Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2705 Firebird Land (13)

A long time ago, in fact in 1562, there existed a small duchy called Rechenberg at the confluence of the Rhine and a tributary of the Scheldt. It was a real backwater, except for the governor Count Hans von Linnett, there was only a group of disorganized villagers, and there used to be a monastery there, but it was destroyed in the war of 1525, so even the priests couldn't help it. none.

An unexpected rainy season in the summer of 1562 left people worried about harvests, and the ensuing floods, livestock deaths led people to believe it was man-made, so farmers searched for the culprit, and only witchcraft could explain it all.

In the end, the target they selected was the 70-year-old mother of the innkeeper, Anna Steele. As for why she was selected, there is no record in the file. In short, the case was tried by the earl himself.

The count had not been trained like the judges of the Spanish Inquisition, nor had he been able to take a decisive step in such a dangerous matter.

Villagers gather at the castle gates to demand that he act, since the "witch" is locked in the castle dungeons. The so-called "taking action" is interrogation, and the dungeon is not as comfortable as a bed at home, but at least it is safe. This group of farmers, who usually looked like their livestock, suddenly became extremely dangerous, no longer afraid of threats, and ready to act at any time. So the earl wrote a letter to his neighbors, hoping that the other party could provide advice and bring the army if necessary.

Since Luther was expelled and arrested by Charles V in 1521, magistrates could sentence criminals who violated religious laws. In 1531, Charles V promulgated the "Carolingian Penal Code", which completely bypassed the "Witch Law". The witchcraft crime defined in "The Hammer" carefully deals with "magic injury". Among them, the capital punishment is limited to harmful magic with conclusive evidence, and any kind of non-harmful magic must follow the judgment of the court.

This kind of harm refers to direct damage to people, not to livestock. Even in order to avoid the arbitrariness of the local court, the use of capital punishment needs to be reported to the high court or law school, and torture can be regarded as a legal method only in the case of a clear crime.

In the end, Anna died after undergoing an illegal interrogation. Her husband and two sons got in as staff when Maximian II held a royal banquet in Augsburg, and put the complaint in front of the emperor. Request to restore Anna's reputation and other rights as a citizen of the Empire, and to compensate her for her pain and injury, totaling 4,000 Dutch guilders.

At that time, "witches" in Europe usually referred to women who did not have children. Anna had children, but she, like Kepler's mother, ran an inn. People of that era may have regarded them as "privileged outsiders".

Then that small principality no longer exists in any historical record, like many similar small principalities in the Holy Roman Empire, which may have disappeared by themselves due to war, plague, famine, or even peasants fleeing.

It is precisely because of the content that "the use of capital punishment also needs to be reported to the high court or law school", the law school has become a high court across regions.

The "Carolingian Criminal Law" also does not recognize false accusations and rumors, and imperial law does not allow torture on this ground. In the eyes of rational rulers, witch hunting is a kind of "Nero's persecution", at least it did not form a large-scale pattern of persecution.

After 1570, the targets of witchcraft accusations changed. Judges’ wives and councilors were likely to be reported. There was even a case in which elites in one area were collectively reported for participating in night gatherings related to devil worship.

The King of France at the time was Charles IX, but more people are willing to believe that he was manipulated by his mother, Catherine de Medici, after her husband Henry II was stabbed in the head in a duel with the captain of the Scottish Guard. And Catherine's three sons successively succeeded to the throne of France.

Their eldest son, Francois II, was only 15 years old when he came to the throne. At that time, he was married to Mary Stuart of Scotland. Died of encephalopathy caused by an ear infection.

Charles IX inherited his elder brother's throne at the age of 10. He also had a younger brother who sat next to Charles IX at the coronation ceremony, and he was the future Henry III.

This third son used to be Catherine's least favorite son, because he always had curly hair and earrings like girls, and he had a girlish love for his favorites.

Then he was thrown into the barracks, and the young prince became a Lieutenant General of the Empire and began to learn "the other side of the monarch". Slowly, he became Catherine's favorite child.

At that time, the French court had a prominent family named the Guise family, whose territories were distributed in France, the Spanish Netherlands and the border of the Holy Roman Empire. In addition to the excellence of his sons on the battlefield, the Duke of Guise also has a daughter named Mary. Although she is not a royal princess, she lives like a princess and is a close friend of Princess Madeleine.

When she was 16, King James of Scotland visited France and met Mary at a ball. The king was more satisfied with the tall and healthy Mary as Queen of Scots than the frail Madeleine, who needed to live in a warm climate.

