Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2703 Firebird Land (11)

In Wilde's novel, Dorian Gray, who came from the countryside, entered Vanity Fair after inheriting the inheritance, and lived a colorful life every day.

Then one day, he met Cecilia, an actress from a small theater. She is a smart girl who knows the fate of other actresses who lose their virginity before marriage, but she still can't stand Dorian Gray's sincerity and makes a private decision with him for life.

At this time, his "friend" Henry heard that Dorian Gray was going to get married, so he induced him not to believe in marriage, so Dorian Gray abandoned Cecilia, and the heartbroken Cecilia left him. her pregnant body.

From then on, Dorian Gray began to live a degenerate life, but when he turned all living beings upside down with his youthful beauty, the portrait of him was locked in the attic, becoming increasingly ugly and terrifying.

Twenty-five years later, when old friends are old, Dorian Gray still has the perfect face, so that Henry's daughter Emily fell in love with him. But Henry knew Dorian Gray's past very well, and he would not allow his daughter to marry that half-human, half-ghost monster, so he sneaked into Dorian Gray's house and discovered the secret room in the attic.

He wanted his daughter to see that that was the true face of Dorian Gray, when Dorian Gray appeared, and he accused Henry that he wanted to be a real gentleman, but Henry ruined him.

After a struggle between the two, probably because of their conscience, Dorian Gray stabbed the sword at the portrait, and died together with the devil in the painting. At this time a fire broke out in the attic, burning everything, including Dorian Gray's body. However, when the fire was extinguished, people found the perfect portrait. In the portrait, Dorian Gray was still young, beautiful and innocent, just like he was in his 20s.

Georgiana has always felt that although the paintings of the Northern School of the Netherlands are exquisite, they have a cold and gloomy temperament. Those boats sailing back to the port through the waves always remind her of the cold wind in the North Sea and the dark water, even if it is Midsummer is also bitingly cold.

Among the many exhibits in the Louvre, there is a painting depicting the Battle of Leiden in 1572. It is the work of Anthony van Dyck, a student of Rubens, who once served in the British court. His style also influenced British portraiture, and King Charles I awarded him a knighthood.

There is a legend that Louis XV once told Mrs. Pompidou that even after his death, the flood would be torrential.

She didn't know the truth of this sentence, but Flanders in the 1670s was indeed facing the threat of floods, which caused farmers to reduce their food production, but the Duke of Alva still required the Dutch to pay 10% of the tax. Sales tax, as a means of increasing fiscal revenue.

It is hard to imagine that Spain, with its silver mines in South America, would go bankrupt, but Philip II did go bankrupt several times during his reign. If the Duke of Alva is to carry out a reign of terror, he must pay for the military himself. It's just that his behavior of arbitrarily collecting taxes while bloody suppression rekindled the anger of the Flemish people who had been calmed down by the icon smashing movement. Many people went from behind-the-scenes support to open resistance. Oran William of George was but one of them.

Originally, Charles V made the Netherlands a part of Spain through inheritance. At this time, he had become a Spanish invader, and the methods used by both sides became more and more extreme. There were several famous battles during the Dutch War of Independence. Before the city of Leiden, there was the Battle of Hamm. The Spaniards adopted the method of besieging the city.

When they arrived in Leiden City, the Spaniards followed the same pattern, but the citizens of Leiden also took a firm stand against the Spaniards, and both sides were facing a food crisis.

However, the people of Leiden believed that William of Orange would come to support them. They persisted until the flood season in early October. The prince's guerrillas dug the dyke and drove the Spaniards away with floods, and then he was besieged. The inhabitants of the town brought bread and herrings, and it is this scene that is depicted in the painting.

What is the purpose of war? Some people may think that it is victory, but that is the result of the war, not to mention that the result is not absolute, there is victory and defeat, and it is simply bad luck for the defeated party.

The authors of the theory of war believe that the purpose of war is to make the enemy lose resistance, and to make the opponent lose resistance requires violence, and violence needs to use science and technology to arm itself.

The author is a Prussian, his wife is the head of the maid of the Queen of Prussia, and they both experienced the Napoleonic Wars. Since the War of Bavarian Succession, it has been difficult for Prussia to keep up with France in the number of soldiers. By the time of Frederick the Great's death, 110,000 of the 190,000 Prussian troops came from foreign countries.

