Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2635 Wind and Flowers (14)

Because Hogwarts only accepts students from the British Isles, even foreign students from the European continent who want to study at Hogwarts because of the name of Mu Albus Dumbledore do not accept it, which has led to a large number of students as far away as North America. Credence couldn't come to Hogwarts to go to school.

This is not just because owls cannot cross the Atlantic Ocean like migratory birds. The Hogwarts admission list is determined by the pen of acceptance and the book of admission, and their perception range is probably the British Isles. If the principal or school trustee "artificially" has to add the names of new students who are not on this list, there will be a "breakthrough". Parents who don't want to admit that their kids are Squibs will do everything they can to send them to school where they can prove that their kids aren't Squibs.

Credence's real name was Aurelius Dumbledore. This name once appeared in the Book of Access, but as he was parasitized silently, this name gradually disappeared from the list, because silently The essence is to eat away at the "aura" of the little wizard.

Squibs also had "aura" at first, but they themselves gradually disappeared, when it was so weak that the book of admission could not be identified as "sufficient evidence", even if the pen of acceptance sensed it, it would not allow it to be written on the page superior.

To be silently "eaten" is another matter. Aurelius was the name of a Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, the school of thought that the universe was a beautiful, orderly, perfect whole formed by primordial Man is a part of the cosmic system, a small spark. Therefore, people should coordinate themselves and coordinate with the general direction of the universe.

It's a pity that "Little Spark" did not become what Credence's parents expected, but became a silent person, and they belonged to another kind of wizard. What they have is an extremely unstable and uncontrollable dark force that will only erupt when they are subject to great emotional fluctuations. This is a bit similar to Harry's magical riots caused by emotional agitation because of the humiliation of his parents.

If he suppressed his magic for a long time, like Credence did, or Harry was lucky, although Petunia and Vernon hoped that he would be "normal", at least not abusing him like Mary Lou, he would also will be silent.

Harry can summon such a powerful Patronus, Zacharias also told his father, and this topic was also brought up during the chat.

Severus didn't mention the two identical wands, which involved a time travel experiment, which would be quickly spread in such a noisy place, and then he brought out the water magic theory .

The patron saint also needs to be "fed", but what is fed is the happy mood of the summoner, not the "aura" itself, or there are some situations that they don't understand. Generally speaking, this is the category of "white magic". Wizards rarely try it.

Snape had a self-assured air, seeing his nonsense in a serious manner, Zacharias and his son seemed to really believe it.

Sometimes Pomona can understand why Gryffindors want to fight Slytherin, she wants to punch the old bat now, but she has no better way to tell the truth while covering up what happened that night .

Ollivander believes that wands choose wizards. If the sorting ceremony of Ifamony College can be followed by his own wands, they will not leave the school with students until graduation.

Pomona remembered Tina's story about the "Wind Horse" and the Patronus of the Elk. The "Patronus" in North America chose wizards like magic wands. This is related to affinity and personal quality. Even a weak person with no parents and injured legs, the wind horse will choose him, help him, and grow together with him, and there is a connection between souls. The Elk Patronus will choose to leave when the hunter loses himself, which is similar to those who can summon the Patronus at the beginning, but then cannot.

Shouldn't the hunter be happy to get more prey? Will his father still scold him? Wouldn't his friends envy him? Wouldn't he marry a wife and have children because of his wealth?

In the creation myths of the aborigines of North America, the creator created a beautiful world full of flowers and plants, mountains and rivers, but he felt that there was something missing in this world, so he created animals, and the animals told the creator that they need the meaning of life, So the creator created weak and ignorant human beings and let animals protect them. Although human beings do not have the strength of animals, they have rationality, can realize the balance in the complex world, and maintain this balance.

Nature will give back to those who ask for it, be grateful to nature, all things, and gods, not to be greedy, not to be arrogant, not to absorb arbitrarily or even squander it.

Tina didn't know how Ifamoni's admission letter was formulated. The early students came here because of the reputation. At that time, the International Law of Secrecy had not been implemented. After the implementation, they could not continue to "be famous". Like students, after graduation, they don't know that there are two things in the school, the book of admission and the pen of acceptance.

Of course, something as important as the admission letter cannot be mailed by the Muggle post. They often lose the mail, and a letter of admission often determines a person's life. Not every little wizard has the treatment of Harry Potter. The principal will personally urge the staff to "must" make sure that he has received it, because "Scarhead" is "selected".

Although the raven is also a smart bird, many people think it is unlucky, and it is not a good thing to appear outside the house. Fortunately, Ifamoney has Kebuki that can be hired, as long as Muggles, no, North America calls them "No-Majs", don't think they are devils, just point a gun at them and drive them out.

