Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2711 Firebird Land (19)

It's been a busy day today.

While eating, Pomona looked at the noisy students in the auditorium and thought that shortly after Albus' accident, Katie Bell also had an "accident", but unlike Albus's situation, several people witnessed Well, the scene was said to be so powerful that everyone was talking about it when the students returned from Hogsmeade, and it soon spread throughout the school.

"How's Albus?" Minerva asked.

Pomona turned her head and found that it was Feliwei who had arrived.

"It's stable now." Fei Liwei said, but he didn't seem to want to reveal too much, and started eating directly.

"Why don't you eat?" Pomona saw Minerva's untouched plate.

"I can't eat it," Minerva said worriedly.

"You have to take care of yourself, now that the school is running on us, don't let you fall."

Minerva hesitated for a moment before putting the pie into her mouth.

It was a meal without the slightest sense of pleasure, and Minerva left after finishing her plate, not only because she acted as acting headmaster in his absence, but also because Katie Bell was from Gryffindor, and they must be guessing in the common room who was the "real murderer" by now.

Pomona glanced at where Severus was. He didn't come to the auditorium to eat, and he hadn't eaten for a day when counting lunch.

"That's not okay." Pomona muttered, after hastily finished the food on the plate, she took some bread from the table, and then walked up the steps, and she heard footsteps coming down after not far Voice, and soon she met Severus.

His expression was more serious than usual, his brows furrowed into a ball.

"I thought you might be hungry." Pomona handed him the bread.

He took a piece of bread and ate it directly against the wall.

Pomona also accompanied him, watching the snow falling quietly outside the castle.

"I think I've discovered Mr. Potter's secret." Pomona lowered his voice and said like a competent informant. "He did well in Potions this semester because of an old textbook, and Ron complained that he Became a second Hermione, reading every night before bed."

Snape seemed uninterested in Harry's private life, chewing the bread with a scowling face, as if he wasn't chewing food.

"You don't wonder how I got the news?" Pomona asked.

"Why is Longbottom in the Headmaster's office today?" Severus asked.

"Absolutely want to eat some sweets, let Neville buy some for him." Pomona also tore some bread and put it in his mouth.

"That's it?" he asked suspiciously.

By the way, Neville also let Neville admire the sword of Gryffindor, and asked about the Prophecy Ball of the Battle of the Ministry of Magic.

Pomona thought.

"He greeted Neville's grandpa, but he passed away before the start of last school year," Pomona said. "By the way, he wasn't my source of news."

Severus wasn't interested in that.

"How's Katie Bell?" Pomona asked.

"She's in St. Munger's Hospital now, and Felicity and Madam Pomfrey sent her there."

The last time the basilisk petrified Hogwarts students, Madam Pomfrey couldn't handle it either, and the students who were attacked didn't go to St. Munger either.

But when Albus and Severus were both there, Severus probably didn't have time to run between Albus and the school hospital.

"What's the curse on her?" Pomona asked.

"A necklace." Severus sneered. "A lady's necklace for Albus Dumbledore."

"What does Albus want the necklace for?" Pomona asked confused.

"Aren't you curious what that necklace looks like?" Severus asked.

"Why should I be curious?" Pomona asked.

"Katie Bell was very curious. She opened the outer package of the gift, intending to try it on herself." Severus put the last bite of bread into his mouth, "and he was cursed as soon as he touched it."

"Is the curse strong?" Pomona asked.

"She is lucky to be alive."

Pomona couldn't help but sigh, although the person who gave the "gift" was vicious enough, he seemed very naive. What does Albus Dumbledore with a big beard want a lady's necklace for? When he needs to wear women's clothes?

"Draco made the Potter accusation," Snape said across the face.

"Where's his evidence?" Pomona asked.

"He just 'knows.'"

Pomona wasn't happy either, but tried to be fair.

"I don't think Harry thought that much..."

"He's taking revenge!" Snape said angrily.

"What? What is he getting revenge on?" Pomona asked confused.

"At last year's hearing, Fudge accused him of using magic outside of school." Snape said viciously, "If Katie Bell dies, Draco is going to Azkaban."

Pomona wouldn't dare say at this point that Lucius Malfoy not only tried to sway the trial, but participated in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and that Draco's aunt, Bella Trix, killed Sirius.

For such a serious accusation, Pomona felt that Harry should not be so hasty. When she heard that Umbridge had set a dementor to attack Harry, she did not directly report it.

This is a society ruled by law, and a society ruled by law is about evidence.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Severus asked.

"Don't be angry." She said reassuringly, "You know he's not very smart."

"Like a troll," Severus said exasperatedly, as if fed up.

"Do you think you're busy or not?" Pomona asked.

He fell silent.

Pomona tilted her head to look at him.

"Maybe it's because Potter has a taste of power." Severus looked out of the dark castle. "Just because he said 'truth' is enough to make the Minister of Magic resign."

"You mean Harry?" Pomona asked, laughing, as ridiculous as Letaquist's claim that Hermione was ambitious.

"Westminster was once a river moor. Then they transformed the land and built a palace and a magnificent abbey. It was full of noble families, and there was an insatiable ambition everywhere. But in the deep It's still a swamp here," Severus said.

