Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2631 Wind and Flowers (10)

People put a lot of thought into doors, such as Muggle bank vaults, but for wizards an araho hole is enough to open. Scamander had done that before in New York, though his purpose was to catch Nifflers who had made it into bank vaults.

The doors of the Gringotts vault are much more complicated. Some doors can only be opened by the magic of goblins. Harry Potter saw it on the first day he returned to the wizarding world. stone.

In 1993, when the news of Sirius Black's escape came out, Hogwarts left to strengthen security measures, Felix taught the front door of Hogwarts, how to "identify" the wanted photo, just returned from Azkaban Sirius escaped.

Anyone who has seen the front door of Hogwarts will be amazed, but what is even more amazing is that Fei Liwei actually taught a door to recognize people. Of course, these are not the point.

"If I were you, I wouldn't touch it." Pomona, who was wearing a black cloak, "kindly" reminded Snape, "I thought you had lived in the wizarding world for many years, Severus."

At this moment the head of Slytherin's hand was about to touch a snake-shaped doorknob that was installed on the black wooden door of Black's house with peeling paint.

"It's just an anti-Muggle doorknob," Severus said with mock relief, before touching the doorknob firmly with his hand.

The front door actually opened, and Severus wasn't hurt in any way, and Pomona followed in. The yard was in worse condition than the front door, it hadn't been tended for many years, it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time.

Pomona looked around, hoping that Sirius would not return to the old house in Grimmauld Place at this time.

However, Severus entered the door without continuing to go in, as if he was "feeling" something.

"There's something alive in it," he said suddenly.

"Of course, goblins and foxes and all that," Pomona said.

"No," he said slowly, "bigger than those things."

"You think someone's in there?" Pomona asked.

He fell silent.

"Shall we go in?" she asked again.

"Have you been to the Blacks?" he asked.

"No." Pomona shook his head, "Sirius doesn't even like to go home, why would he invite me to his house?"

"Then how do you usually play?" He asked aggressively.

"I go to their dorms a lot," Pomona replied. "Girls are allowed in the boys' dormitories."

"And what else?" he continued.

"We came together for Remus, not for fun," she said anxiously.

"Did he ask you out alone?" Snape asked in an exceptionally soft tone.

"If you mean that time you went to a Beatles concert..."

"Is there anything else?"

She is angry.

"Are you questioning me?"

Snape didn't say anything, but he turned his head and glared at the old house before pulling her away.

Grimmauld Place is now a Muggle community, but the weird outfits of the two of them didn't attract much attention, because there were people who dressed weirder than them.

In fact, many people feel that they are unlucky because they compare themselves with those who are "happier" than them, just like the "middle class" should have a house and a car, and if they do not meet this standard, they should work hard to get it.

The Weasley family also has a house and a car, but since sending Harry and Ron to school, the Ford Anglia car has disappeared in the Forbidden Forest, and Arthur has also been punished for it. Buying a new car makes getting your kids to school much harder.

But they are a big family, and there is no one in the Black family.

There are three sufferings in Buddhism, not getting what you want, meeting with resentment, and parting from love.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness, and you will be right when you turn back. But for some people, saying this is meaningless.

In Journey to the West, there is a Monkey King named Wukong.

He has always been like this and has not changed. When he was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain, he saw Guanyin Bodhisattva saying "Namo Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves suffering and disasters." But it can't be said that he didn't realize anything, at least he knew that some goblins can be beaten to death, and some goblins can't be beaten, such as the white-haired mouse spirit. Nor can she "strike three times" like the bone spirit, who told her to know the third prince and King Tota Li.

If one fights alone, the Third Prince is no match for Monkey King, but the rules behind this world don't just require strength.

But Pomona estimated that dark wizards would not read "Journey to the West", and even if they read Journey to the West, they might not be able to "enlighten" something.

Severus was always in a hurry when facing Neville, the more he turned around Neville, the more nervous Neville became, and when Neville was nervous, he was more likely to make mistakes, and then "coaxed", his cauldron exploded, It affected half of the class.

Pomona will not be in a hurry. Students can climb trees like monkeys in the greenhouse, as long as they don't throw things around and hurt the flowers and plants.

The pace of life in London is so fast that passers-by are in a hurry, but a homeless man put on an external stereo and played an old song on the street corner:

Only you, only you,

can do make all this world seem right,

Only you, only you,

can do make the darkness bright, can make the darkness bright,

Only you and you alone, only you,

can thrill me like you do, can thrill me like you do,

and fill my heart with love for only you

Ah, only you, only you,

can do make all this change in me,

For it's true, it's true,

you are my destiny, you are my destiny,

When you hold my hand, I understand, when you hold my hand, I understand,

the magic that you do,

You're my dream come true, you make my dream come true,

my one and only you. Ah, only you, my one and only you, only you,

can do make this change in me, can do make this change in me,

For it's true, it's true,

you are my destiny, you are my destiny,

When you hold my hand, I understand, when you hold my hand, I understand,

the magic that you do do,

You're my dream come true, you make my dream come true,

my one and only you, my one and only you, only you.

This song was sung by John Lennon before. Although it first became popular in the 1950s and became an "old song" in the 1970s, many people still listened to it at that time, but the Beatles had already parted ways. up.

Many people think that the reason why the band broke up is because of Yoko, but Pomona thinks that the band will break up sooner or later. John had a lot of fans at the time, and Lennon would have gone solo even if McCartney's age hadn't disputed who would be the leader.

He had always held her hand, and now Pomona chose to hold him back, intertwining her fingers.

This caused him to look back at her.

"Imagine it's the '70s." She smiled at him. "Not much has changed around here."

He originally wanted to say something, but kept silent, holding her hand and strolling through the dilapidated streets.

It doesn't always rain in London. Today is a sunny day. She looks up at the sun in the sky, recalling John Lennon's "imagine" in her mind.

The first sentence of the lyrics is: Imagine a world without heaven, there is no hell under our feet, and there is only a blue sky above our heads.

She felt that she might not be able to imagine so much, because at this moment she felt very satisfied, and she could go on like this, as long as someone could hold her hand, like now.

"On the Difference Between Moonlight Box and Time-Turner"

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