Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2695 Firebird Land (3)

Every Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will have a classroom deeply influenced by their personality or interests.

However, since this position was cursed by the Dark Lord, not every professor has the time to pack his luggage like Patricia Linnaeus when he leaves. For example, the professors after Harry entered school, the first professor Quirrell, he turned into ashes, the second professor Rohart, his memory was "forgotten", and he was admitted to St. Mungo's permanent ward . The third professor, Remus, hurried away by himself. He almost escaped from Hogwarts, taking only his luggage with him.

Everyone has their own fears. Remus' parents met because of Boggarts. At that time, a wild Boggart was about to attack his Muggle mother. She didn't know how to deal with Boggarts. Chased by shapeshifters, he was rescued by his father, who locked the Boggart in a matchbox.

In addition to completing teaching tasks in the classroom, teachers must also pay attention to the safety of students. In Hagrid's Fantastic Beasts class, Hagrid had a bad year because Draco Malfoy was attacked by a hippogriff. Therefore, necessary protective measures in the classroom are necessary. This is the responsibility of the teacher and the premise of "enjoying freedom".

At Hogwarts, the teacher decides the teaching materials, rather than the teacher teaching according to the teaching materials. The headmaster gives the teachers full freedom to teach according to their own ideas. So on the floor of that Defense Against the Dark Arts class, there was a hexagonal protection spell made of Derhove bimetallic alchemy wire, and the Boggart was trapped in this hexagonal polarization after he came out of the closet, no matter what it became No frightening look is out of the question, and kids can stand in one place, keep a safe distance from the Boggart, and turn their fears into "funny" shapes.

Harry Potter's Boggart is a dementor. This kind of dark creature cannot be trapped with hexagonal polarization. Only the shield issued by the call god guard can block them.

The hexagonal polarization is like an invisible hexagonal prism, which can deflect part of the magic, but it cannot rebound the Avada Kedavra like Lily's spell.

Derhove's alchemy thread was invented in the 1960s, when the Death Eaters were in the limelight. The purpose of his invention of this alchemy thread was to create so-called "spell-free" defensive magic items, which can be used to a certain extent It can actually realize the function of the Fidelity Charm, but it is very difficult to arrange, and accidents can be caused if one is not careful, so it has never been sold well.

However, the thread used to make it quickly became popular and used for a variety of purposes, such as the one used by Remus Lupine in his class.

This kind of thread is invisible to people who use black magic and dark creatures. Its manufacturing method has been patented by Dehove, but for alchemy masters, this does not prevent them from transforming and using it.

There is a lot of knowledge that not every Hogwarts graduate needs to understand, like the Vanishing Curse that will appear in the fifth grade Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination.

What disappears becomes nothing, and everything at the same time.

When Albus was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts, his classroom was decorated with many star models and tools for observing the starry sky.

When big stars go to the end of their lives, some will have a big explosion. In addition to forming beautiful nebulae, they will also form many elements and disperse into the dust in space. These dusts containing metals and rocks will form new ones in the swirl. planet. All the atoms in every person and living organism come from a certain star explosion, and when you die, you will also become a part of another planet and another life.

The more complex the living body is, the more difficult it is to master the Vanishing Curse, but these are not the point, anyway, most people just need to be able to use it and pass the exam.

The trouble is also this, for these students who have only passed the ordinary wizard level exam, it is very difficult to arrange Dehove's products, let alone those students who can't even pass the exam.

Bimetal is not an alloy. It is a composite material composed of two or more metals with suitable properties. For example, when heated, the expansion coefficients of the metals are different, resulting in a certain curvature change in the bimetal as a whole, forming an arch shell shape.

Derhove's bimetallic alchemy thread uses a double helix structure, or twisted like a yarn. One of its metals is resistant to black magic, making the alchemy thread invisible, and the other is used It is used to create hexagonal polarization and has a defensive effect.

Of course the actual situation is more complicated than that, Pomona will not tell the students below the seventh grade, and the students above the seventh grade, most of them have graduated, either married or work, very few people will come back to listen to her nonsense .

Remus has always been talented, and if he wasn't a werewolf, he could at least be a Gringotts spellbreaker like Patricia.

It never occurred to Pomona that he would work at Borginbork, but there seemed to be few places where a werewolf could be offered a job except in Borginbork.

He was not so much afraid of the moon as he was afraid of the transformation after the full moon. She somewhat understood why he would not hesitate to drink the potentially poisonous chamaejasme potion.

Life has just improved a bit, and everything is back to the original point, like a circle, going round and round, endlessly.

That's not a protection at all, it's a dilemma.

This sense of desperation can easily make people depressed, which is what Qimen Dunjia wants to achieve. Although the maze designed by Pomona can't trap 100,000 troops as in the legend, it can only be created for a few minors. Just an obstacle.

Similarly, the interns who arranged the maze didn't understand what they were doing, they just constructed according to the drawings. So Pomona soon found that she encountered the same problem as Derhove. If her instructions were too complicated for operators to understand, it might not only be a problem with the construction progress, but also cause accidents.

After the comparison, let’s look at Nicolemay, who directed a group of young people to stand in a circle at the Père Lachaise cemetery, “plant” the wand into the soil, and then directed the orange “purifying fire” and the blue one "Devil's Fire" competition. He can use it not only himself, but also others who have provided the wand, and this is only a moment's work.

She remembered a dream in which a small cluster of flames branched from the fire, looking like a bird in flight.

It's just that the real phoenix is ​​much bigger than it, and has a physical form, not purely made of flames like that.

If it is not a phoenix, what is it?

Anyway, she thinks it should not be those "monsters" attached to the black magic flames, it feels warm to her, even though it can't make a cry like a phoenix.

Why is she dreaming of this?

She tried to remember, but found that she couldn't remember what happened, as if someone had used "forget it all" on her.

Only she still remembers that bird, its figure seems to be reflected on her retina, leaving a black negative image, just like we have been staring at the sun for a while, and after a while, there is a black shadow in everything, but we can’t touch it no matter what. less than it.

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