Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2647 Wind and Flowers (26)

Both Fudge and Damocles Belby were present at the breakfast, as if they were treating the contest as a social event.

While drinking coffee, Pomona looked at them and thought viciously that even if Damocles lost, he could recover the loss, because he could make many "friends" and expand his influence in the international potions circle.

"Are you representing Hogwarts?"

Pomona followed the sound and looked over.

"It's an honor to meet you, Bartholomew Hayden." The man reached out to Pomona. "I'm from Beauxbatons."

"Nice to meet you," Pomona said in French. "I'm here with friends."

Hayden froze for a moment, then laughed, "I didn't expect Professor Snape to need someone to cheer him on."

"I'm not cheering him on," said Pomona dryly.

"Of course, Potions is not Quidditch. I didn't expect to gain so much from this trip to England. I originally planned to watch Quidditch. By the way, I'm a fan of the Tornado team."

"You like English professional football?" Pomona asked in surprise.

Hayden shrugged, "If I say the name of a French Quidditch team, do you know it?"

"Try it," Pomona said enthusiastically.

"Lance Dragonflies."

"Is that a real name or did you make it up?" Pomona asked.

"Look, so I said I'm a Tornado fan," Hayden said, laughing. "I like Quidditch, but you don't seem to like it that much."

Pomona was about to defend himself, but later admitted with a smile.

"I prefer food, what do you teach at Beauxbatons?" Pomona asked.

"Entomology, but getting girls to accept what a butterfly looks like before metamorphosis is harder than I thought, so my class is an elective." Hayden said calmly.

She thought about it for a while, and insects are also an important component of potions, although caterpillars are the natural enemies of many plants.

There is a kind of swallowtail butterfly named Paris emerald butterfly. It has this name not because it is produced in Paris, but because its hind wings have a spot of emerald blue. Europeans called that color Paris emerald at that time. .

Its larvae like citrus plants very much, while its adults like white flowers, and it happens that citrus flowers happen to be white.

Without human intervention, swallowtails pollinate plants with white flowers, such as citrus, which bear fruit and are eaten by animals. But the larvae of the swallowtail butterfly eat the leaves of the fruit tree, which will cause the citrus yield to decrease, so this beautiful butterfly is classified as a pest.

Humans have created language and writing to express and describe their feelings about external stimuli, but for animals that cannot express, they don't know what they feel.

The difference between whether humans have perception of magic plants is based on human standards.

Pomona couldn't help but think of the scene when she saw Neville and Ruxiang together in the greenhouse... She thought she might be thinking too much, because she felt that Neville looked like he was talking to a potted plant. Hearing strange noises was not a good thing even in the wizarding world, and when the basilisk was active in the castle, Harry heard its whining from the walls.

Talking to snakes was weird enough, let alone potted plants, but she was only upset for a moment when a house-elf with a dinner plate came up and tugged on Pomona's skirt.

"A wizard asked me to give it to you," said the elf to Pomona.

This time Pomona didn't say thank you. She took the note from the elf, glanced at it briefly, then found an excuse to say goodbye to Hayden, and then left the dinner party.

She walked briskly, almost at a trot, down the empty hallway until she came to what might have been a witness waiting room, with an Auror standing outside the door, which was open and Severus could be seen Standing by the fireplace with his back to the door.

"You can't close the door," the Auror said as she reached the door.

"I'm not here to visit the prison," Pomona said fiercely, and then slammed the door shut.

Hearing the door close, Severus turned to look at her.

"This isn't the first time you've made wolf bind, Severus," Pomona said.

"No, this is the first time." He said coldly, "I prepared an improved version of Wolfsbane before."

Pomona chose to swallow it, who made her forget what he asked her to do.

"Aren't you worried?" He asked suddenly.


"That's right, I was the first one, and you don't have to worry about Lupine dying." He sneered, but Pomona thought he meant something else.

"Felius and I have made new progress in the Harry Potter Patronus investigation, and you?" Pomona said.

He frowned, looking at her puzzled.

"Harry felt that he could successfully summon the Patronus because he knew he could succeed, so he didn't have any hesitation or apprehension, just like you..."

"I'm not nervous!" Severus cut her off immediately, viciously.

"What I want to say is that it's this certainty that makes Harry full of confidence. Lucius asked you how you want to celebrate after the game. What do you think?" Pomona asked calmly.

"Hasn't he already decided? To have a dance at Malfoy's?" Severus said.

Pomona looked at him speechlessly, sometimes she was really puzzled by the "friendship" between him and Lucius.

"Look, this is confidence. Do you remember how you responded when Lockhart wanted to make the Mandrake potion for you?"

He didn't answer.

