Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2682 The tune of the big dream (Part 1)

In Celtic mythology, there is also a queen named Maeve. It is said that she is the most beautiful woman in Ireland, and she is also a powerful warrior queen. Reigned for eighty-eight years.

She was a model of the woman Gaelic poets like to describe, with strong, white arms, and an excellent marksman with every shot. Her land and peerless beauty attracted many suitors, and what she did was to organize an army to resist these "suiting" princes and kings.

In many fairy tales, the princess is always saved by the prince, but Queen Maeve can choose her husband and abolish them at any time. She has thick blond hair like ripe corn, and she goes to a lake to bathe every morning.

One day, Cu Chulainn's master, the son of Connor of Nassar, discovered her habit, so he secretly lurked on the shore and hit Queen Maeve's forehead with a slingshot, so the queen fell into the water, clear water The lake was stained red by the blood flowing from her forehead.

As for the legendary "Queen Maeve's Crown", it was mentioned by Albus when Pomona was arranging the maze. "Queen Maeve" was a witch of the same era as Rowena Ravenclaw. After Hogwarts was established, people began to discuss which side to go to.

Queen Maeve does not "waste" energy on theory, she "puts" her memories, thoughts and even some emotions in the crown, and students only need to wear it to project it into their own minds, That is to say, you can learn knowledge by skipping the process of reading, memorizing, and taking exams, and save this time for practicing actual combat.

After Rowena created the crown that brought her wisdom, the first "enemy" she had to face was Queen Maeve. Why did people give up this convenient and quick way to study, but choose the thankless hard study?

No student ever noticed how much the Sorting Ceremony looked like a coronation, and not just because the Sorting Hat didn't look like a crown anyway...who would have thought there?

Anyway, the final result is that Rowena won, so the children can only make a surprise attack during the final exam, stuffing as much content as possible into their brains, or go to the black market to buy "smart potions", but these None of the effects are as good as Queen Maeve's crown.

And the disadvantages it brings are also obvious.

Perception is given, and there is also memory. When Muggles witness a magical accident, someone will be responsible for erasing the memory and forging false memories for them to hide the magical world.

But when a catastrophic event like New York happens, it is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive to clear the memory one by one, but it may even be counterproductive, because New Yorkers do not have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, and this city is busy day and night, rumors The speed of transmission will be faster than the speed of amnestics, and they will attract attention when they work, which will increase the risk of exposure.

Scamander "washed" those bad memories with bat-wing venom and rain from Thunderbird's call, but some still slipped through the net. For Jacob, everything about magic wasn't bad, it was good, and he remembered it clearly. But this was not a good thing for him. After the Paris incident, he went to see a psychiatrist. What kind of person would go to see a psychiatrist?

It is not a wonderful experience to come from the world of normal people to the world of "Cuckoo" all at once. Returning to the world of normal people needs to be isolated from the magical world, just like what Harry's uncle did, denying the existence of magic in this world.

If it was that simple, Jacob was just an ordinary Muggle, and he could rack his brains to continue running his bakery during the Great Depression and everyone was receiving relief food, such as the cost and taste of the bread. Improved, replacing those magical animal-shaped bread.

What happened to Hermione Granger was the exact opposite. She was discriminated against in the wizarding world, but she was still the best daughter of her parents. She represented the beauty of their lives.

No other girl has ventured, why should you?

It would be very difficult for Hermione to answer this question from her parents, but she finally chose to take the risk with her friends, thinking that "in order not to implicate her parents", she forcibly deleted their memories with magic.

She deleted it completely, for their safety; it was also very difficult to recover, so even if their parents saw their daughter, they only thought she was very familiar, but they couldn't remember who this strange girl was.

For high-level wizards who can block the mind, it's another situation...

How did she forget, when Harry saw Snape's memory, he had already learned Occlumency, just like herself, tampering with these people's memories is not like unsuspecting Muggles and not Occlumency It's as easy as a wizard with magic.

She herself didn't know whether it was a dream or reality. She once said that Hogwarts was studying memory magic. Barty Crouch Jr. used a high-level confusion spell on the Goblet of Fire, which was much harder than the one used on the kitty.

Rohart apparently knew about advanced memory magic, which he may have found in the Ravenclaw common room library.

The purpose of their research on memory magic is that one day Harry will have to face his fate and accept the "fact" that he is the seventh Horcrux.

Of course, it's also possible that Albus didn't think so long-term, that he didn't bring Harry up to a certain level, and then slaughter him as a pig before letting him come to Hogwarts.

They almost succeeded, except for one thing.

If Voldemort knew that Harry was his seventh Horcrux, he would not have destroyed Harry, let alone Avada Kedavra cannot destroy Horcruxes.

If Voldemort, as Albus said, did not know that Harry was the seventh Horcrux he had inadvertently created, then he would have created another Horcrux.

Wormtail's silver hand is also "summoned" from thin air, and it obeys his orders most of the time, only when he intends to betray, this hand will obey Voldemort's orders and be responsible for execution.

Assuming that this is the seventh Horcrux, Voldemort's main soul that was supposed to go to hell has a connection with it. Knowing the coordinates of the "world", he can return to the "world" from the "space" and continue his unfinished work. Work.

Voldemort was almost insane at that time, and the old fool was also insane from the pain caused by the curse.

Tom Riddle, who exists in the diary, has no memory of himself after the age of 16. Not only his appearance, but also his speech and behavior are very different from Voldemort.

Memory is not only the master of determination, as Hamlet said, but it can also turn one soul into two people completely. 16-year-old Tom "re-recognized" his grown-up self almost through legends and newspapers, just like an ordinary "groupie". How would Tom feel when he saw such a self?

"How did Queen Maeve's crown come into your hands?" Georgiana asked Leon Cavallo.

"You believe what he said?" asked Caroline Lestrange.

Georgiana also felt stupid, how could she trust people so easily?

"You don't need to trust me," Cavallo said. "You just need to answer whether or not to make a deal."

She thought about it for a moment, just not erasing a Muggle's memory, as if it wasn't a big loss.

What's more, when she gets the crown, if it is found to be fake, it seems that it will be too late to eliminate it.

"Where is it?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't know," Cavallo said.

"Are you playing tricks on me?" Carolan raised his wand.

"I really don't know, because the First Consul took it away." Cavallo said unhurriedly, "If you want it, you can only go to the First Consul."

'Only when you find out how you got in, will you know how to get out'.

The words came to her mind.

Will it be like this?

She felt unbelievable, both too sudden and too simple.

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