On the day that Severus participated in the Wolfsbane Judging Conference, Felix attended the death anniversary celebration of an old friend, and this old friend was Adebe Wolverine, the founder of the Wolverine Law.

Waughlin often corresponded with Albus Dumbledore, and these letters were shared by Minerva McGonagall with members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, including Felius Felicity, through this , Wu Fulin and Fei Liwei became friends.

In his early works, he once mentioned the theory of "conservation of magic power transfer", which is explained in a simpler way, that is, wizards or witches will generate energy beyond their control, which will be emitted into the air, resulting in residual spell energy The aura of an aura hovers over the area, and those powers used by the wizard to cast spells, are called "degrees of success", which depend on spell transfer and distribution, which is closely related to the wizard's mood. The sum of these residual energies from successful spellcasting and diffusion into the air is equal to the amount of energy produced by the wizard.

Common spiritual magic Legilimency, its defensive magic is Occlumency, which requires controlling one's emotions, and it is difficult for Harry, who is full of emotions, to learn well.

Although Severus will use the Guardian, his Patronus is not at the same level as the Patronus released by Harry in the Forbidden Forest.

If it is just to cope with the 7-year full-time magic school curriculum, then there is no need to study it so deeply. This set of theories has nothing to do with daily life, and it cannot solve emotional problems. Before Hogwarts was established, there was an institution established by Queen Maeve to train wizards to learn and control magic. That is to say, Hogwarts is different from Muggle schools. Its purpose is not to allow students to obtain diplomas and excellent grades Let them find a decent job, but let them learn to control their own power to avoid magic riots and silence. Once the students can master their own power, they can graduate even if they don't complete the seventh grade, or be expelled like Newt Scamander. As for Hagrid, he lost his eligibility to own a wand, because the mistake he committed resulted in death, although the "murderer" was not him.

Regarding the "essence of self", you can refer to the story "The Wizard and His Hairy Heart". The wizard's control over magic is related to mood swings, but the wizard put his heart in the crystal box, causing it Unaffected by sight, hearing and touch.

In the end, the wizard commits a terrible crime. That scene really doesn't belong in a children's fairy tale, but a murderer with mental problems in the stories described by suspense novelists.

Harry had established a spiritual connection with Aragot, the eight-eyed spider. Anyway, he and Ron were so reckless that they sent them to the door like meatballs and went to the spider's lair to "communicate face-to-face". What's the big deal about establishing a spiritual connection with non-human creatures? of?

Animals are very difficult to control, and although it is possible to use mental communication to avoid Parseltongue and directly control the basilisk, it has not been tried by even the most insane dark wizards.

Pomona and Severus played a very dangerous "game" before. They bought the Daydream Charm from Weasley's trick shop and shared it through the Mind Sharing Charm.

For example, one of them is black tea and the other is milk. If you pour the two together, it will become milk tea, but it is impossible to separate the milk tea into milk and tea. If they hadn't done it right then, a new consciousness would have formed, neither Pomona nor Severus.

Fortunately, they are fine, they still have independent personalities, and the purpose of their spiritual connection is not to control and be controlled.

First of all, Aragog and Hagrid have an agreement that it "personally" will not hurt Hagrid; second, Harry can speak Parseltongue, which is what spiders are most afraid of, and it has no intention of hurting Harry. Moreover, the "level" difference between the "old and mature" Aragog and the freshman Harry is so great that Harry, who has never learned Occlumency at all, can easily be controlled by him.

The temperament of the sphinx is not as fierce and violent as that of the dragon, but it does not mean that they are like people. Pomona is not Ron. After receiving six years of magic education, he can still say that the infernal corpse is "solid." ".

Regarding the issue of "eating the Lord", you can refer to another wizard drama. There is a dark wizard trying to summon the Patronus, but instead of emitting silver smoke from his wand, there are many bugs, and the swarm swallows him.

The "Principle of Artificial Dominion" is not recorded in "Theory of Magic", but in "Book of Spells", which explains why there are many problems in summoning living creatures out of thin air, such as severed heads, unclear stumps and mutated Frog rabbit hybrid.

The book defines them as "quasi-living organisms", so they are subject to specific outcomes (outcomes).

Even basilisks feel hungry like living things, eating mammals such as mice to satisfy their hunger, wizards such as Severus, Slughorn, and Albus Dumbledore do not define it as "life\

,"The Basilisk was "created" by the dastardly Hypor, who was like its creator, and the Basilisk did his bidding.

Harry who also speaks Parseltongue, when facing Salazar Slytherin's successor Tom Riddle speaking Parseltongue, the basilisk will not listen to Harry, if Harry's Parseltongue really matches If Slytherin was involved, the Basilisk would not harm him.

