Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2714 Firebird Land (22)

"The purpose of McLaggen's repetition must not be to join the Quidditch team, but Hermione." Teresa Buttermere lowered her voice, and said to the others at the Potions Club, "Who would believe that he would fight to join the team?" Retain a year."

"Why?" Ernie couldn't believe Buttermere. "Because he likes her?"

"No, it's because Hermione once dated Victor Krum." Buttermer said, "He also made a bet with someone and lost eating a kilogram of vixen's eggs."

"Oh, Merlin." Pomona was furious from behind the flowers, and wanted to cast a knotting curse on McLaggen.

McLagan has good grades and is good at sports, but he doesn't have the presence of Draco Malfoy. In other words, he is not as arrogant as Malfoy, he likes to bully the small with the big, and he has a few followers around him.

There is not a saying that says that what kind of person is destined to play with what kind of person.

Crabbe and Goyle's father is not good at financial management. Although their status among the Death Eaters is equal to that of Lucius Malfoy, their children still have to rely on Malfoy if they want to have a stable life in the future.

Pomona also discussed with Severus, why not find a smarter company for Draco, even if he can't learn well, at least he can tell him the consequences of provoking public anger, or the one who quit Umbridge's organization The search party, but Severus' answer took her by surprise.

"You don't know what these 'smart ghosts' really think." Severus said as he poured punch from the silver goblet of Black's house. get pleasure from it.”

"What do you mean?" Pomona asked strangely.

"He's a smart boy." Severus took a sip of his wine, "What's more, this is Lucius' way of education. Allowing Crabbe and Goyle to accompany Draco is something he has considered."

"The result of his deliberation is obviously not very wise." Pomona complained. "You know what it means to have too many enemies?"

He gave Pomona a false smile, and flaunted himself out of the Blacks' kitchen.

"I heard that Gryffindor is going to select new players today, and Marysine and the others are going to cause some trouble for Harry." Susan Burns frowned in disapproval. "Should we stop them?"

"That's the athlete's business, let's not interfere." Ernie replied.

Justin looked like he wanted to say something, but said nothing, continuing to grind the lionfish bone.

Pomona immediately took off his dragon leather gloves, left the greenhouse, and ran towards the Quidditch pitch as fast as he could.

On the way she met Felix, who also saw Pomona.

"I have a few students, and I might want to create a 'surprise' for Mr. Potter." Pomona looked at Feliway and said.

"What a coincidence, me too." Fei Liwei said blankly, and then the two walked quickly towards the court together.

When they arrived on the field, the scene was not as chaotic as they had expected. Hufflepuff's players just put on the Gryffindor practice uniforms, as if thinking that this would trick Harry's short-sighted eyes into thinking they were Gryffindors. Fendo accepted.

The Ravenclaw girls dressed each other up in the stands, cheering whatever Harry did, followed by whispers and giggles.

Pomona didn't know if Harry had seen them, but since the headmaster of Ravenclaw was here, Pomona didn't care about this nosy business, and just took away those troublesome Hufflepuff players .

"Oh, Felius," Slughorn said to Feliway behind her. "Is the Christmas Chorus going to put on a show?"

"No, Horace, what can you do?" said Felix.

"I just wanted to invite Miss Greengrass to my party, she's turned me down a few times for chorus rehearsals," Slughorn said with a laugh.

"I thought the slug club was only for sixth graders," Felicity said.

"No, of course not." Slughorn raised his voice. "There are excellent students in every grade. Why do you think that?"

"Obviously because Harry Potter is also in Year 6," whispered Chaser Heidi McAvoy.

It appears that Slughorn's injustice has had a bigger impact than Pomona imagined.

At this time Harry was still roaring, "Whoever of you doesn't obey the goalkeeper's instructions, I will cast a spell on him!"

That sound is very similar to Umbridge's catchphrase "I will have order (I will have order)", and now this sentence and Umbridge's puppets have become the "star products" of Weasley's trick shop, only But no one bought it.

She sent the energetic athletes to kill the carnivorous slugs in the vegetable garden, and then went back to the greenhouse, where the Potions Club continued their research.

Originally, hexagonal polarization was a fifth-grade Defense Against the Dark Arts class. If Umbridge was a real teacher and the students took the class seriously, Severus' simple version of the double-wire protection magic actually only needs to remind the students They can arrange it themselves.

She was worried that Dean Thomas, even if he cheated his exams with opportunistic methods at school, would not be able to face the real danger when he took up the profession of Auror.

In recent years, the Ministry of Magic has not directly recruited Aurors from fresh graduates, except for the natural disguise Animagus Tonks. This is also a disguised denial of the educational achievements of Hogwarts.

Even Tonks was accepted during the "honeymoon period" between Fudge and Albus, when Fudge was not so influenced by pure-blood nobles...

Pomona turned her head and looked at a paper butterfly on her shoulder. It kept flapping its wings near her ear, and when it caught her attention, it landed on the back of Pomona's hand.

She unfolded the paper butterfly and found a letter inside.

After reading the letter, she looked back at the students, and then quietly came to the greenhouse next door.

There is rue in this greenhouse, and the smell it emits is unbearable to many people, so few people come.

