Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2654 Secret Words from the Past (Part 2)

Although in the general concept, London is a "city", but in the administrative system of England, it is not a city, but two sub-administrative districts under Greater London, which have the same status as Westminster Abbey.

After coming out of the restaurant, Pomona glanced at Severus' face, his expression looked very serious, not at all relaxed as before.

"Let's celebrate somewhere else!" she said.

Severus looked at her coldly.

"Come with me!" She took his hand and was about to move her legs, but she still didn't get used to the high heels and almost fell down again.

"Where do you want to go?" Severus said patiently, holding her waist.

"Wait for me for a while." After she finished speaking, she limped to the door of the women's clothing store next door, and cast a transfer spell on the model in the window. The black dress on her body was exchanged with the clothes on the model, and she put on She felt much more relaxed after wearing professional trousers.

"Follow me," she said to Severus, and walked into an alley not far away.

Although Westminster is dominated by government agencies, there are still many residential buildings. Pomona led Severus to a Turkish restaurant and entered an apartment building through an unassuming entrance behind the restaurant.

They climbed the stairs to the third floor, and then Pomona took out his wand and opened the door. Inside was an ordinary house that looked cozy, but because no one had lived in it for many years, it didn't look popular.

"This is the former safe house of the Order of the Phoenix, come in." Pomona said, walking into the house first, and walked to a window. "Look from here."

The former Death Eater who was looking around curiously came over upon hearing this.

"That's Buckingham Palace," Pomona said, pointing in one direction, then the other.

"Downing Street," Severus said before she could speak.

"It's just for emergencies, the Ministry has Aurors to keep the Prime Minister safe," Pomona said.

Severus didn't answer her, and continued to "visit" the safe house.

"Wait for me for a while," Pomona said, and then hurried downstairs, bought some barbecue at the Turkish restaurant downstairs, went to the supermarket next door to buy a bottle of sparkling wine, and then went back upstairs again.

When she got back to the safe house, Severus was looking out the window.

In fact, besides Downing Street, there is also Churchill's wartime headquarters in that direction, but for people in peaceful times, "war" is too far away from them, so far away that it is too far away to look at the scenery outside from the window at this time. I can't see it at all.

"I hope you don't mind," Pomona said.

Her words caught Severus' eye, and she held up the food in her hands "Let's celebrate."

He didn't appear very happy.

Pomona put the barbecue and wine on the table, then walked to his side.

"I don't like that place," she said softly.

He still doesn't speak.

"It's full of 'servants'. Are you a servant? Severus Snape," Pomona said.

Now his attention was drawn.

"Come on, have dinner with me." She took his hand and let him follow her to the table.

She waved her wand, and the paper cutlery on the table changed into a different shape, making it look like a banquet.

"No champagne, let's make do with it," Pomona said, opening the bottle.

At this point Severus "conjured" two glasses, which were suitable for drinking whiskey, but she also poured golden sparkling wine into them.

"Cheers!" she said happily. "Congratulations, Professor."

He smiled, picked up the glass and touched her, and then took a sip of the wine.

"Why don't you drink more?"

"We have something to do this afternoon." He said calmly.

Suddenly, not knowing what to say, she picked up a fork and ate a piece of roast meat.

It smelled very good because of the spices added, but it tasted too dry, and the meat had no taste at all.

Fortunately, she carried a lot of things with her. After she used food magic, the barbecue became much more delicious.

"Have you never thought about getting married?" Severus asked suddenly.

The question frightened her.

"You don't have to be single all your life like Dumbledore, Minerva was married once," he went on.

"That's not the right question," Pomona said, taking a sip from his drink.

"Why doesn't it fit?" he asked again.

She swallowed the wine.

"You want to get married?" Pomona asked.

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Why not?" Pomona asked.

He didn't answer the topic either, and took a sip of the sparkling wine.

At this time, she noticed that he held a wine glass very nicely, not that his fingers were particularly slender...

Then their eyes met.

She got used to dodging and focused her eyes on the barbecue. But what she didn't expect was that he dragged the plate of barbecue in front of her.

