Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2719 Firebird Land (27)

Although Minerva once banned alcoholic beverages from appearing at Hogwarts, students still managed to get them in, especially some parents who were dismissive of this Muggle law. Whiskey bonbons were mailed over.

There were also Weasley's Whiz's Love Potions, which were also sent close to the school disguised as perfume and cough drops. The purpose of the girls is very simple, even if they are not good enough, unlike Ginny who was invited in the fifth grade, as long as they can be selected by the "Savior" as a dance partner, they will not only participate in the party, but also prove that...

In short, Harry has unknowingly become the senior of his third year, and the interns of the Triwizard Tournament have been drinking a lot in the tent, even if the butter beer has turned the bitterness of hops into sweetness with moon dew , it is still alcoholic, just as intoxicating if you drink too much.

Pomona was going to try to get rid of the barrels in the cellar as soon as possible before any parents sent ranting letters saying their kids were alcoholics at school because of the wine in the barrels.

From having to be cautious in words and deeds to abide by the school rules, to suddenly not having to go back to the lounge before 9:00 is a process of adaptation. It’s like the first time a bird leaves its nest to spread its wings and fly by itself. The first time the feet leave the ground is not only nervous, but also accompanied by anxiety. There is no feeling of being down-to-earth. Just get used to it. The thickness of the earth is not suitable for everyone. If you want to fly Just fly yourself. His father had told Icarus not to get carried away and fly too high during the flight, as the wax wings would be melted by the sun, and he would fall to his death in the end. He also told Icarus, "Don't fly too low", because the sea water will wet his wings if he is too close to the sea, and he will also be drowned by the sea water.

Pomona hoped that Severus would remember the "bottom line", which his Death Eater friends didn't have.

Hannah's mother didn't find the dead body near Downing Street like Emily Vance. She was just like other Ministry of Magic employees published in the newspaper. disappeared.

Anyone who lived through the last wizarding war knows that Voldemort didn't let werewolves join his side because they were loyal and cute, and these missing people may never be found. Rather than having hope at the beginning and then being disappointed, it is better not to start, so as not to waste time searching and get the same result.

"Hi, Dean." The fat monk suddenly floated in front of Pomona, "I heard how many barrels of wine do you need to deal with?"

"I don't want to pour it," Pomona said. "It's a waste."

"I have some friends who can help you," said the fat monk.


"The portraits of the grand staircase, they're drunk anyway," said the fat friar.

She quickly recalled that there was indeed a painting on the grand staircase of some drunk monks, but how was she going to give wine to these portraits?

"Thank you," Pomona said sweetly.

"I'm glad I could help," said the fat friar cheerfully, and floated away.

"Are you going to listen to what he has to say?"

Snape stepped out of the dark corner.

She didn't ask him why he was so free, Bella didn't believe him, and Alastor Moody, it was not a good sign that a double agent who was supposed to be busy had time to spare.

"Where's Albus?" Pomona asked solemnly.

"Why are you asking this?" He wrapped himself in a cloak, like a big diurnal bat.

Not wanting to discuss it in the busy corridor, she grabbed his hand and went to a nearby broom closet where there were two real brooms.

"He can travel because he's better, isn't he?"

He looked down at her condescendingly.

"Maybe he can help me bring the wine to Hagrid. He and Madame Maxime went to Europe to find an alliance of giants. The reception is a good gift." She said dryly.

"Hagrid's younger brother is also a giant. How about giving him a drink? Even if he drinks and loses control, he's just destroying in the Forbidden Forest."

She pinched his robe and tweaked it.

"What do you want?" he asked patiently.

"Where did Albus go?"

Snape sighed slightly, "He's gone after the Dark Lord."

She gasped.

"Tom Marvolo Gaunt, the middle name Marvolo used to appear in the files of the Legal Enforcement Department, and Amelia Burns helped him find it," Snape said.

"What is she looking for?"