But Pomona remembered the scene...

"We should award Harry Potter a light bulb," Severus said suddenly.

"What?" Pomona asked puzzled.

"The whole world will revolve around him." He said with a smug smile.

Pomona had absolutely no idea what the words meant.

"You really lack a sense of humor."

She couldn't believe her ears.


"I'll join you someday." He said softly, "Thank you for telling me this."

She carefully observed his expression, he might have really calmed down, his black eyes dimmed again.

"Let me ask you a question, do you think Harry can tell Hermione apart? I mean Hermione before time travel, and Hermione after time travel."

He seemed puzzled by her question.

"Minerva told Hermione she couldn't be seen, but we all know that Hermione was witnessed by a lot of people, including Harry and Ron, do you think they knew what time Hermione was with them in class? asked Pomona again.

He seemed to understand what she meant.

"Do you know who I am?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"Yes." He hissed like a snake. "What is your purpose here?"

"I'm here to tell you that you won and it went well, that's the result, and nothing I tell you will change that."

He took a step forward, but the door opened behind Pomona.

"It's time, Professor," said the Auror coldly.

Pomona watched Severus for a moment before leaving the room.

"I want to meet 'Volunteers,'" Pomona said.

"Sorry, it's too dangerous," the Auror said to Pomona, "even if he's in a cage."

"He's not an animal!" Pomona snapped angrily in a low voice.

The Auror shook his head, "Go back, please."

She glared at the young man and wanted to ask him which class he graduated from, but she left without saying a word.

But she didn't go back to the breakfast meeting, because now she is so nervous that her stomach hurts, not to mention eating breakfast, she can't even drink the water, she just wants to find a place to be quiet.

She walked aimlessly, and then came to the elevator, where many people were coming in and out.

She couldn't help but picture the Time-Turners, which were in the Department of Mysteries right now.

With the current state of defense, maybe she can "take" one out.

The thought kept lingering in her mind.

==================================================== =========

However, Pomona never really tried to steal the Time-Turner, partly because all Time-Turners broke after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and partly because...

Georgiana looked at the empty wine glass in front of her. Raggett had already left. He told her a lot. Although he used a more euphemistic language, she still understood what he meant.

There once was a group of bankers who got together and discussed how to lend money while drinking.

Of course, they will not just lend to entrepreneurs like Jacob, the risk is too great, so they need collateral.

In the 1950s, they thought that everyone wanted a "home" and would fight for it, so they called this idea the "American Dream."

Only when money flows into the market can it be called "money", and the continuous influx of "flowing water" has turned the once barren land into what it is now.

The "commodities" of the slave trade can be used as mortgages. If the Louisiana acquisition is blocked, another path for the flow of funds must be provided, otherwise something similar to the burning of the Hope family warehouse will happen again.

After the establishment of the First French Republic, many types of taxes were abolished, and taxes were also reduced. Instead, they printed paper money such as "finger coupons" to supply financial needs.

This is also a way to create "flowing water". The "charity tax" promoted by Georgiana essentially stimulates domestic demand. In this era, it is very common for children to wear adult clothes. If children are allowed to wear clothes that fit, they will have to change again after a while, because the children will grow taller and stronger, and the previous clothes will no longer fit.

In the past, the woolen products of the Low Countries were used for export, and the advantages of coastal and riverside cities were reflected when the roads in the inland areas were very difficult to walk. Now Napoleon is implementing the continental system. Although Normandy is close to the sea and is very close to Britain, a yarn exporting country, its advantages cannot be reflected because of the protective tariffs. On the contrary, "neutral countries" such as Prussia have advantages.

Yoga gurus have said that if you perceive things upside down, you can be in deep trouble.

The 1787 tariff treaty, in theory, tax reduction can reduce smuggling and increase tariffs like tea, but it not only brought shocks to the French textile industry, but also brought shocks to the Netherlands. In the same year, William V of Orange was kicked out the Netherlands.

For the poor, who have few choices and few means of entertainment, a tax on beer would hinder the pleasures of their few. It was the police who caught the robber who tried to assassinate Georgiana tonight in the beer hall. At that time, he was planning to rob Georgiana with others.

When dealing with these deserters, the police will not show mercy. The two sides fought to the death and two people died on the spot.

So she's in deep trouble right now because she's perceiving something upside down?

While she was lost in thought, Margaret knelt at her feet and rested her head in her lap.

Georgiana ran her fair hair softly, soft as linen.

They just leaned together quietly, like an old woman hugging a cat and warming herself by the fire.

"Christmas is coming, what do you want?" Georgiana asked.

Margaret did not answer.

She didn't ask any more questions, enjoying the moment of tranquility.

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