"Hey..." she grumbled.

"You should focus on me." He said indifferently, "You promised me."

She felt that this topic was very similar to how her father came back after a long business trip, and the child said "you promised me" very willfully, and so on.

"Hogwarts, I think, is where Albus feels most at home," said Pomona. "It's like his sanctuary from the rest of the world."

He stared at Pomona.

"The Order of the Phoenix isn't just a safe house... he's actually quite insecure," Pomona said.

"I thought it was the basis of a secret mission," Severus said.

"I've been to Scamander's house, and I can feel peace talking to Tina," Pomona said. "As Calvin said just now, finding peace is difficult at this time."

He fell silent.

"He can find peace there and his favorite animals, like Dumbledore." Pomona smiled. "For them, home is a sanctuary."

"You think students are like animals?" he said deliberately.

"You've seen Aberforth, and his bar." Pomona forked a piece of barbecue. "There's more than a dead fly in that place."

He stared at her without speaking.

"I think, in addition to the shelter, there needs to be someone who understands you, even if the person is not related to you by blood." She held his hand across the table. "You will find such a person."

He may have something to say, but he hesitates several times.

"Do you still want to go back to that restaurant now?" Pomona asked.

"Close the door." He withdrew his hand.

It was only then that Pomona realized that the door of the safe house had not been closed and was left open.

It is also possible that this is her subconscious behavior, because...

He took his wand out of his sleeve and slammed the door shut, blocking out any prying eyes.

==================================================== =========

Nothing happened that day, and after dinner they resumed their chat about time reversal breach.

Georgiana looked at her classically dressed self in the mirror and thought, CERN once created a kind of uncharged neutral particle k0 meson, which can easily decay into its antiparticle, and the antiparticle will pass through the weak nucleus Force becomes k0 meson. These two reactions are just opposite, so they can be regarded as the time reversal of each other. Soon people found that the speed of antiparticles into positive particles is faster than the speed of positive particles into antiparticles, which shows that the weak nucleus The force violates the symmetry of time reversal.

Assuming there is such a mirror, it can convert a particle into its antiparticle like the center of a nucleus, this is called charge conjugate transformation, which belongs to a part of the cpt theorem.

Obviously, it is not an ordinary mirror, and it is impossible for Berlin in the early 20th century to have such a mirror. If the mirror image spell borrows this principle, then the speed of the mirror world and the real world should be relatively slow.

However, this is not absolute, because the illusion was created by Albus, and its reality is directly related to the control of the "dream builder".

There is a direct relationship between using magic and emotions. Although children don't know as much as adults, they are more likely to summon animal-shaped patron saints.

Nor are their desires like grown-ups, perhaps just to win the house cup, become a prefect, or spend more time with their family.

At the same time, children don't understand their parents like wives and husbands. When they choose to be "big family", it is difficult for them to be "little family".

Some people think that the reason why the weak become weak is because they want to be weak, and they don’t know how to make progress and work hard, but they need to work hard to become strong. There is no eternal weak and strong in this world. Sympathy for the weak is The greatest disrespect to nature.

Pomona, who also adopted Nietzsche's thinking, doesn't think so. What kind of person you want to be is not your ability, but your choice. Continuous efforts towards a crazy road will only accelerate your own demise.

Dangerous times favor dangerous people. In this wave of the times, it is not easy not to be coerced and to maintain your own point of view. You think you are as solid as a rock, but in fact, you will be photographed by the waves. Break into pieces.

Therefore, to stick to one's own judgment also requires sufficient ability, otherwise the end will be like Pomona, not only losing everything but also ending in nothing. Nothing that happened in the mirror world would affect reality, and if it did, Albus wouldn't use it against Credence.

The question is, where did the destructive power Credence unleash go?

Regarding the cause of the low temperature after the "Lakeside Incident", because of the continuous occurrence of events, they did not discuss the result in the end.

Compared with Voldemort's resurrection, this was originally "unimportant", but "now"... who can predict?

The laboratory was successful in 1998, I was a little ahead of schedule

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