Napoleoni is a storyteller. He not only told stories to the soldiers during his expedition to Egypt, but also wrote his own stories. "Crison and Eugenie" is 1795. At that time, the Jacobin faction he had relied on had collapsed. Although Napoleon escaped from prison, he still fell into a trough in his life. In addition to writing novels, it was also during that time that he discovered the less famous "Napoleon's Law".

In 1794 he went to Genoa and conducted a detailed investigation of the attack on Genoa. In fact, in history, it was the Venetians who really signed a contract with the French and wanted to get half of Lombardy, and the French king who signed the contract with the Venetians was not Charles VIII, but his successor Louis XII. He used to be Orleans Duke.

Charles VIII's entry into Italy caused panic among the countries concerned. Milan, Austria, Venice, and the Papal States formed an anti-French alliance. When Charles died of illness in 1498, Louis XII inherited his plan to attack Italy.

In the same year that Louis XII signed a treaty with the Venetians to abandon Jarrah and Cremona on the Adda, Genoa also declared its secession from Milan and accepted French protection.

Georgiana was not in a hurry to correct him when she was listening to his story. First, she really didn't know that period of history, and second, because she knew that he didn't like someone to correct him like a tutor.

More importantly, the Republic of Genoa is not a powerful military country, so many people go to other countries to find a way out, such as Columbus, he is a Genoese.

What really allowed the Genoese to "rule Europe" was the financial field. When the Eighty Years War broke out in the Netherlands against Spanish rule, the economic center of Europe shifted to Genoa. Genoa was extremely prosperous during this period, and Genoa also gained In order to control the huge wealth of Europe.

Around the 13th century, the Genoese created "Maona", which was the predecessor of many chartered commercial and colonial companies such as the Dutch, British East India Company, and West India Company. There is another "Maona", that is, the San Giorgio Bank, which is not only an internal company of bankers and shareholders, but even manages the income of the Genoese government and sometimes some territories, almost becoming the Genoese national government. country.

But this kind of good day, with the rise of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in the north, is gone forever, but more importantly, the bankruptcy of the Spanish royal family caused heavy losses to those Genoese businessmen, and many people went bankrupt along with them. By the time Napoleon entered Italy At that time, they had no money.

When Massena was besieged in Genoa, he tried to send someone out to buy food, but he returned with bills and gold coins.

The Genoese took some of the money. After all, it was inconvenient to carry money on the march. The Bank of Genoa could remit the money back to France on its behalf. At the same time, Napoleoni also received the "friendship" of the Genoese.

The Genoese themselves also participated in the Crusades. Before the Crusades, the Genoese’s business model for the peoples along the Mediterranean Sea was like this. If they cooperate, the Genoese are high-quality merchants. If they don’t cooperate, they will raise the pirate flag Get up and fight until the opponent cooperates.

Venice's navy not only protects its own territory, but also protects those cities and ports that cooperate with them.

It is common sense to arm merchant ships in Europa, and it is even possible that a merchant ship robbed by pirates may become a pirate the next moment in order to recover the loss.

In Napoleon's novel, Chrissen and Eugenie met in a summer resort with mineral water. He was deeply attracted by Eugenie's fresh face and beautiful eyes. He forgot the war, the filth and setbacks of the past, and she fell in love with her. Like mineral water, his resentment against the injustices of the world was washed away, and he lived a simple life like a hermit.

Even if Chrissen was called up again as an officer, he never thought about Eugenie when he was leading the army. He wanted to go back, even exceeding the expectations of his people and army.

The letters Eugenie wrote to him gave him strength and nourished his increasingly dry heart. Perhaps the hail of bullets on the battlefield could not frighten Christen, but when his letters from Eugenie became less and less, he felt fear and uneasiness, even to the point of anxiety and worry.

Finally one day, when the dawn was approaching, sirens rang through the sky, and Krissen knew that the place was about to be soaked in blood, the army was marching, and drummers were cheering up their morale, but he still thought about Eugenie, what she would say, do what?

In the end, Christen died in battle, just like Napoleon's favorite tragedy, and "The Sorrows of Young Werther", died on the way to victory, and Eugenie became a widow with a child.

Without the reminder from this Genoese, Georgiana would not have remembered that Bonaparte once wrote her a letter saying that he saw a mother begging with a baby on the side of the road, and that woman was a soldier His wife, whose husband died in the war, is now alone and looking for a better sanctuary. He asked her if she planned to raise the baby in her arms alone, and she handed him a letter. It was the last letter her husband wrote to her. He said he loved her and loved her until the end of his life, but there was nothing in it about asking her to raise their children.

The woman then told him that she knew it was difficult raising a child on her own, but she was not going to hand the child over to an orphanage and start over. In the past, she felt that if she was reduced to begging on the street, she might as well die, but now this child is her hope of continuing to support herself.

When Eugenie parted from Christon, her face was pale, she looked weak, and her voice was hoarse from crying.

She is so weak, can she raise her and Krissen's daughter independently?

Even when Georgiana loses her judgment for love, she doesn't think about replacing Josephine, and it's not just because Josephine has the protection of marriage.

She felt that Bonaparte loved Josephine, not to mention that he could not disregard the expectations of the people and the army like Krissen in the novel.

And the other man she loves, he doesn't have so many burdens, he can do anything for the one he loves, but he doesn't love her.

She was exhausted physically and mentally, and although she still looked young on the outside, her soul was already old, and maybe soon, like Albus, she would no longer feel the pain of love.

"You look tired, didn't you sleep last night?"

Georgiana looked back, and it was the purger from the United States.

"It has nothing to do with you." She replied indifferently.

At this time, he leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"I knew you were evil, witch, just look what you did."

Georgiana looked at the museum. Although the guests didn't want to deal with the women dressed in ancient Greece at first, now they also laughed and played with them, playing with the cultural relics that ordinary people were not allowed to touch.

"You are Satan's lover."

"If I go to hell, can I stay away from this place?" she asked.

The clearer seemed frightened by her words, and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"You know what a truly outstanding liar looks like?" She said coldly, "It doesn't lie in how scheming he is, or how well-planned and perfect he is, but because he inspires the people and changes the face of the world."

After she finished speaking, she left, went to the room next door where medieval weapons were stored, and took down a two-handed sword on the wall.

"Which of you will use it?" she yelled at the crowd.

Including the soldiers, the men who were used to hot weapons didn't answer.

"I will," said the female dragoon Figore.

"Show me the show," Georgiana said.

Figor took the two-handed sword in her hand.

"You can't do it." A man said provocatively towards Figor.

"You just have to watch," Figore said, and then looked straight ahead.

After taking a deep breath, Figor took her first step resolutely. The two-handed sword in her hand was also rounded, and she moved forward slowly and firmly as if she was cutting through thorns and thorns.

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