"You can become a poet." Pomona sarcastically, just about to climb up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He grabbed her hand.

"I'm going to see Albus."

"He just drank the medicine and rested." He said in a particularly gentle tone, then put his arms around her and covered her with a cloak. "Let's continue talking about what happened in the morning."

She felt very warm under the cloak, but she didn't get dizzy from the heat, forgetting that this was a place where people came and went.

"I'll meet you at the Forbidden Forest tomorrow." She straightened his neckline, which looked a bit out of order. "Nobody bothers us there."

"How's that Potions Club that your students run?" he said cheerfully, as if in the mood to give them advice.

She twisted his jaw, broke free from his arms and went downstairs.

==================================================== =============

Jean-Baptiste Bessiere was born into a family of surgeons, but instead of being educated as a surgeon as a child in accordance with the custom of "inheriting his father's profession" in the old days, he tried to become a priest.

When he was young, his father wanted him to continue his career, so he went to medical school halfway through, but because of his father's death and the family's financial difficulties, he had to drop out of school and join his cousin who was also a surgeon. Continue to study medicine.

Although Paris has gathered a lot of talents, there are not many well-educated people in the provinces, especially in rural areas. Bessiere had originally volunteered to join the National Guard as a military doctor, but he ended up as a clerk who drafted papers and then rose through the ranks to become a member of the King's Constitutional Guard.

This force existed only for a short time, and was nominally formed by Marie Antoinette. In addition to protecting the king and his family, they also had the nickname "Hell Kindergarten". These soldiers were almost all from the front line. Recruited, many of whom were master fencers and sharpshooters, ruthlessly cracked down on rioters when demonstrators tried to harm the king.

The Constitutional Guard does not live with the king like Swiss mercenaries. They are stationed in the military academy when they are not performing their duties. Therefore, they have the opportunity to be invited by the Jacobin club to play with them. Bessiere is one of them .

When Danton led the armed forces of Marseilles to attack the Tuileries Palace, it was not that the king did not receive the news, but he ordered the Swiss mercenaries not to fire, and although the mercenaries did not openly disobey the king's order, they did not. Follow orders exactly.

After such a long conflict, many mercenaries were injured, and they were forced to recuperate in the Tuileries Palace, so they could not change clothes and leave the Tuileries like other colleagues.

Some members of the Constitutional Guard chose to resign when they accepted the appointment. Most of them were very young, and they trusted their original commanders more than the king. Have doubts about your work.

Bessiere was one of the few members of the guard in the military academy garrison who felt that on August 10th he should go to save the king. Another person, Achim Murat, who later became the husband of Caroline Bonaparte, supported He was just because they were from the same country, and he didn't know why Bessiere wanted to protect the king at this time. Few people finally responded to Bessiere's call. After he took off his military uniform and resigned, he took those few people to Paris and rescued the sixth Duke of La Rochefoucauld from his hiding place.

The one who said "No, Your Majesty, this is a revolution" was the 7th Duke of La Rochefoucauld, before he became a duke, or his cousin, the 6th Duke of La Rochefoucauld. He died, and he himself returned to his hometown in Normandy after realizing the situation in Paris. The sixth-generation duke left no heirs, so the title went to Leoncourt.

After rescuing the Duke, Bessier immediately went to the Pyrenees and joined the 22nd Cavalry Regiment, starting as a corporal and working his way up to a brigadier general.

The hometown of Major Louis de Seguinville, the guide soldier, is also near the Pyrenees. He also joined the 22nd Cavalry Regiment. Although he looks in his 30s, his actual age is only 26 years old. Or to put it this way, people who have been tempered by war are different from those who are pampered. With the traces of time and wind and frost, they look a little older than their actual age.

Bessiere's famous battle was during the Italian War, as a cavalryman, his horse died, but instead of quitting the battle, he came to the Austrian position on foot and dismantled a cannon.

Of course he did not go alone, Major Seguinville was one of his followers, and his horse was gone, and they fought the Austrians hand-to-hand, not with bayonets, but with swords. Sière was remembered by Napoleon.

"Aren't you curious?" Farbolt asked.

"What are you curious about?"

"Why did Bessiere save the king?" Fabolt asked.

Georgiana at first thought it was because Bessiere wanted to be a priest.

But that was all in the past, and the red robe he was wearing was no longer the robe of a bishop.

"Can you tell me why you use Ross Bertin?" Fabolt asked.

"Can't it be because I like her clothes?" Georgiana asked.

Farbolt looked at her.

"She was very loyal to the queen, even though the queen was in prison at the time." Georgiana said.

"Aren't you afraid that she still misses the old days?"

Georgiana smiled, "I think she has pursued the debt for so long, and she should also know that the "credit" of the nobles is difficult to honor."

Farbolt savored her words.

"I heard a fashion person say that they feel that they are not free, but it is impossible to let them leave this circle. After all, who would not want to be them?"

Farbolt laughed.

"Interesting analogy."

"Does this qualify me to continue listening to your story?"

Farbolt was silent and seemed to be thinking.

Georgiana didn't urge her. She was very curious about how Leon Kuhl would react when he heard that his grandson-in-law was such a person. What kind of famous words would he say this time?

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