Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2660 the direction of the eyes

On the west bank of the Thames, near the Victoria Embankment Park, there is an obelisk called "Cleopatra's Needle". The London Eye is on the other side of the river. see it.

It was actually built by the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III, and 200 years after him, Ramses II also inscribed his own military victories on this obelisk.

In 12 AD, the Romans moved it to the city of Alexandria and placed it in a temple built to commemorate Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony, the "Cleopatra", so it was called "Cleopatra VII". The Needle of Petra".

In 1819, the Governor of Egypt presented this obelisk to the United Kingdom to commemorate the British army's victory over France in the Battle of Alexandria, and the other is located in Central Park in New York.

Obelisks are usually erected in "pairs" on both sides of the front of the temple, rather than "separately".

As a "return", Britain gave Egypt a big bell.

It is very similar to Big Ben, the difference is that Big Ben is still working today, while the clock that traveled across the ocean and was sent to Egypt to be assembled after suffering only two days of work in Saladin Castle stopped working.

Britain did not send anyone to repair this clock, and the Egyptians at that time could not repair it. Later, it seemed to be forgotten, so it was "broken" for more than 100 years.

As early as the 12th century, there were many mansions along the Thames River, and many bishops and important ministers lived on the bank.

It was also in the 12th century, when the Crusades "expedition", in addition to going to Jerusalem, the Crusaders also went to Egypt. Saladin, the first sultan of the Ayub Empire, personally led his troops to repel the Crusaders and recapture Cairo. To commemorate this event and to remove the Fatimid Palace, Saladin built the Saladin Castle.

At the entrance of the British Parliament Building, there is a bronze statue of a knight. This "knight" wearing armor and looking heroic is none other than Richard the Lionheart, the second king of the Plantagenet Dynasty. In the Battle of Harding in 1187, the army led by Saladin defeated the Second Crusade, not only recaptured the holy city of Jerusalem, but also captured the holy relic "True Cross", which led to the third Crusade. The army marched east.

This "Eastern Expedition" included Frederick "Red Beard", Philip II "The Fox", and Richard the Lionheart. In short, after going through some things, Richard finally signed the "Jaffa Contract" with Saladin, and the Third Crusade came to an end, and Richard the Lionheart became a legend like King Arthur, and his sculpture was erected At the entrance of the building.

Many family members of the deceased do not agree with the autopsy and believe that the deceased should be buried intact.

Even those who agree to autopsy must be graded. Modern general autopsy will not take out all the organs like making mummies and carry out embalming treatment, except for leaving the heart in the body.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the weight of the heart determines the destination of the soul. There is a famous heart-weighing ceremony in the murals of ancient Egypt. The heart of the deceased will be placed on both ends of the balance with a feather. If the heart is heavier than the feather, then this People will go to hell, otherwise they can be resurrected and get "eternal life".

They believe that the human soul lives in the heart, even though they were able to perform craniotomy to remove the brain from the skull thousands of years ago.

After shopping enough in Diagon Alley, Pomona arrived at the Order's safe house in Westminster Abbey with Cornish pasties, sausage rolls, and white bread to accompany the sausage rolls. At this time the door was already opened, but it was not wide open, but a crack was left.

Just as she was about to reach out to push it open, the door seemed to be blown open by itself, and then she saw Severus Snape standing by the window, looking at Downing Street and The direction of Whitehall.

At this time, he was wearing a white shirt, and he looked no different from the Muggles on the street.

This is a very strange feeling, like a memory, but also like an imagination. Snape had been indifferent and alienated from others for many years, but he showed such a side in front of her. The midsummer wind blows in through the open window, causing his hair and curtains to flutter slightly, which makes her feel that time has not frozen, or looking at a life-size photo.

People often compare time to a river, and consciousness is also a river. It reflects the colors we see, the sounds we hear, the tastes we smell, and other experience activities. It is given.

Fragrance is pleasant, but odor is disgusting. Whether it is fragrance or odor, our sense of smell can only accept it. All we can do is to cover our noses when we smell the stench, or run away from that place quickly.

Scents draw attention, whether it's the smell of perfume or the smell of food.

At this moment, Severus who was standing by the window suddenly turned his head to look at her. He was really not very good-looking, not even as good-looking as the one she met before who handed her the silver bottle...

"What did you bring?" Severus asked.

