Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2617 partake (nine)

Even if the Thestrals were fast, it would still take a while to get back to Hogwarts from Greta's manor. In order to avoid "emergencies" on the road, and in view of the fact that she was the only woman in the entire carriage, Pomona decided to leave Grete's house after going to the bathroom.

This is a big house. Even if there are no active stairs and secret passages like Hogwarts, it is still difficult to find the toilet. It seems that the owner of the house hides the toilet as if it is not visible. There are no signs in the manor. Tell me Where is the Pomona toilet.

"Oh~ Merlin's trouser legs!" Pomona muttered while anxiously looking for the toilet, and finally found it in a place where few guests were seen.

Rather than saying it is a toilet, it is better to say that it is a "royal palace". The interior is very luxuriously decorated, and there are flowers, dressing tables and mirrors for makeup, so it is not a toilet to be precise, but a lady's dressing room.

She sat on the toilet hidden behind the decorative wooden partition for a while, and just about to get up, she heard the sound of high-heeled shoes outside, and then the other side closed the door.

"Okay, now we can talk." A woman said outside the door, her voice was very beautiful.

"You found that wand?" a man said.

Pomona was less appalled that a man had entered the women's restroom than she was curious about what they were talking about.

"Ollivander won't let me in the back of the store anymore, even he has lost interest in me." The woman said, accompanied by a soft puff, a scent of perfume soon permeated the dressing room.

Pomona could smell it, and the woman outside seemed to be former Queen of the Night Janice.

"Try again, don't worry about the warehouse, just ask Ollivander who he sold that wand to?"

"Maybe I need Veritaserum," Janice said.

"If you need it, I'm sure you can prepare it yourself," the man said.

"I need the Soundbird, the superior one..." Janice suddenly paused.

"Damn it!" Janice grumbled. "Even he dared to do that to me."

Pomona didn't hear back from the man, as if he was no longer "wired" with Janice.

Pomona opened a crack in the door and found that it was indeed Janice, standing in front of the dressing table and applying lipstick to the makeup that had been rubbed off while drinking.

"You are still beautiful." After finishing her makeup, Janice announced proudly while looking in the mirror, then turned and left the dressing room.

Pomona waited for the sound of high-heeled shoes to fade away before she came out of the cubicle, and then she glanced at the dressing table where Janice had just put on her makeup, and a light blue bottle was placed on it.

She walked over, picked it up and sniffed it, and found that it was indeed the perfume Janice had worn tonight.

"No need, no need." She muttered, put the bottle of perfume into the flannel pocket, and left the dressing room.


After dinner in the auditorium, Snape suddenly proposed to listen to chamber music. After all, it was raining heavily outside, and everyone present had no plans to go out. Pomona immediately said that he wanted to listen to Felicity's Triwizard Tournament. After preparing the music, a group of people went to the music classroom on the fifth floor after eating.

Muggles needed musicians to play these instruments. With a wave of Feliway's magic wand, those instruments played according to his music score, and soon elegant classical music sounded in the music classroom.

Pomona fought back the drowsiness she'd been feeling since going back to the cellar to take a sip of Polyjuice Potion, as if the potion Albus had given her was starting to wear off.

In fact, Snape's evaluation of Hufflepuff's gold cup is overrated. The Philosopher's Stone can not only make people immortal, but also turn stones into gold. It is a legendary panacea, and can even create human bodies. Hufflepuff The "medicine" in the husband's golden cup is only to make people healthy.

A healthy body is everything. If Janice is as disabled as an ordinary centenarian, no matter how beautiful she looks, no one will ask her to dance.

In a daze, she seemed to see the cabinets in the archives of the French Ministry of Magic in Newt Scamander's memory. They didn't have long legs like animals, but they moved gracefully and smoothly, as if gliding on ice.

Then she thought that she could float those kindling bushes, but it was not an easy task to float the whole maze of kindling bushes, what kind of spell would she use to make it work?

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According to Albus, he discovered the Room of Requirement because once he was in a hurry to find the toilet, he walked back and forth in front of a tapestry, and then saw a door on the wall, and when he opened it, he walked in. There are many fine chamber pots.

The Room of Requirement wasn't included when plumbing Hogwarts, and it's normal to have no bathrooms in it, Hogwarts is a medieval castle after all, and castles weren't meant to be lived in in the first place Comfort is for the purpose of defense and war.

But by the time of the Battle of Hogwarts, the Room of Requirement was home to a lot of people in hiding, both men and women. It doesn't matter if everyone sleeps in the tree house together, it's too inconvenient if there is no place to wash.

So the Room of Requirement "changed" into a washroom, and it seemed to be more closely connected with the castle. Besides the entrance and exit behind the tapestry, there were other entrances and exits. But it could also have something to do with the Vanishing Cabinet, since it was fixed by Draco Malfoy.

There is such a legend, but only a legend, that King's Cross Station was built on the site of a monument to King George IV that has been demolished. After all, the era of trains was not long ago. And earlier, around the 1st century AD, a queen named Boudica led the Celts to launch a rebellion against the Romans. At that time, 11 kings of the Celtic tribe had signed the instrument of surrender. In exchange, they still had some ruling rights over the tribe, including Boudica's husband.

