Ritty's "Severus, help" was a constant in his nightmares.

He is very pitiful. Although he does not have a physical disability like George or Moody, but his heart is not as complete as a normal person. After getting the news that "Padfoot" was captured by the Dark Lord, he notified Moody. Moody hurried back to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix and found that Sirius was upstairs taking care of Buckbeak and hadn't gone anywhere. Then they found that Harry Potter was missing, and everyone tried their best to find him, even Sirius. Contacted Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was the secretary of the Muggle Prime Minister, and wanted to use the power of Muggles to find Harry Potter. The boy didn't know how much trouble his recklessness caused, and everyone was desperate to save him. If he could think before doing things, he wouldn't lose Sirius like his father.

"Expecto Patronum."

It's not easy to use Evoker when full of negative memories, but she succeeds anyway, and she's a happy fool for Hufflepuff.

The silver swan spread its wings and flew around George's office for a while, and finally landed next to Victoire's cradle, opened its mouth and sang the same song that Pomona had just hummed.

Pomona still doesn't plan to make an address book in the end, the first will leave photos, if one person is caught like Marlene McKinnon, then others will be implicated, and the second is that the address book reminds her badly The memories that Dumbledore gave her, and the people above can be contacted for help in an emergency.

The memory of carrying the Philosopher's Stone by herself is a memory she never wants to bring up in her life. She also has to take a different path from the old fool. Not only can you protect your own safety, but you can also be a messenger. Kingsley uses his lynx patron saint to send messages over a long distance. She wasted a lot of time trying to practice speaking like a Patronus, and now it's time to start living like a wizard again.

Pomona also has her own style. Her patron saint is a swan, which is a very beautiful animal. Although it is not as cool as a phoenix, it is very elegant. In autumn, the sky of Cygnus is like a swan flying from rising to falling. , immersed in the white Milky Way.

Although the Milky Way is like a veil and full of stars, Cygnus is not difficult to find, except for Leda and the swan. In Greek myths and legends, Phaethon, the youngest son of the sun god, drove his father's solar car but couldn't drive it. catastrophe. Zeus killed him with lightning. When Phaethon's good friend Cygnas found out, he was very sad and turned into a swan to search for Phaethon's body everywhere in the Milky Way.

She once promised Lily that she would keep Harry Potter alive, but as a result, she spent more energy on Neville Longbottom. She really obeyed Dumbledore's orders too much.

Cho Chang finally chose to marry a Muggle and gave up the life of a witch. Neither Cedric nor Harry loved her deeply enough. She is not a dedicated person, but a swan is a very dedicated one. Birds only find one mate in their life. A Chinese wizard said that they never eat swan geese, which are very close relatives of birds. This single-minded virtue is as respectable as loyal dogs, hardworking cows, and filial mullets. Having these spiritual animals will affect one's own practice, keeping precepts is a common character of white wizards all over the world.

A virtuous person will be followed without convincing the crowd, let alone intimidating others with bloody killing methods like the Dark Lord. Although the Chinese have not joined the International Federation of Wizards, they respect Dumbledore very much. This is an important point Virtue, the state of etiquette that admires the saint, it is precisely because of his persistence that Chinese wizards let go of the prejudices left by past wars, and gradually began to contact wizards from other countries in the world.

Unlike the XZ Snowman, Chinese wizards are very cautious and follow the rules. Pomona can't help but imagine that maybe there are Chinese wizards participating in the Sino-British cultural exchange this time.

She drew a five-pointed star in mid-air with her magic wand, which represents the god of love. In the East, it represents the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is different from the four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind in the west. Wood and gold The four elements of water, fire, and earth are different, and they are alive. Eastern wizards don’t use magic wands, but use wooden swords. They usually hide them with shrinking spells. When they are used, they can become very large according to different purposes. Totally different, but there's no denying they're a lot of fun and really good at cooking good food.

"I'm going to use my own way, old fool." Pomona manipulated her swan patron saint and said, "I will try my best to plan everything I think of, maybe it's not as perfect as your plan, and I still have regrets, but I I will do my best to take care of everyone.”

You can't go mad like him, stupid girl, because you're the White Wizard.

Pomona thought, placing her hand on the dying potted plant on George's desk, it began to radiate life and vitality again, it turned out to be a hornbeam.

The biggest "style" of the Weasley brothers is joking. They have been selling skipping candies in school at a young age. This may seem unprofessional in the eyes of some parents, but they are still eating theirs when other children When Tang Tang skipped class, those two clever ghosts had already started to earn money to reduce the burden on the family.

Although they don't know where they got the poison beard seeds, but with this thing they can partner with potions masters to make jinxed poisons and antidotes who else is older than "evil" Slytherin Bats are better at it.

Pomona walked over to Fred's cradle. His skin looked a little darker than that of his father George, and if he looked exactly like his father, no one would have mistaken him.

"Five people entered DA, but only one summoned the patron saint, what a hell!" said the swan guarding Victoire.

"That's right, hell." Pomona agreed with the swan. "Forget about the others. Hannah and Justin must learn to call God for protection. They have to deal with the Muggle world a lot."

"As it was broadcast at Potter's Watch, to help their Muggle neighbors fend off dark creatures," Swan said.

"Justin is different. He wants to protect his parents and relatives. I don't want him to be told that he hasn't learned anything after studying at Hogwarts for several years." Pomona frowned, and it seemed that many people wanted to Remedial lessons, maybe she can charge money to teach like apparition, but it would be bad if she can't teach, it's a very difficult magic, you must have happy memories, and some people don't even know real happiness.

"I love you, Dumbledore, but it's time for you to go," said Pomona softly. "You were too strict with Tom, turning him into a demon, and then too loose with the other children, making up for what you owed Tom. Let them be too happy and free. This kind of education method is problematic. They come to school to learn the ability to protect themselves and others. It feels safe to be protected, but you can’t protect them forever under your wings. .”

"I'd rather hear you say you love me." Severus's lazy voice came from the door.

She looked back, and she didn't know whether he used the illusion spell, the invisibility cloak, or she had hallucinations at all, and there was no one in that direction.

"Why did you suddenly start following me again?"

"Why did you leave the crystal ball at home?"

"I don't want you to be as angry as yesterday."

"Bring that thing," he said savagely.

"No, I'm practicing using the patron saint to convey the message. Can you tell me where you are usually?"

"You want to talk to me again, Pomona?" he said "cheerfully."

So she immediately shut up.

Fortunately, she still had the candy given by Hermione in her pocket. She was idle anyway. She opened a box of Bibi multi-flavored beans, and chose a red one to eat. It turned out to be a Hawaiian mixed fruit juice flavor. Sweet and sour, very delicious, I really don't know why Dumbledore was so unlucky, either it tasted like vomiting or earwax.

Immediately afterwards, she felt the box in her hand move, and a green Bibi multi-flavored bean floated up, and it quickly disappeared.

"What flavor?"

"Chili," Severus said. "And you?"

"Hawaiian juice blend."

"It sounds delicious."

"It was delicious."

Then she was kissed.

It's disgusting to shut up with kisses all the time, and she's not Furong.

But the chili-flavored kiss was so hot that it warmed her heart, so she closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss.

Although George and Fred are not conjoined twins, they are always inseparable. It must be very painful to lose his half body. George hates her if he wants to hate her. Harry defaults to Amos hating himself. Someone has to pay for the dead Take charge, that's the difference between a living savior and a dead savior.

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