"Mavolo Gaunt's son, Morfin Gaunt, was accused of killing a local family of Muggles, some of whom were also named Tom Riddle, and Morfin Gaunt was executed as a Dementor during his second Azkaban sentence. The Kiss. ​​After Morfin first cast a jinx on a Muggle, a Ministry of Magic clerk went to investigate and summoned Morfin. That clerk's name was Ogden, and through him Albus found the address of the Gaunts. .”

"It's that simple?" Pomona asked.

"Easy to you?" he asked back.

"What else do I not know?" Pomona asked.

"Ogden refused to provide that address. He didn't want to involve other family members because of himself." He said in that triumphant and posturing tone, "especially after Dumbledore showed him the photo, Ogden knew that the woman in the photo was the Dark Lord's mother, let alone mention it."

she recalled.

"It's the woman who sold the locket on the Bokin Blog before Christmas." Snape went on. "She's Marvolo Gaunt's daughter, Merope Gaunt, but she's not a witch, just a Squib."

Pomona was shocked.

Who would have thought? Then the mysterious man with high mana is actually the child born of Muggles and Squibs.

"You don't want to ask anything else?" Snape said lazily.


"How did you get the picture of Merope?" he continued.

It was only then that Pomona remembered that Merope's appearance only appeared in Bojin's blog's memory, and could only be seen with a Pensieve instead of a camera.

"You did it?" Pomona asked.

Snape bent so his big nose almost touched her face.

"I told you so much, what will you give me in return?"

"Can't you just look through the Pensieve?" she muttered.

"He couldn't," Snape said. "Ogden was too sick to get out of bed to go to Hogwarts, and the Pensieve couldn't leave Hogwarts."

She began to worry about Dumbledore's situation again.

"Albus found that place, and where did he go then?" Pomona asked.

"I want you to think of me, not anyone else!" he said angrily.

She didn't know what he was excited about.

"Are you still thinking about Sirius Black?" he asked inexplicably.

"What? Why?" she asked confusedly.

"You were not sorry for his death?" he asked.

She doesn't want to talk about it.

"Harry Potter hasn't known him as long as you, he's so sad, and Remus Lupine." He said in a strange tone. "People are really different when they have a family."

"What are you trying to say!" Pomona asked angrily.

Now he was even more unhappy, opened the door between the brooms and walked away.

==================================================== ===========

Sir Bacon said that unmarried men are the best friends, masters and servants, but they are not the best subjects, because they are easy to go away.

For judges and magistrates, being single doesn't matter much. A bad servant does a lot more than a bad wife if they are soft-hearted and take bribes.

Georgiana intentionally spread the news about the relationship between Alice and Major de Seville. In addition to finding some topics to talk about, it was also because if Major De Seville, like Judge Baines, was a person who wanted to do great things, he would marry Not as convenient and free from scruples as a bachelor.

And if Major de Seville went to the battlefield, Alice might be a widow at a young age.

The more someone stops them, the more they feel that it's time to test their true love. In the past, Marie Antoinette's court caused a lot of trouble because of an egret feather. It was a trivial matter, but she later made an enemy. It was given to the queen, who only wore it once and never wore it again.

If Alice and Major Desevier just want to be in love for fun, then there is no need to waste each other's energy and time and become an affair in other people's chats.

During the conversation, she looked back at Langenhof's brother again. This man was the doctor who saw the dead owl just now and asked her if she needed help. After thumping, is the blood sticking to her body magical?

He looked like a nice guy.

Like when Remus Lupine didn't transform.

The bottom line for Remus is not to hurt anyone, even though he suffers himself, is physically much weaker than the average werewolf, and often needs Severus to help him with his lessons.

After drinking the wolf-binding juice, his condition has improved a lot. Is it because there is werewolf blood in it?

"Ma'am." Ludrell reminded in a low voice, "Do you need me to call them both now?"

"Not for now." Georgiana said with a smile, "Let's see how they react when the rumors spread later."

At this time, her eyes turned to the La Rochefoucauld couple. A solemn lady was talking to them. They looked shocked, and then looked around the ball, as if looking for someone.

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