Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2709 Firebird Land (17)

"I killed Sirius Black~"

Bellatrix sang while running, as if she thought Harry hadn't been annoyed more by her, and shouted "naughty".

"Come and catch me!"

"Cruel!" cried Harry, and a red light shot from the end of his wand.

It looks a lot like Harry's usual "Expelling Weapon", but with far greater range and power, enough to hit Bella.

She was taken aback, and looked in horror at Harry, who was approaching her with his wand raised.

"You've got to be tough, Harry." A voice whispered in his ear. "She killed him, and she deserved it."

At this moment Sirius' face flashed past.

"You know spells, Harry." It was the same voice in my ear, no, in my head saying "Do it!"

Bella laughed now.

Harry's mind cleared up for a moment. He turned his head and saw a tall and thin man with a face like a snake and red eyes as slender as a cat's.

Harry recognized it, the monster, in Tom Riddle's graveyard, and now he appeared in the middle of the Ministry Great Hall.

Harry raised his wand, Voldemort waved his hand, and the wand fell as if he had been hit on the wrist.

"I really have nothing to say to you." Voldemort said disappointedly, "So weak."

With a "coax", a green fire appeared in the fireplace of the Ministry of Magic, and then Albus Dumbledore came out.

"Cool way to come out, principal," Pomona said.

"That's not what I want you to focus on." Albus said, and then the scene changed rapidly, like a movie fast forward.

She "witnessed" the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, through Harry's perspective, as he was pushed aside by Dumbledore at the beginning of the battle, seemingly to protect him.

Whether it was the Fire Serpent, the Water Ball, or the Avada Kedavra, both Albus and You-Know-Who used silent spells, and she doubted that a fifth-year student who had just passed the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination would be able to do so in this situation. what effect.

Maybe the rumors that Albus was old were not false, because he didn't dodge a killing curse, thanks to Fawkes blocking it with his body, the adult phoenix turned into a chick all of a sudden.

"what do you think?"

Pomona froze for a moment.

"Did you see that?" Albus asked patiently.

She didn't know how to answer.

Albus took her by the arm, and the two returned to the headmaster's office together.

At this time, Fox has grown up a lot, but he still looks a little weak, as if his hair is not as bright as before.

"Don't worry, I didn't see anything either," said Albus. "No one seems to know what they've been through except Harry and the Dark Lord."

She was then reminded of Albus's memory.

Harry called him "old man", which wasn't something Harry would do.

"What do you want to discuss?" Pomona asked.

"The last Charm Harry used was Piercing," said Albus. "You know someone who is good at it, and do you think it affects their bond?"

"I do not think so……"

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly," Albus cut her off. "When anger and dark forces take hold, even pure souls can be tainted."

"I said he should go to Slytherin," the Sorting Hat interjected from the shelf.

"I still don't think so," said Pomona panicked.

"Why?" Albus asked quietly.

"Intuition." She searched for the word to describe how she felt.

Albus looked at her through his half-moon glasses.

"He's back to normal, isn't he?" Pomona said hastily.

"Revenge is a kind of primitive justice, and human nature tends towards it." Albus said softly, "If a person inflicts revenge on his enemy, then he is no different from the object of revenge."

"Is that a quote you just came up with?" Pomona asked.

"No, it was said by a Muggle, smart people always try to focus on the present and the future, and dwelling on the past is just playing tricks on themselves." Albus said "Severus is a smart man, he was in the screaming booth I didn't take revenge on Sirius when I was in the house."

She felt very upset, why did Dumbledore bring this up now?

"How's Hannah doing?" said Albus.


"Didn't notice?" Albus interrupted again. "She was called out in herbal medicine class, if I remember correctly."

"I know, just a week ago, I sent her home," Pomona said distraughtly.

"Do you think, then, that she will avenge her mother?" Albus asked.

"I still have a lot to do!" Pomona said.

"You may feel that Severus has alienated you lately," said Albus sharply, "and that's because he has to pretend he's still single, and there's a lot of Death Eater spies at school, kids who haven't grown up yet... "

"You want to insult me?" Pomona asked.

"No..." Albus covered his heart, and said with some pain, "I think I was affected by the curse on the ring."

She became a little worried.

It was a vicious-looking curse, and I hope to find a solution to it as soon as possible.

"I'm sorry," said Albus, "I will no longer judge whether what you did was right or wrong."

It was strange that she had heard such words from "always right" Albus Dumbledore.

"If you need help, you can ask," Pomona said. "At Hogwarts there is always someone who will provide it for you."

"I think I'm fine." Dumbledore stood up slowly.

He looked awful, and maybe he needed blackroot to stop the black magic, but blackroot was running low in her greenhouse.

"Or, you go to bed and lie down for a while..."

"I said I'm fine!" said Albus exasperatedly, looking exactly like the way he had been when Harry was teased in his fourth year.

He underestimated the enemy, or he simply didn't believe that someone could come back from the dead, and it was the same this time. He must have hated that ring.

Pomona decided to find a time to replace the unbroken "resurrection stone" on the ring, lest he destroy it in a fit of anger.