The basilisk is different from the "quasi-living body" summoned under the principle of "artificial pseudo-dominance". It is hatched from eggs. Hagrid also created a hybrid of a fire crab and a manticore, a fried-tailed snail. Although both are artificial life forms, Hagrid only violated ethics and did not violate the "law". Heigl’s basilisk, the toad is only responsible for hatching, and using other animals to hatch the male egg in the sky of Sirius will not give birth to the basilisk, which conforms to the definition of being dominated by a specific result in the "artificial pseudo-domination principle", so the snake The blame is not life.

To put it in a simple and easy-to-understand way, unless Georgiana really has a mental problem, she will establish a spiritual connection with the Sphinx. Facing this old monster who doesn't know how many years she has lived, she doesn't know whether she will become a "dominant". dominator", not to mention luckily she asked one more question, otherwise she wouldn't even know that Ferri'er was kidnapped or disappeared.

If the "normal process" is followed, Georgiana should hide the Sphinx in accordance with the provisions of the International Statute of Secrecy, and then "forget everything" about these Muggles. When this episode does not exist, continue to talk about what they said before thing.

The people of Genoa are tough and value honor. Since the beginning of the Crusades, they have been known for their "exuberant fighting power and fighting will". Therefore, the Genoese won the ports and trading ports of the entire Black Sea region.

It may be because of this custom that when the Genoese saw the Sphinx, no one screamed, fainted, or ran away.

The real ruthless character is not like Malfoy. His son said "I want to tell my dad" relentlessly. The way dad avenges his son is to get everyone to "agree" to chop off the head of the animal that hurt his son. down.

In the movie "The Godfather", Corleone is from Sicily. Mike, the second son who participated in World War II, killed two enemies in a restaurant and ran back to his hometown, where he met an Italian girl. Although he already had an American fiancée at the time, because he accidentally offended the Italian girl, he had to marry her or face revenge from the girl's father.

The prototype of this storyline is derived from the Genoese gangster Luciano, no matter what he does in the United States, he must "obey the rules" when he returns to his hometown, even if he "offends" the local girls only verbally, in the "outsider" "Looks like nothing happened at all.

If the girl's father fails in revenge, the girl's father's brothers and nephews will avenge him until he succeeds. And Kryon's relatives will not sit idly by, and eventually form a vendetta between two families, or even multiple families. In order to avoid this from happening, Mike can only use the simplest and most harmless way to nip the crisis in the bud.

At the beginning of the story, there is an owner who runs a coffin shop. He abides by the laws of the United States, obtains wealth, and asks his daughter to have an American boyfriend and let her go out to "play" with them. It's a pity that all this has become a nightmare. When the girl's father stood in court and heard the verdict, he was stunned, but those boys walked out of the court with "apologetic smiles".

The father then approached the "Godfather" and asked him to help him avenge him.

Georgiana's current situation is like those boys who thought they had escaped legal sanctions, and were just being sought for revenge. Ms. Campini is from Genoa, and Georgiana's behavior made them feel "very shameful". They can't do anything to Georgiana, but they can teach "a lesson" to the Greek slave girls around her. Who made Georgiana Mess with "their girl"?

Now she finds that "one of my own people" has been kidnapped. James Potter said that the rules are set for the little people, but not all the little people follow the rules. These people are serious pirates, even where they stand at the moment Not the deck, but the wooden floor of the Outback Museum.

If the desert is the sea on which they can stand, they are only adventuring "on the sea."

Only then did Georgiana understand how the "little wild cat" Charlotte, who can punch, suddenly became so "good" and persuaded Georgiana to wear the jewelry given by the Genoese.

It's like when a little hooligan meets the "Godfather", no matter how rough he is usually, he must lower his eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye at this time. Fortunately, Georgiana held up the scene. Although she also relied on the help of the Sphinx, it was not the strength left to her by Napoleon.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

Neville was bullied by Draco, who thought Malfoy was "no big deal".

It was over when the Genoese sent Ferrier back, and as long as Ferrier was fine except for a little fright, as when Mademoiselle Campini was brought back by Diloc, they were "even."

Now that it's "even", then it's just a "prank" before, don't be like Snape, and take revenge for the child's "prank" after many years.

But there is a prerequisite for "evening", that is, the "translation" can come back, otherwise everyone will enter the lion's belly to "communicate". After all, Nemesis is a "woman", and she does not talk about "justice" and "kindness".

In the silence, the sound of the clock turning can be clearly heard.

Now I just hope that Ferrier is not far away from them, otherwise the return journey will take a long time, and it will be a torment for everyone.

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