Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2684 The tune of the big dream (below)

Although the Sorting Hat sings new songs every year, it is not a fixed repertoire for the whole school to sing the school song together. After all, the sound effect of "chorus" is not pleasant for everyone to choose their favorite tune.

However, in the fourth year of school, because of welcoming foreign guests, the school song had a fixed tune, and the score was found by Fei Liwei from the previous music classroom. The headmaster before Dumbledore did not agree that everyone could choose freely. tune.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, please teach us."

This song also echoed in the Forbidden Forest, where Barty Crouch Sr. died.

Just witnessing a corpse isn't witnessing death, at least Hermione and Ron, who along with Harry found old Barty Crouch, didn't spot Thestrals in their fifth year.

In addition, the audience who witnessed Cedric's body did not see thestrals either.

Black really suited death, and Severus didn't wear the dark green bachelor's gown she had chosen for him that day, but the cloak he used to wear. When Amos Digory was mourning, the others were terrified, and Dumbledore was enraged, only he could remember to throw the cloak lightly over Cedric.

Maybe it was because he was a master of Occlumency, and Pomona knew Occlumency, but she would rather forget the unpleasant things with the interesting ones, as she did with the dementors.

"Whether we're old men with a bald head or kids with bruised knees, our minds can take in something interesting."

This line of lyrics often confuses her, why is it a child with scars on his knees? Is it because Albus has a complete map of the London Underground on his knee?

She remembered another story about the "Guardian God", about an orphan with broken legs. When he was desperate in the forest, a "horse of the wind" appeared in front of him, took him to a safe place, and Grow with him.

"Because now our brains are empty, full of air, dead flies and trivial things."

Her best student died, and she should feel sad, but she was immersed in the joy of going to Ireland for a "honeymoon". She felt nothing but happiness, so much so that she once thought she was under the Imperius Curse...

"Ma'am," St. Tyrrell said behind her.

"Teach us valuable knowledge, and give us back what we have forgotten." Georgiana said.

Saint Tyrell didn't answer.

"Look around." Georgiana turned to look at St. Tyrell, "What did you see?"

"Treasure." He glanced at the glittering "Pharaoh's Treasure".

"anything else?"

"You can just say it."

"There was an Egyptian princess whose name was Hatshepsut," said Georgiana, "and she became an Egyptian pharaoh, and after her came Thutmose III, who conquered Gajah during his reign." South, Syria, is considered to be one of the greatest pharaohs in ancient Egypt, but when he was young, he was once under house arrest by Hatshepsut until she became the real pharaoh. When Thutmose III came to power, he Trying to erase all traces of Hatshepsut's existence, so that people will forget her. However, if Hatshepsut hadn't vigorously developed the economy and accumulated wealth during his reign, I think Egypt's national strength would not be able to Do you think I am right to support Thutmose III's war of conquest?"

St. Tyrell didn't speak.

"Emperor Frederick thought that building roads was convenient for the enemy to attack. Queen Teresa and the thaler with her head were circulated to the Levant, replacing the Spanish silver dollar as a new trade currency. At least those Genoese were talking about money. Didn't lie about it."

"You think they're lying to you?" St. Tyrrell asked.

"No." Georgiana sighed. "Am I underestimated because I'm a woman? Or something else?"

"I don't think they underestimated you," Saint-Tirrell said immediately.

"Of all the bad things, being scorned is the worst." Georgiana said, "They dared to 'conspire' to kidnap my maid. I don't think it's as simple as lying."

"If you're going to teach them a lesson, erase their memory, they won't remember it," Saint-Tirrell said. "And the lesson, I think, should be remembered."

"You don't need to worry about this." Carolan walked in with a smile. "When they see the kidnapped 'translator' reappear in front of them, they will know that their plot has been seen through."

St. Tyrrell looked at Caroline and smiled, then turned to look at Georgiana.

"I just saw you alone. Now that you have other companions, I will go to accompany other guests."

After speaking, St. Tyrell bowed to Georgiana, and then left the exhibition hall.

Not everyone who has witnessed death can see thestrals, but sphinxes are not like thestrals, even Muggles can see them.

However, St. Tyrrell always pretended that "Carter" squatting next to Georgiana did not exist, so he didn't even look at it.

"Everything has been 'packed'." Caroline said, "except for those who you said will be dealt with when you return to Paris."

"You have a question?" Georgiana asked.


"Teach us valuable knowledge and give us back what we have forgotten. This is the lyrics of the Hogwarts school song. How do you understand it?" Georgiana asked.

Caroline was lost in thought.

"There are quite a few 'ordinary bullies' among Muggles who have all sorts of sinister plans, but are unable to take that risky approach for fear of a noose around their necks, and once given the chance, they There will be no doubts, just like the witch hunt." Georgiana said softly.

"You're right, ma'am," said Coraline haughtily. "We can't spare those animals."

"I think you misunderstood me. I didn't ask for revenge. I hope you will learn to protect and take care of each other." Georgiana whispered.

"I thought you liked Muggles," said Caroline.

"I like 'some' Muggles, and I know that we have to share the world with them, and that our interests are best protected by the International Statute of Secrecy. I don't think we should forget about that, that's how I understand 'Teach us Valuable knowledge, give us back what we have forgotten', in about two hundred years, Muggles will forget what they did."

"How can a man do that?" asked Caroline.

"Let's wait and see." Georgiana said with a smile, "When the snow falls, it is difficult for a lone wolf to survive, but a pack of wolves can survive. If brothers and sisters kill each other, it is not a blessing to have more children. gone."

Caroline didn't speak.

"Witch hunting has not stopped in some areas, only where enlightenment ideas have been accepted, such as Prussia under Frederick the Great." Georgiana continued, "I need Bonaparte, so I have to move him after he agrees." people."

Caroline opened her mouth.

"Do you think I dare not give orders because I'm afraid of making him unhappy?" Georgiana asked, "Anyway, after erasing their memories, they don't remember anything."

"No!" Caroline replied immediately.

Georgiana thought she was quibbling.

"Finding out who the enemy of resistance is is the key. You can hate me, but remember, 'do the right thing', or you will pay a heavy price."

"I don't hate you," said Caroline.

She didn't want to hear it anymore.

"Wake them up, I have other things to do," Georgiana ordered.

Coraline bowed to her and left.

The last line of the school song is "Just do your best and leave the rest to us. We will study hard until our brains rot."

There's a brain hall in the Department of Mysteries. There are some brains floating in the vat. Can they still learn?

Anyway, Albus couldn't do it anymore, he didn't treat his intelligent brain specially, and chose to be buried like ordinary people, and sooner or later it would be as corrupt as other parts of his body.

In the end, the only thing left to the world is the group photo of the two teenagers in Bathilda Shabbat's book, and the white-bearded old wizard who defeated the Dark Lord Grindelwald in the chocolate frog picture.

"You're always right, aren't you?" she whispered, like a whisper.

Then he walked to the window, looked at the snow scene outside the window through the glass, and waited for the guests to "come again".

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