In the past, Pomona and Severus saw many magical items marked with Peverier in Borginbork, but most of them were fake, and their power became negligible over time, unlike As long-lasting as an invisibility cloak.

After all, it was also the ring worn by the Dark Lord, so it should be real.

But rather than worrying about this issue, Pomona felt that she should care about Hannah, and it was thanks to Albus for reminding her that she remembered.

Harry actually used the Unforgivable Curse like the Death Eaters, don't underestimate the power of darkness, even the purest of hearts will be attracted by it, Hufflepuff already has a little Barty Crouch, she doesn't want another One appears.

==================================================== ========

It was only later that Pomona learned that the "sage quote" that Albus said at that time was said by Sir Bacon. Revenge is a primitive justice, and the more human nature loves this justice, the more the law should abolish it; for the offender in the first place has only violated the law, and retaliation against the criminal makes the law useless. It is undeniable that if a man retaliates against his enemies, he is just as good as the person he is retaliated against; but if he is lenient and unrepentant, he is superior to his opponents, for it is noble to exalt . The author is convinced that Solomon once said: It is the glory of the forgiver to forgive the mistakes of others. The past is past and gone forever, and wise people always try to focus on the present and the future, so those who dwell on the past are just playing tricks on themselves.

There are no people in the world who do evil for the sake of doing evil. The reason why evildoers do evil is to gain fame, wealth, pleasure, or something like that. Cosimo, Grand Duke of Florence, condemned the treachery or ingratitude of a friend in such strong terms that he seemed to regard such vices as unpardonable. He said that you can read in the "Bible" Christ's teaching that we forgive our enemies, but you will never read that we forgive our friends. But so far, Job’s spirit is still higher. He said: How can we only like God’s blessings and complain about God’s disasters? Extending this example to my friends, I also have this question. Needless to say, obsessing over the Avengers only serves to freshen up a wound that could have healed. Avenging public revenge will mostly bring luck to the avenger, such as revenge for the death of Julius Caesar, revenge for the death of Pertina, and revenge for the death of King Henry III of France, etc. But revenge is not so fortunate; on the contrary, revengers live like wizards, who live badly for others and die badly for themselves.

At that time the war was over, they lived in seclusion in an abandoned house of a northern farmer, every day was as they thought, and they had plenty of time to do what they wanted to do.

She even got pregnant once, which would have continued if she hadn't rescued Peter Pedilou from falling in the snow.

She thought that his skin was like a zombie because he was frozen. Although she heard that Peter was "executed" by her own artificial hand, isn't there a well-known "hero" beside her?

Facts have proved that the old fool did avoid the resurrection stone when he used the sword of Gryffindor to split the ring of Gaunt's family for the first time. Later, he became more and more angry, and on a snowy Saturday, he used the sword of Gryffindor again. The sword slashed it once, and this time it was going to slash the resurrection stone.

It happened to be Hogsmeade Day that day, and Felix had to go to the Three Broomsticks for a drink early. He was called back temporarily to "first aid" with Severus.

Only then did Pomona know how serious Albus's curse was. It might not be as advanced as the basilisk's curse, but it was very vicious, with the "talent" of the Black family added. Bella was the first thing Pomona thought of at that time, and Regulus said that she had got a Horcrux from the Dark Lord, and that ring must be it.

The Horcrux that Bella got was Hufflepuff's golden cup. Due to the defensive magic of Gringotts, all copied treasures were hot. In desperation, Harry used Gryffindor's sword to pass through its cup handle. It didn't touch it directly, and then they touched it again and it was fine.

He really was a "lucky boy," even without the Felicia.

And that phoenix lost its master for the second time, and left Hogwarts after singing the dirge.

A century ago, there was a teenager who, like so many little wizards who entered school at the age of 11, walked into the auditorium, sat on a chair on the high platform, and waited for the sorting hat to be put on his head.

There are plenty of people who know what happened to him and his family, and understand that he has good reason to go to Slytherin.

"Gryffindor!" The Sorting Hat yelled out the result that many people did not expect.

Revenge is so sweet, why not revenge?

Many people didn't understand, including Narcissa Malfoy. She even used the fact that Peter Pediru was alive to prove her judgment that the past of Snape and Lily had passed. After all, Peter was the real traitor who indirectly killed the Potters. As a wizard who loves revenge, how could he not take revenge? What's more, Snape has always been obsessed with the dark arts.

Both Voldemort and Dumbledore said he was a smart person, and smart people always try to focus on the present and the future, so those who are obsessed with the past are nothing more than making fun of themselves.

So, what kind of future is he looking forward to?

Georgiana, who was "walking" with Fabolt, heard the laughter of two people, and a "couple" came to a place inaccessible, holding hands. One of them, Georgiana, still knew, was Leon Kuhl's granddaughter Alice. and the other a major of the hussars.

There were so many celebrities, dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and generals at the ball, even if she is not the granddaughter of the "Duke" now, why did Alice choose a major? What's more, the major is almost 30 years old. If he got married early in the old days, he could be Alice's father.

"Should we go over and say hello?" Fabolt asked.

Georgiana turned her head and turned a blind eye.

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