Severus was waiting for her by the pale yellow bushes in full bloom.

Although she was half faking that day, she did think about the "ring". After all, Tonks and Remus had already held their wedding ceremony in the underground tavern.

There is a class of people, like Dorian Gray in Wilde's novel, who may have a very "realistic" relationship, and then tell the girl that he must marry the girl his parents arranged, because the status of an actress is not noble enough. If Butterwell was telling the truth, there was more to McLaggen than just betting on Hermione. He is very good at sports, but he is not as good as Victor, the best ball seeker in the world, but if he catches the "Golden Snitch" that Victor can't catch, it means that he "beats" Victor Do Klum.

He didn't love Hermione, life was just a game to him, and he wouldn't settle until he had played enough.

"What?" Pomona asked, trying to stay calm.

"I'm going out for a while." Severus said dryly, "We'll make an appointment next time."

"No problem." Pomona was annoyed and expressed "understanding", thinking that he was going to perform some secret mission again.

"I have a question, what happens if I make an unbreakable vow with someone?" Severus asked.

"That depends on what your vows are," Pomona said.

Then he told Pomona the content of the unbreakable vow he and Narcissa Malfoy had made, although it was Bellatrix who decided the content of the vow.

Georgiana was lying on the bed in the lounge, but she didn't feel sleepy at all. Although she didn't sleep last night, for a while, she seemed to have returned to the state where she didn't need to sleep and eat when she first came to this world.

She stared blankly at the fire in the fireplace.

That was "a long time ago", on the day of the Quidditch trials, the Evening Prophet published a story about the "second" search by members of the Ministry of Magic Surveillance led by Arthur Weasley. The Malfoys, home of the Dead Apostles, unfortunately he didn't get anything, even though it was a covert operation.

Pomona didn't pay much attention to the news at the time, and if it had mattered it would have been in the Daily Prophet rather than the Evening Post.

She also didn't notice that on the express back to London from Hogwarts, Hannah and the others learned that Hufflepuff, a junior who was bullied by Draco, decided to drop out of school, so they came to Slytherin's box , taught Draco Malfoy a lesson, and threatened to let his mother see all this.

When Draco came home, no one was like in the third grade, even if he was caught by the hippogriff to "seek justice" for him, his father was in Azkaban, and a group of people came to "search ", just like copying his house and making a mess of his house.

Naxisha would not feel better even if she ransacked the house for the second time. Her husband was still a prisoner in name and could not appear at the scene, and Draco was not by his side, he was in the school.

In other words, she had to face the scene of being ransacked by someone alone, but fortunately, there was another person who could help her.

Georgiana turned unhappily, with her back to the fireplace.

According to the Unbreakable Vow, Severus would take care of Draco for the rest of his life, but Draco didn't appreciate it.

When Harry's accusations against Draco failed to work with Minerva, he retaliated through Arthur Weasley, the new Minister of Magic Stringer will not make the same mistake as Fudge - don't believe it ha According to what Lippert said, another politician might have sent Arthur away in a slick way instead of actually sending someone to search.

Although it turned out that what Harry said was true, and that the necklace that almost killed Katie was indeed Draco's "masterpiece", it also strengthened Draco's determination. He must fix the "disappearing cabinet" and complete For the task of assassinating Dumbledore, as long as Dumbledore is around, no one dares to touch Harry Potter. Conversely, Harry without Dumbledore's protection is an orphan that everyone can bully.

After the rise of the Dark Lord, Harry was indeed wanted, along with his friends. Their only way is to defeat the Dark Lord. The "Iron Triangle" who had been wandering for a year returned to Hogwarts. Ron and Hermione went to the Chamber of Secrets to destroy Hufflepuff's golden cup, and Harry came to the Room of Requirement to find Rachel. Diadem of Winclaw.

Whatever grievances there were in the past, they were wiped out when Harry and Ron got on their broomsticks and pulled Draco and Goyle out of the siege of Fiendfire.

In fact, Draco could choose to lose his balance on purpose at that time, which is how Mengston made Moody fall off the broom, but Harry will not sit still, he will resist, and the two may fall into the flames together in the fight .

If Harry were a Horcrux, he would perish along with Ravenclaw's diadem, but what about Nagini and Voldemort himself?

And Naxisha, she loved Draco so much, she even dared to lie to Voldemort for Draco.

Therefore, Draco is a smart boy. Not only can he fix the disappearing cabinet by himself, but his grades are only slightly worse than Hermione's.

She was starting to understand now why Lucius didn't let the Dodger be Draco's sidekick.

Narcissa doted on Draco and brought him delicious food every day, as if he was afraid that Hogwarts would starve him. Draco's figure, like ribs, has nothing to do with anyone, it's all because of his picky eaters.

Old Malfoy chose a puzzling way.

"What kind of parents are these?"

She muttered, and covered her head with the quilt, as if wrapping herself into a chrysalis, trying to fall asleep.

But she seemed to hear the cry of Hu Meizi outside the quilt.

After all, this imperial palace has been abandoned for many years, so it is not surprising that there are "demon moths".

Just when she was about to ignore the voice and continue her favorite hobby in the past, "Demon Moth" yelled again.

As annoying as mosquitoes in summer.

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