Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2640 Wind and Flower (19)

After returning to Hogwarts, Pomona planned to go to the Quidditch pitch first, so he handed over the candy bought at Honeydukes to Felix, and asked him to help pass it on to Albus, and he readily agreed up.

With that, Pomona, wearing the "gorgeous" gown she wears at social events, made her way to the dimly lit tent area.

It may be because the sun sets and the temperature drops sharply. The water vapor irradiated by the midsummer sun during the day condenses into fog, which is covered lightly like a tulle. Only the orange lights can still be used to identify the direction.

She was thinking about what the yoga master said at the moment: life is not independent, only when you pay too much attention to the mind, or the body, will it become an isolated existence.

If you sit here, just as a being, it is connected with everything in the universe.

If you are a flower, the fragrance will come out naturally. And if you are a fake flower, even if you spray perfume on it, the fragrance will disappear soon.

The tinder shrub will not bloom, and no bees can approach it to pollinate its flowers, but it will still produce seeds. The seeds of the tinder shrub are one of the materials for special antidotes, which can be used to relieve the poison of fox bites .

As long as it is alive, it will keep burning. This is similar to the sun. It also "consumes" the light and heat generated by fuel through nuclear fusion. When its fuel is exhausted, the outward radiation pressure used to resist gravity Disappeared, the star began to collapse under the action of its own gravity, that is, the death process of the star began.

Most of the flowering plants in the world are cross-pollinated, including figs, although its flowers bloom inside the fruit, there is also a specialized small bee that climbs in from the bottom of the fruit to pollinate it. The bee will lay eggs in the fig. If it climbs into the male fig, it meets the conditions for laying eggs. The female fig will absorb the bee and its eggs and become the nourishment for its breeding seeds.

A small number of self-pollinating plants are often very common, such as barley, wheat, soybeans, etc., because when the flowers of these plants are still buds, the stamens and stamens are very close together, and the pollen falls on the stigma of the flower.

And in addition to insect vectors, wind can also serve as a medium for pollination. Anemophilus is generally not beautiful. Its pollen is very small, and its flowers are also small, so it is easy to be carried away by the wind. Generally, it can be considered that wind-pollinated pollination is a more primitive pollination method than insect-pollinated pollination. Can be used as a medium to pollinate tinder shrubs.

If the "wood" of the Goblet of Fire is regarded as the head, and the kindling bush in the maze is the "body", she was so focused on how to connect the two to make a complete life again that she almost ignored The quarrel came.

"...I just want to understand what I did wrong, why did you suddenly..."

"It's all over!" The girl interrupted the boy, "It doesn't make any sense for you to keep asking."

"So, you've been playing with me?" the boy asked.

"Whatever you want," said the girl, and then she yelled "What are you doing, let go!"

"Speak clearly." The boy pressed, even if Pomona couldn't see his expression, he could hear his tone was fierce.

"You still want to hear what I have to say?" the girl asked.

"If you think I'm not with you, aren't you the same?" The boy accused, "You can't just cut off contact like this, and then tell me it's over as soon as we meet."

"I think you still don't get it, the problem isn't that we're not connected."

"Is it because I'm not rich enough?" the boy asked. "I knew there was a reason why you wanted to touch the Firebolt that day."

"Did you hear what you said just now?" the girl asked.

"Not only did I hear it, but I can repeat it, do you want to hear it again?" the boy asked.

After a moment of silence, Pomona heard the footsteps of "rustle" as the robe stroked the grass.

"You'll regret it!" the boy yelled, and Pomona heard footsteps again, this time toward her.

She wanted to find a place to hide, but found that there was no place to hide around, and then she remembered, hey, aren't you a wizard? So she quickly put on the invisibility cloak from the flannel pocket.

She was on the only way to Hogsmeade, and it wasn't long before she saw a boy with red hair walking past her.

He looked a lot like Percy Weasley, though she wasn't sure, one because of the fog and the other because of what he was wearing, he wasn't wearing school robes.

Percy has already graduated, and he is doing an internship with old Barty Crouch. As the director of the Communication Department of the Ministry of Magic, it is understandable that he and the Minister of Magic are here to check the preparation progress of the Triwizard Tournament, but Pomona I remember seeing Patsy at the Smith's reception.

What's going on here?

When Percy was gone, Pomona took off the Invisibility Cloak and turned it over to the black side, so that it became a traveling cloak.

It covered Pomona's "gorgeous" robe, and then she continued to walk towards the tent area, thinking as she walked that she would have to take a closer look at who the "heroine" was later.

