Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2665 Degradation

In the first school year when Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, when she saw Harry standing in front of the Mirror of Erised and got the Philosopher's Stone, she wondered if it would be in the mirror There is a space behind to store the stone, like a safe hidden in the wall, and only Harry knows the correct "code" to open the door of the safe.

But she wasn't like Bill in fourth grade, who thought there was an advanced space-expanding spell on portraits. Oil paintings since the Renaissance all have this feature, which seems to have a sense of depth, but it is still flat.

The old fool often warns people who linger in front of the Mirror of Erised, why isn't he himself a frequent visitor to this mirror?

Met him once in Pomona looking in the mirror and chatted with him about what he saw in the mirror and said he saw so many wool socks that he couldn't get enough of them.

It was almost Christmas, and since Dumbledore became the headmaster, the students were going home for Christmas, and the school had become deserted, and she thought he wanted presents for a while. But he was not old enough to hang woolen socks and wait for Santa Claus to stuff them with presents, but to play Santa Claus.

Severus thought he wanted family affection, and Pomona felt that if Albus really wanted family affection that much, he should spend more time with Aberforth, after all, Aberforth was the last one he had. loved ones.

So she actually gave Albus lots of woolen socks for Christmas, thinking he might have cold feet. The "last time" Albus found the Room of Requirement was because he was in a hurry to go to the bathroom, and then he found various potties in the Room of Requirement.

Sometimes people's desires are not so complicated. When you are hungry, you will see a variety of delicacies. When you are thirsty, you will see an oasis with fresh water. When you are cold, you want to wear more warm clothes. As a result, Albus was very happy to receive this gift, but Severus' face was drawn very long.

Although the Slytherin's basilisk is very scary, it is only hungry to find some mice to eat, and it is only its instinct to use its eyes to kill.

People don't have claws like lions, but they can still fight lions.

After observing the murder of Mrs. Loris, Colin Water and Hermione investigated what the monster in the castle was, and used a mirror to look at each other's backs to ensure the safety of the two.

Because she didn't look directly at the basilisk, she and Hermione just petrified, and returned to normal after being treated with the Mandrake herbal liquid. Fortunately, there were no casualties that year.

Schools are closing and exams should be cancelled.

However, there is still an exam in the end, which makes everyone who is full of expectations complain.

Almost every few years, Fei Liwei will have such a "favorite student". He would leak the test questions to them, and then let the top students "predict" what the test will be, so that everyone can pass the test.

The reflection in the mirror is just a "shadow", which is different from the shadow cast by birds on the ground that people understand. It is related to "you", but it is not "you".

The originally deadly sight of the basilisk can only "petrify" people after being reflected in mirrors and water surfaces, but this kind of petrification is not a body-binding spell. If the time of petrification is long, it will be the same as the curse of portrait painting, making people lose their perception of the real world.

If you insist on making a comparison, the portrait curse is just a prank that can easily be deceived, while the sight of the basilisk is the real high-level black magic. Albus has no countermeasures, he can only believe what Severus said The crafted potion works.

Salazar Slytherin left a lot of things, and as the successor of Slytherin, Tom Riddle should know how to make the "antidote", and it is not surprising that Snape, a former Death Eater, knows up.

It can be imagined that a person is standing in a movie theater, and a movie is shown on the screen in front of him. The movie records a person's life. The biological time of the person standing in front of the silver screen.

This is what the twins on the way back from time travel feel. The twins on the earth send him a light signal made of their own photos once a year. The frequency has sped up, and the twin on Earth is still living his own life, it's just that when his twin brother and sister return, the two are not the same age.

In the macroscopic view, the clock divides the time of the day evenly, and we perceive that a second has passed because the second hand has moved.

Because the victim in the portrait is still crying and exercising, it is incomprehensible from a macro perspective that time has stopped superimposing. The petrification caused by the basilisk, making time stop superimposing is another principle. The "flesh" of the victims does not turn into paint like the victims of the portrait curse, they just appear to be "frozen".

I perceive a beat, step by step, and a sound. When I am used to this beat, if the speed of the clock I see exceeds it, then I will feel that the clock is faster.

Similarly, when looking at pedestrians on the street, people in big cities have a fast pace of life and walk very fast. If they suddenly walk slowly like people in the countryside, it will make people feel very awkward.

If you are doing some "outrageous things" at this time, such as blowing up a street, overturning a police car, etc., and the people around you are surprisingly calm, if you are not crazy and have hallucinations, or someone has created hallucinations, Make you feel like you are still in the real world.

This is not surprising in the wizarding world, there are many phenomena that can cause hallucinations, such as prophets, Animagus or Legilimency can be experienced. There was a time when the second-generation Dark Lord "Mysterious Man" was not as out of control as he was later. He didn't take the Unforgivable Curse seriously, and he would use hallucinations to torture people.

For example, let your lover die in front of you again and again, or let you watch fear, or make you crazy, he and his followers take pleasure in this, and when the victim wakes up, he will find the people around him They were all laughing.

If Grindelwald created a publicity-worthy hope, wizards thought they were preventing Muggles from destroying the world. Then the mysterious person is simply inciting hatred, dissatisfaction, and discrimination. For many people, this does not make people feel "interesting".

In the previous dream, Pomona remembered a sentence: You are not a god, so don't just forgive the "unforgivable sin" committed by others.

She doesn't understand it now, but she may understand it in the future. Dreams sometimes contain precognitive content, but she hopes that it is just her delusion.

Like a shattered mirror blotted out with a blunting spell, no matter how big or small it is, it disappears.

Freud believes that abstinence will suppress certain impulses, but cannot make them disappear. It will find you in your sleep at night to compensate for what you cannot get in reality. This "desire" will also appear in Erised. in the mirror.

The key to the "Operation Kylin" is a prayer wheel, and the venue of the Wizarding Union looks a lot like XZ's Buddhist temple.

It seems that the god is a place suitable for "epiphany" or cutting off the mortal relationship.

She doesn't want to live a "monk" life, and she hasn't tried many things at this age.

Or worse, Pomona had seen Severus in the Mirror of Erised, and if one day she "killed" him in the mirror world, what a horrible scene it would be.

As for why she had this idea, it may be because she saw the strange conversation between Albus and Grindelwald.

Separation represents loneliness. They clearly understand each other and even once like-minded "friends".

From the dazzling flash of the magical confluence of Aberforth, Grindelwald, and Albus, to the sudden flash of Santos' yellow light, the blood alliance was shattered in the blink of an eye.

Something must have happened in this, but it was too fast for anyone to notice except the two involved.

Or, she simply thought too much.

For a fool, she did think too much.

Not long after, Albus came down from the tower and came to the auditorium to have breakfast. He did not interrupt the discussion between Pomona and Felix, but sat down with Minerva.

"What are you thinking?" She muttered, stood up, walked from the students' dining table to the teacher's seat, and had breakfast with the hundred-year-old human wizard who was still walking like flying.

In Bhutan, the duel between Grindelwald and Albus is in the mirror world

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