The British ban on guns gave wizards an illusion that Muggles are weak.

If they are really weak, can they invent the atomic bomb? What spell could do that?

On the Pacific battlefield during World War II, because the enemy was often able to decipher the top-secret intelligence of the United States, the Americans found 29 aborigines and used their language as a password. Because no foreigner could understand their language, the U.S. military They were trained as specialized translators, nicknamed "Windtalkers". It was with the help of "Windtalker" that the two atomic bombs were successfully dropped.

That scene was shown by Grindelwald at the rally in Paris. I am afraid that only an omniscient "prophet" like him would know Credence's real name.

People who don't know how to give it a go when opportunities are in front of them are destined to be mediocre. Equality of opportunity is advocated by various political parties in the United States, so the "New World" is a "paradise" for adventurers.

After the Quidditch World Cup is over and school is about to start, has Harry finished his summer homework?

In fact, he didn't really like doing homework that much, but because his uncle stopped him from doing his homework, he wanted to do it so much.

Just like some taboos, even though God has set up a forbidden area, human beings still can't help but want to take a peek.

As for the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared beside Professor Snape, Zacharias probably didn't pay attention to her because he was still young and didn't understand something.

Now Pomona wanted to go to Cedric more, but Snape just "chat" with Zacharias' father, or they would have a pen pal.

If it's a boy, if he meets a father like Fernon who doesn't allow him to do this and that in "his" house, he will run away if he is more grumpy, or he will grow up and start his own family, and then be exactly like his father, In "his" house he had the final say.

Girls, of course, not all girls, choose to obey, at least in Pomona, and she couldn't get a word out when Severus was chatting with Zacharias' dad.

She's boring, and if she's still fat Sprout, she'll be able to go it alone, and she's more at home in a Hufflepuff-filled Smith's house than a Slytherin head.

After chatting for a few more minutes, someone else came to find Zacharias' father, and they ended their chat.

When he got to a place where no one was around, Pomona waved off the hand on her shoulder, protesting solemnly.

"I'm going to find Cedric. You told me to create opportunities for him."

"I have a match tomorrow, and I need to meditate now." Snape said stiffly, "It's just one day..."

"It's time for you to go back to school, Severus, and Albus told you to stay 'quiet' at school." Pomona interrupted him "How many times along the way have you been asked, 'How sure are you of tomorrow' ?”

He didn't speak, and stared at her with two dull black eyes.

That look scared her, but she didn't flinch.

"I'm leaving." She whispered, "You go back early, too."

"You look like this, he recognizes you?" Severus said suddenly.

"Don't talk to me like that!" she said seriously.

Instead he laughed, and then he took her arm and walked forward.

"What are you doing!" she struggled.

He kept silent and walked forward with big strides, regardless of whether she could keep up.

Not long after, they met Cedric, who looked at Snape and the strange woman "caught" by him in surprise.

"Have a good time, Cedric," Snape said oddly.

"Of course, Professor." Cedric said calmly, looking at Pomona again. "Are you all right, miss?"

"You don't care where Professor Sprout has gone?" Snape said.

"I saw her go with you," said Cedric. "Maybe you know where she went?"

"Why should I tell you?" Snape asked defiantly.

Cedric smiled. "You asked me to ask, Professor."

'here you go! ’ Pomona secretly encouraged Cedric.

"What do you want?" Snape said bluntly.

Cedric said nothing.

"You want to talk alone?" Snape asked again.

"My dad is coming back soon. If you have anything to talk about, you can talk to him."

"Do you want to meet the Minister of Magic?" Snape asked.

"I've seen him, at the trustee's party," Cedric replied.

"I mean, the opportunity to practice next to him." Snape said softly, with a "hiss" sound in his tone.

Cedric smiled.

"No, Professor." He said firmly, "I prefer to start with the basics."

Snape sneered.

"You really believe you can get up?"

"Scamander also felt that his future was bleak after dropping out of school, but look at him now." Cedric said seriously, "He doesn't like office work because he doesn't like 'politics'. Isn't that what you guys are good at?"

Snape continued to laugh, looking masked.

"I believe in strength more." Cedric said, "Those with strength will excel everywhere."

"Like 'gold always shines'?" Snape teased.

"No, gold doesn't shine, it just reflects light." Cedric said calmly, "The dean told me not to be fooled by its light. Sunlight……"

"Enough," Snape said grimly, and grabbed Pomona and left.

"Let go of me!" she whispered.

Cedric looked at her in surprise.

"Son, come here!" Amos Diggory called to Cedric, who was standing beside Diego Camplan's grandfather.

"Come right on," Cedric said to Amos, glancing back at Pomona again, and walking toward his father.

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