==================================================== ===========

Later, Pomona learned that Percy's girlfriend was Ravenclaw's female prefect, Penello Colinwater, according to Hermione's "information", and according to the information Pomona "heard" that day, It seems that Penello dumped Passy hard.

This is actually very common with many campus couples. Everyone breaks up after graduation. There are various reasons. It is rare like Lily and James. Some, like Lucius Malfoy, never took a school romance seriously and married the "well-matched" Naxisha after graduation. Draco and Pansy also broke up after graduation, but it was Pansy who brought it up first. At that time, Lucius, like Karkaroff, confessed the names of many people in court in order to avoid being imprisoned in Azkaban , and there are still many survivors looking for compensation from them, Pansy couldn't face this kind of scene, so he drew a clear line with Draco.

There are others, like Passi and Penello, who are busy with their own careers and haven't contacted each other for a long time, so they gradually fade away.

It is rare for Pomona to see that they are still friends after breaking up. Those like Passi and Penello are relatively "peaceful", unlike Ron and Lavender, tsk tsk.

In fact, Lavender is not bad. She hates Ron. Several times when Pomona saw Lavender, she was worried that she would stick the fork in her hand into Ron's eyes.

The Hufflepuff girls tended to go after "Hermione", and both sides pulled each other's hair into a tangle, looking very ugly.

Georgiana also felt that it was wrong to do so, but she still subconsciously taught Miss Campini a lesson, and kicked her out of the ball on the grounds that she did not have an invitation letter, but Georgiana herself did not get relief or happiness from it.

She was extremely uncomfortable. Compared with the great dream of reshaping the world, Arianna was just an insignificant girl, but it made Albus wake up, and he couldn't continue to go crazy with Grindelwald.

The flapping of the butterfly's wings can only bring up a very slight wind, which can't even make the flowers tremble, but it is enough to set off a storm in America. Now that enough "cyclones" have formed there, Jefferson is determined to win the Louisiana Purchase, which is not only related to his presidential re-election, but also includes seats in Congress and his vision for the future of the United States.

Corsica used to belong to Genoa, but was bought by France and became French territory.

It seems that there is really a kind of power in the dark, which constitutes a kind of "destiny" engraved on the wedding rings of Napoleon and Josephine.

When people understand what "losing" is, they will understand why Albus gave up his hatred and stopped Grindelwald. When he put on the sorting hat, the people below were whispering.

He has every reason to hate, so he'll be sorted into Slytherin, right?


The Sorting Hat shouted, to the surprise of many.

But when Pomona figured it out, she had nothing to lose, except that no owls came to her.

She is not some kind of prophet, now she not only lost her own home, but also does not want to have a wild dream, what is left?

Maybe in a while, she will reach the age where she will not be hurt by love, just like the last Albus. But he lived almost 150 years, she only lived a third of his age, and according to theory, her age outlived humans.

When she was old, she couldn't help nagging, she told him that day that she wanted to find Regulus, and mentioned Sirius by the way, and he left their secluded house in a rage...

After wheeling, she lay on her back, feeling relieved.

The story should have ended there, but she was rescued.

He used the ring that Tom Riddle, a descendant of the Gaunts, had given him to study blood magic.

In the fairy tale, the second child used the resurrection stone to revive his beloved girl, but the girl knew that she did not belong to this world, and finally died of depression. The second child could not bear the pain, and was finally taken away by the god of death.

This is actually quite easy to understand, because everyone thinks she is dead, and even if they don't say it in person, they will quietly discuss that her past life can no longer come back.

"Why did you bring me back?" she whispered, and she heard a muffled echo.

"Why did you bring me back?" he said.

She was in a trance for a moment, then decided to sleep, she must be too sleepy to hallucinate, that's right, that's right.

Go to sleep and everything will be fine when you wake up.

"Why don't you continue practicing?"

asked "Albus" who was watching.

"I don't want to continue." She replied wearily.

"You once asked him a question in court. Some soldiers who had experienced hard battles wanted to withdraw to rest, but they were not approved, so they returned to Paris without authorization..."

"Stop talking..." she interrupted him.

"How did he answer you?" Albus asked.

She was silent for a while.

"I thought you learned something from him," said Albus, "and I told you, even if he had just been assassinated, he would have gone to the theater to finish the play."

"I told Bonaparte about the assassination, and he thought I was a prophet," Pomona said.

"Keep practicing," said Albus softly, "until you break down."

She sneered, this is exactly what Random did to the interns. The girls cried, but even if the boys didn't cry, they would detour when they met Random in the Ministry of Magic.

This is retribution.

Thinking helplessly, she sat up straight again and changed to the full lotus position.

She estimated that she must be very "precious and dignified" at the moment.

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