Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2623 Wind and Flowers (2)

According to the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff left at Hogwarts, she can be seen as a round, plump woman with brown hair and blue eyes, she often reveals gentle or brilliant smiling, usually wearing a brown or yellow dress and holding a golden cup in his hand.

Pomona's clothes were also mainly yellow, and she felt a little depressed when she opened the closet. How different was that from Slytherin's old bat, who had a closet of black clothes?

Then she thought of the moonlight-like dress she saw at the Fengya wizard clothing store, and she sighed.

Today she chose a yellow long dress with black plant patterns, although she would probably change from a fluffy cake to a fluffy, patterned cake when she wore it.

She temporarily added a few small white flowers to the skirt. Although it couldn't change her figure, it at least made the skirt look "magic". It looked like black stems and black roots with white flowers. Grass.

It has the power to stop enchantments, and in Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus once used it to defeat the witch Cersei, who often used enchanted food to turn sailors lost around her island into animals. When the hero Odysseus spends a year on her island after freeing his shipmates from her spell.

If "Iliad" is a way out, then "Odyssey" is about the way home. This road is not peaceful, full of all kinds of temptations and adventures, but Odysseus still I tried my best to return to the home I had been away for many years.

Dobby is a free house elf. After he left Malfoy's house, he didn't feel that he was "exiled" like other house elves, but went where he wanted to go.

The Hogwarts kitchen is a refuge for the house-elves. Back then, Helga took in the homeless elves and let them work here. They are very satisfied with their stable life now.

Someday Dobby would marry a house-elf girl and start a family, and he would probably find a place to live. At that time, Dobby will also change from "deviant" to follow the rules and obey the laws of society.

After getting dressed, Pomona smiled at herself in the mirror.

A fat woman who always smiles is of course much better looking than a fat woman who always looks cold, but she will not say "you are still beautiful" to the mirror like Janice.

Aging is inevitable for human beings. Odysseus once stayed on the island of Cabruson. She is the daughter of Atlas, the Titan god, and is a goddess who will not age. Even so Odysseus leaves her for his aging wife.

She liked the characters in this story as much as she liked Arthur Weasley, and no matter what Molly became, he still loved her.

If Janice hadn't stayed in the wizarding world, or gone to a place where no one knew her, with her still charming appearance, there might still be "young guys" attracted to her. But everyone knows that she is more than 100 years old, no matter how she uses magic to cover it up, it can't change this "fact" that everyone knows.

"It's not a love potion, what's the use of her forgetting potion?" Pomona muttered, leaving the mirror.

If Janice is on a mission, it would be very useful to wear that kind of perfume, as long as you spray it on the target while the person is not ready, the other party will not remember what happened just now, as if nothing happened.

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In many history books, the Battle of Hadrianburg is considered to be the biggest defeat of the Roman Legion after the Battle of Cannae and the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, and it is also a sign of the demise of the Roman Empire.

The Goths did not besiege Constantinople. The successor Emperor Theodosius I negotiated peace with the Goths. The Goths agreed to help the emperor protect the Roman border to obtain food supplies, but the barbarians still inevitably infiltrated into the original Roman Empire. land, eventually invaded the Apennine Peninsula, and destroyed the Western Roman Empire.

Corruption in Rome had become a chronic evil at that time, not only the generals, but even the soldiers would be corrupt. Emperor Valens agreed to the Goths moving into the Roman Empire because he hoped to use the Goths to enrich his army. At this time, it was already very difficult for the Roman Empire to enlist soldiers from its own country. However, the soldiers responsible for guarding the border of the Danube allowed the Goths to enter with weapons because of bribes. While a large number of Goths continued to immigrate, the strength of the Roman legion in this area was very weak. When the rebellion started, many of the Roman legions responsible for suppressing the Goths were barbarians or temporarily recruited soldiers, who not only had low combat effectiveness but also defected.

The Roman dignitaries far away in Italy didn't know that the death knell of the country's subjugation had sounded at this time, and they were still living a life of pleasure day and night.

All roads lead to Rome, and then the barbarians rushed into the city of Rome along the avenues built by the Romans themselves, and overthrew the Western Roman Empire under the cooperation of internal and external cooperation.

What happened next was nothing more than a re-enactment of the Troy story, except that there was no need for ships to transport slaves and treasures.

Too much baggage would slow down the march, but the Goths had four-wheeled carriages, which served as fortifications at the Battle of Hadrianburg, which is similar to the tactics used by the pioneers of the American West, driving them A circle of caravans became available fortifications, and they could be used to transport supplies after the war, not to mention that the roads in Rome were so well repaired and so smooth.

Frederick the Great said that building roads created opportunities for other countries to invade. During the War of the Anti-French Alliance, they also attacked along the thoroughfare left by Louis XIV. Germany did not build roads in strict accordance with the instructions of Frederick the Great. This also led to the fact that German business is not prosperous.

The first thing to cut off in the siege is the food road from the outside world into the city. The larger the city, the more this is the case. If the residents in the city cannot work as one, there will be internal strife over the food problem. At that time, the attacking party only needs to be in the city Wait quietly outside, and you can see the fire burning in the city.

The strongest fortresses are often breached from the inside. Perhaps siege vehicles, trebuchets and other machines that are troublesome to build and difficult to transport are needed to attack the city gates, but it is much easier to open the locks of the city gates from the inside.

In this way, it is useless to repair the city wall as solid as gold. Constantinople can prevent the attack from the Eastern Pagans, but it has no defense against the French Crusaders. What caused all this is that Venice just wanted to protect itself from the Eastern Roman Empire. independent.

She didn't want people to read the joke and leave behind a "famous name" that is all over the country and the city.

Two consecutive years of food shortages caused Bonaparte to stop conscription, and there will be seven more anti-French alliance wars in the "future". Both the theory of the monarchy and the history of the Goths have shown how dangerous it is to have no army of your own, or to have more mercenaries and reinforcements than your own army.

People need reasons to fight, mercenaries are for money, they have no loyalty at all, and ordinary people will not die for a little military pay.

The afterglow of the Baroque king left by Louis XIV has not dissipated, and many people still recognize that men with more women are successful. Montesquieu said in "The Spirit of the Law" that polygamy depends on the man's ability to support, not to mention that she cannot ask a French "king" to be loyal to a British female spy.

Others would have thought she had manipulated him into giving muddled orders, just as he had lifted tariffs on British steel imports.

Because of this incident, she was kicked out from the Tuileries Palace, and even the job of managing the canteen was replaced by someone.

What kind of female version of Merlin is this?

Just then, there was a knock on her door.

"Please come in."

It was not her maid who opened the door and walked in, but Gaston Martin, who looked flustered.

Her first thought was that Napoleon had been attacked again in Aachen.

"Something went wrong, ma'am." Mr. Martin said in a deep voice, "The warehouse of the Hope family was burned down."

She didn't think it was a big deal.

"That warehouse is full of indigo," continued Mr. Martin. "Half their stock is in the burned London warehouse. It's going to be a disaster."

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