"Food." She said as if she had woken up, then walked to the table and put the paper bag she brought on the table.

She felt as though she were standing on fire, burning from the soles of her feet, but that dissipated when she put the last plate of Cornish pasty on the table and turned her eyes to him.

He turned his attention to the food, walked over in silence, then pulled out the chair and sat down.

"Are you going to stand the whole time?" he said after a while.

It was only then that Pomona noticed that she had been standing, and then she pulled out the chair and sat down, and it was only then that Severus picked up the Cornish pie and chewed it expressionlessly.

Maybe letting him eat wax is also the same expression.

Pomona also took a pie and almost threw up after taking a bite.

Possibly because of the summer, the beef mince tasted so stinky that even the onions couldn't cover it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she complained.

"Tell you what?" He asked blankly.

She put the stinking pie on the table.

"I thought it was eaten by the ghosts at the Deathday Banquet." She muttered, breaking open the sausage again, just about to smell it.

"A stink is a stink, and no amount of perfume can cover it up." Severus said pointedly, throwing the uneaten pie on the plate. "And onions, too."

She looked into his eyes.

"Don't want to explain something?" he asked.

"I don't know what to explain?" she asked back, taking out her wand, intending to disappear the plate of pie.

"Where did you buy it?" he asked.


He motioned her to look at the pies.

"Just down the road," Pomona said. "Don't be picky, it's summer."

He couldn't take his eyes off her.

In fact, she bought these Cornish pasties because he disliked the kebab downstairs with too much spice, which made him unable to taste the freshness of the meat.

"Why don't you bring some from the kitchen?" he asked.

"This is the rule." She said, "You can eat whatever you want from the kitchen at school, but you can't take it outside the school!"

"What's that smell?" he said as if suppressing anger.

"I don't……"

"Can you smell it? A stench." Severus leaned back "like a dead brute."

"Don't say that!"

"Why not?" he asked quietly.

"I won't tell you," Pomona said.

He acted nonchalantly and didn't yell like his father, Tobias.

"Let's go out." He was obviously not asking for her opinion, but stood up directly.

"No!" she said, "I'm going to stay here."

He ignored her meaning at all, and turned to get the coat he had taken off.

This reminded her of the plots in many novels and movies. When a man insists on leaving, some women will cry to keep him, or threaten loudly, "If you dare to leave this house, don't come back", but there are also women who smoke silently. , watching him leave quietly.

If there are two dog barks at this time, the effect will be even better. Then the man carried his luggage and walked out of the "house" without looking back.

Since he wants to choose freedom, she will not stop him. The river longing for freedom will become a raging torrent, which cannot be stopped.

She remembered the introduction in the National Geographic magazine that Dujiangyan chose the method of "diversion" to allow part of the Minjiang River to flow into the plains and become irrigation water, achieving the "Land of Abundance". Another part of the Minjiang River continued to rush down the river, but did not let it flood.

It is not his ability that determines a person's fate, but his choice.

The most important thing in life is not ability, but opportunity.

In the rolling torrent, even if there is a drop of water that wants to go to the Fuze side of the "Bao Pingkou", it will be engulfed by the torrent and become part of the flood because of missed opportunities.

Destiny is also something that cannot be done by humans, so forget it.

She was about to close her eyes, but he grabbed her hand and disapparated before she could react.

When she looked around, she found that they had come to the "canteen" of Buckingham Palace staff who had been there last time.

There were very few people at this time, they found a place to sit down easily, and then the waiter came.

"is there anything that I can help?"

"A good pot of tea," Severus said. "I'm going to rinse my mouth with it."

The waiter didn't get angry and left with a smile.

Severus turned his gaze to Pomona now.

"It looks like there are other places that can provide 'help' besides Hogwarts, as long as you bring it up." Severus smiled teasingly. "Are you right?"

"That's also paid and unpaid," Pomona said.

"Don't be so nervous, honey," Severus said.


"The tea you want, sir." The waiter came over and put two teacups in front of them.

"Drink it, and then we'll switch." He smiled. "Just like Sybil did in class."

"You're not a prophet." Pomona stared at him. "No one knows everything."

"Yeah, just treat it as a game." Severus suppressed his smile. "I'm a sympathetic and understanding 'friend'."

"What?" she asked incredulously.

"You don't mind?" He said, picked up the tea that was still smoking on the table, and drank it in one gulp.

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