Over the next few years the Romans plundered Britain, and shortly afterwards Boudica's husband died, and since she had no male heir, she became queen, according to Celtic tradition.

But her two daughters were arrested and abused by the Romans, her family property was emptied, and the minor relatives of the royal family were sold to Rome as slaves.

So Boudica held a secret meeting to lobby those tribes who were disaffected by the Romans like her to revolt together. The soldiers were all painted in blue paint, and Boudica herself was dressed in colorful robes, with thick brown-red hair falling to her knees and a thick gold necklace around her neck. Behind her are women in black robes, holding torches, and in Tacitus' records, these people are dressed like the druid's black robe Banduri.

In the next three weeks, Boudica and the 100,000 rebels launched a general offensive. At that time, London was still called Rondinium, which means the place where the river passes. Because the rebel army attacked too fast, many Romans had no time to evacuate, but they still planned to resist with the strength of the fortress.

At this time, the people outside the city turned the river red and pushed it to the sculpture of the Roman God of Victory. Soon the army was in chaos, and the rebel army entered the city and killed a large number of Romans.

However, the famine fell on the Celts at this time. In contrast, the Romans had food supplies from Egypt, Syria and other provinces, and the rebel army itself was complex. Compared with the Romans, they were seriously lacking in organization, training and sophisticated. In the end, the uprising failed, and Boudica died of poisoning. Since she was the last ruler of the kingdom, it is said that the wealth of the entire country was buried with her in the tomb, and her deeds were admired by later generations, and she became the patron goddess of Sagittarius believed by fortune tellers.

In order to avoid disturbance, no one knows the exact location of her grave, but it is rumored to be between platforms 8 and 10 at King's Cross station, where platform 9 and three quarters is located.

When this hidden platform was first built, it was met with a lot of opposition, thinking that building it in the center of the Muggle city center would attract more Muggle attention. But at that time, the whole of Britain was overhauling the railway, and this extra railway would not care even if someone saw it.

In other words, Platform Nine and Three Quarters is still inside King's Cross Station, but ordinary people can't find it.

This kind of "portal" will not lead to too far away. If you want to go to a distant place, wizards will choose to apparate.

It overcomes the distance and makes people lose the process of "trekking". It feels very unreal, but people have indeed arrived at that place.

In the process of Apparating, you must know your destination clearly. When the destination cannot be plotted, how do you know where it is?

Diagon Alley did not cast the anti-apparition spell, but because a large number of concealment spells cannot be plotted, the Death Eaters attacking Diagon Alley was not Apparation, but Death Eaters Flying, and the black smoke was not used for concealment. Yes, it looks very eye-catching during the day.

Holding a photo of a place can also apparate, but the landing point may be different from the photo, just like Pomona once looked at the photo of a travel magazine, imagined its location in his mind, and then used a handful of it from Venice Key, insert it into the door lock, and when you open the door, you will arrive at a place similar to the picture in your imagination.

This location is random and not controlled by Pomona, the key is that the two doors she opens are both wooden doors.

The disappearing cabinet can fix a point, which is more accurate, but it can't do whatever it wants, it can only shuttle between two cabinets.

This is the "homework" that Grindelwald left for her. It seems that she can leave the "mirror world" after she understands this.

She still had a lot of doubts, a lot of mysteries waiting to be solved, but she was no longer interested in Muggle ideas.

After all, she is not Queenie, she must marry Muggle Jacob, even if she would violate the laws of the United States, and even Queenie joined Grindelwald's camp to overthrow the International Statute of Secrecy.

Some mistakes can't be made once, the Death Eater mark on Severus' arm can't be removed for a lifetime, and even if he becomes the headmaster later, his portrait can't appear in the headmaster's office.

Both Albus and him have apparated in Hogwarts. The difference is that Albus used the phoenix. Fantastic animals always have special abilities to break through the limitations of humans, unless they are like the head of the circus to prevent Zouwu from escaping. Put it on a chain.

At the chamber music recital that day, Albus talked about the connection between star death and human beings. The dust from supernova explosions constitutes the materials needed for new stars and planets, but metals need stars with a mass larger than the sun to form. Produced, these substances later became the constituents of the human body, and this is how humans are connected with the stars.

Maybe human beings are equal before it, but life is not equal.

Petunia and Lily didn't turn against each other because they fell in love with someone, but because Lily had magical powers and Petunia didn't, there was an imbalance.

Jealousy is an instinct, it has nothing to do with excellence. A beggar will not be jealous of a rich man, but will be jealous of a beggar who begs more than him.

Only when there is comparison can one discover one's own deficiencies and create an imbalance. Without comparison, there is no such feeling.

Cain killed Abel also because God chose Abel's sacrifice.

Maupassant has a story about a civil servant's wife who borrowed a friend's diamond necklace and accidentally lost it on the way home. She had to borrow money to buy a new necklace and return it to her friend.

Even if her friend returned the real necklace to her, her face has aged, and wearing the necklace is not the same as it was ten years ago.

The reason for the huge price gap between the two necklaces is that the fake necklace is made of artificial diamonds, while the real necklace is made of natural diamonds.

If there is a time converter, tell her that the necklace is fake, but unfortunately the time converter is also man-made.

She hadn't gotten a bit of Snape's "joke" about natural vs. artificial vanilla until now, though she didn't think it was that funny.

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