She was later called the three jewels of Catholicism together with Mary Queen of Scots and Catherine de Medici. Perhaps when the religious wars began, the Guise family did not spy on the crown of the French throne. But as they began to find allies abroad in order to avoid fighting alone, they were no different from those electors who were spying on the emperor's throne.

The Fugger family once lent money to Charles V, which influenced the election of the Holy Roman Empire. Supporting Luther is in a sense opposing the result of that election. "Abandoning the influence of money" re-election, electing a "everyone can believe "The emperor.

When the gold coins for buying indulgences fall into the cash box and make a "jingle", your soul or your loved one's soul will immediately ascend from hell to heaven.

From then on, the rules changed, and the "father" could be sentenced to death by a special court for openly supporting the rebellion, while women and children who did not participate in politics were spared. Children will grow up, and it is dangerous for a wife to be as capable as the "Three Pearls".

In the 13th century, the queen mother of England was accused by her son of being a witch, although she used poison rather than witchcraft. How much threat can a child pose if the parents are removed? There is also a way to cut the weeds and root out the roots. In "The Hammer of the Witch", the witch usually sacrifices her children to the devil, and they can be "purified" by fire with their mother.

Witch hunts in German dioceses affected the male ruling class, but even so men accounted for about a quarter of the victims, and the proliferation of lynchings in remote villages allowed the Spanish Inquisition to monopolize religious trials. The Roman Inquisition was responsible for suppressing the witchcraft scare in Genoa in 1588, but by then it was too late.

The blood has flooded into the sea, and the hatred has accumulated deeper and deeper, which has affected more than one generation. When Henry III was assassinated by assassins in the Jacobin Monastery, the Valois dynasty had no heirs, and the throne was succeeded by Henry IV of the Bourbon dynasty.

Compared with the shattered lowlands, France is still relatively complete. Catherine de Medici shifted the conflict abroad. Anyway, William of Orange received a subsidy from France, and then used the money to mercenary. The Duke of Alva's reign of terror still had some effect, coupled with the assistance of the Inquisition, the local "regents" turned to support the king and were "conditionally" loyal.

The war developed to rob the peasants, denying the other side food and grass, and at the same time getting supplies, especially against the Catholic Church and the residences of priests and believers. In order to avoid being plundered and have their own refuge, villages, towns, and cities have built fortifications. The walls and bastions they saw along the way are not all left over from the Middle Ages. For example, the walls of Antwerp belonged to Alvacius. .

But these are not the "top secret" contents written on the parchment that Georgiana received, and those information can be found in any history book.

Printing in that era had begun to become popular, but it still hadn't completely replaced handwritten books, especially those involving some obscure contents.

The Gaunt family is also rich, and Voldemort's mother's generation has to sell ancestral lockets to make a living. Who pays so much attention when selling property? Of course, what can be sold is sold, even old books are sold by weight.

The two parchment scrolls that Champollion's father found had stayed in some secret room, but they were placed in front of Georgiana anyway.

Grindelwald declared war on Muggles because wizards wanted to prevent Muggles from destroying the world.

In fact, human beings knew how to arm themselves with technology before the publication of war theory, and went all the way from the Stone Age, the Cold Weapon Age, the Hot Weapon Age, until...

There is such a legend that the plague was spread because someone poisoned it. In the beginning, it was the "wizards" who were burned to death. Their purpose of poisoning was to destroy the "people of God", so that demon believers could rule the world. In order to stop them, they must be "eradicated".

There are many "prophets" in the scriptures, and they can also prophesy.

Or to put it this way, there was once a "Nostradamus" who predicted that "the king of terror will rise from the fire and rule the Quartet in the name of happiness."

If it's just this, it won't upset her, the key is that they also drew a pattern, a blue rose in front of a skull with a Deathly Hallows symbol in its mouth.

What is logical is not necessarily the truth, just like people once thought the earth was flat, otherwise how would people on the other side of the earth stand?

What's more, this is a mirror world, everything that exists in it is an illusion, don't think that you have discovered some terrible secret, and then be deceived by it.

"You said you want to learn Latin, how about I teach you a sentence now?" Georgiana looked into Ferrier's eyes and said softly, "virus ariete fortior, which means virtue is more powerful than a siege engine."

Ferrier seemed to be fascinated by the story she told, and looked at Georgiana with confused eyes.

This made her feel like a cat leopard, with hypnotic powers.

If Muggles saw a six-legged cat, they probably thought it was radiation mutation, after all, this is the highest power they have mastered.

I hope that the magic of the magical animals has not been swallowed by the dazzling glare.

She likes to sniff, even in human form, that nasty little thief.

"Where's the mango?" said Georgiana briskly, and left the drawing-room to look for her pet.

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