This is also the way Frederick the Great ruled the country. The development of industry requires urbanization and population. During the expansion of Prussian territory, many foreigners were relocated to designated cities.

In any event, Prussia's foreign policy was not to fight France alone without allies, which allowed Georgiana to see another way to make her enemy incapacitated.

Why didn't Rohart make Harry rebel? Like Umbridge, he doesn't teach anything useful.

He was a liar himself, so he wouldn't let Harry write "I shouldn't have lied" with the black magic quill.

Harry felt that he had been framed, that he hadn't lied, and that Umbridge had "forced" him to confess.

Power not only makes people obey orders, she also learned one thing after arriving in this world, which is to make people do things they don't want to do.

Umbridge, addicted to the lusciousness of power, was a little unconscious. Albus would "beg", he "begged" Harry to poison him, "beg" Severus to kill him.

Showing weakness is also a means. In short, the people surrounding the palace began to disperse shortly after Stanislas left. Georgiana has already agreed to their terms. What reason do they have to protest in the cold?

When normal people fight, if the two sides are not familiar with each other, there will be a trial process. Not everyone is like the opponent Napoleon met in the Battle of Marengo. The whole army attacked without knowing the details. It's just a "meeting ceremony".

Letting Stanislas go is good for them. Stanislas will establish the prestige among the exiles. He broke into the "enemy camp" alone and retreated; different.

When I return to France, the days to come will be long.

From the corridor, there was the crisp sound of boots stepping on the marble. The footsteps sounded a little messy, not like someone who had received military training.

Georgiana turned her head and found that it was the mayor of Brussels and members of the parliament, as well as members of the Knights, but not a single French official.

Machiavelli said in On the Prince: Anyone thinks how admirable a prince is to keep his word and act with honesty and not tact, but from the experience of our time we can see that those who have done great things Monarchs seldom put faith in their hearts, and they all know how to use their ingenuity to confuse people, and finally defeat those who are based on integrity.

There is a small game that many people played when they were young. One person will be blindfolded and pushed around in circles by a group of people. When the "ghost" turns dizzy, everyone will leave in all directions, making the "ghost" who is blindfolded and dizzy Ghost" to catch.

Nietzsche believed that this world has neither heaven nor hell, it is a closed space. The reason why people live is because of the stacking of various elements. After death, these elements return to this world again, and then there is the assumption of eternal return. At the same time and in the same place, we were born again with the same experience. After all, the elements are the same. If time can be "rewinded", it is just walking along the previous track again.

But this world is not composed of matter, just like Napoleon's body was placed in the Invalides, and other people's are also in their respective cemeteries. This should be a world composed of pure spirit, soul, consciousness, etc.

However, Pomona still brought something from the material world - the red dress, which was a gift from the "Duke of Lorraine" for Severus who saved him on the Great Magic Express. A gift of thanks. It was originally yellow, but it was brought to Venice by Pomona, because it was going to attend the housewarming banquet of a Swedish marquise, and the antique skirt was changed, and later it was changed to red by Hathor. They were also arranged to live in the home of a Renaissance Spanish merchant.

Although oleander is recognized as poisonous, it actually contains the same cardiotonic effect as digitalis. The German alchemist Paracels, who also had a picture of a chocolate frog, also said a motto: "The dose determines the toxicity." The reason why drugs have recommended doses is because of the principle of Paracels. Cardiotonic drugs have both medicinal and toxic properties. Emergency defibrillators also require electricity. Excessive electricity, such as flying a kite to attract lightning, will also make people electrocuted.

If the world is not made of pure matter, then Nietzsche's eternal return will not hold true. The "before" witch hunt is over, but it doesn't mean that it will still end with her, everything is possible.

Can you feel it, that feeling of your heart suddenly tightening, and then beating uncontrollably.

It is possible that you are in love, but it is also possible that you are poisoned.

She touched her heart, recalling the feeling of being poisoned last time, her body was not there, so her poisoning was just a hallucination?

In short, she "lived" from Stanislas's "farewell message" just now. Sir Bacon was right. She couldn't understand how such a powerful force could be used for fun. She was not afraid of being like Fiendfyre Out of control, set yourself on fire?

Or like the dragon's breath, if it weren't for those Muggle children who insisted on watching the dragon wake up, otherwise how could Salazar Slytherin's mother be swallowed by the dragon's breath.

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