Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2614 partake (six)

When Harry and Sirius were attacked by dementors by the lake, first the wind blew, and then the temperature dropped sharply.

Even in places where there are ghosts and ghosts, the rules of "physics" must still be followed. When cold air hits, hot air will rise, cold air will fill the space, and then wind will form.

"Merlin's beard, look who I've met."

A loud voice said, Fei Liwei, who was chatting, looked over, and the smile on his face froze for a moment.

"It's so rare, Felius, that you would actually leave the school," said the visitor.

"I run into you so often at parties, Whymper, how can I run into you if I don't leave school?" said Felicity.

"You must be Professor Sprout." Whymper shook Pomona's hand vigorously. "Nice to meet you."

It was indeed not the first time they met, but it was the first time they greeted each other. Pomona also smiled politely, "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Whymper."

"What did we miss?" said Amos Diggory, next to Cedric who had just been "freed."

"This is Gilbert Whymple from the Experimental Spells Committee," Pomona introduced.

"And you are?" said Whymper, looking at Cedric.

"This is my son, Cedric," said Amos Diggory proudly.

Whymper quickly lost interest in Cedric in Hufflepuff's robes, and turned to the head of Ravenclaw.

"I'm looking forward to your signature, Felius."

Felix didn't make a sound.

"Sign what?" asked the screenwriter from Broadway.

"Regarding the control of weather spells, misusing it can have an effect on the weather," Gilbert said.

"How many days does it rain in England?" Felicity sarcastically said, "Would the sunshine be longer if you don't use the atmospheric spell?"

"I heard that a student was injured during this year's Quidditch match with Harry Potter," Gilbert said. "It was windy, rainy, lightning and thunderous."

"I'm the one you're talking about, sir, but I think the Dementors have more of an effect than the Weather Curse." Cedric said immediately, "My goggles are frozen because of it."

"You never mentioned it to me." Amos looked at Cedric worriedly.

"It's just the weather, I don't think I'll be so cold that I fall to the ground, the main thing is when the dementor is close to me..."

"That's enough, Cedric," said Pomona, looking at Whymper. "That's a spoiler, don't you think?"

"I saw other friends, excuse me." Whymper said with a smile, left them, and went to the next "target".

The purpose of the Experimental Charms Committee is to prevent wizards from experimenting with spells indiscriminately, causing unintended consequences, sometimes very mild, sometimes very serious, even beyond the reach of St. Mungo's, and worse, immediate death.

This kind of "accident" often happens to Ravenclaw, and spells have always been their strong point.

"Were you struck by lightning? Or were you attacked by a dementor?" The screenwriter of Wizard Broadway interviewed Cedric.

"No, no, sir," said Cedric. "It's getting late, Daddy. Let's go."

"Yeah, excuse me, I have to go to work tomorrow." Amos said to the crowd.

"Let's go back too, Felius, I feel very tired," Pomona said.

"Let's talk next time." Fei Liwei said to the screenwriter, and then the four left the social event together.

It wasn't until he got outside the venue and breathed the fresh night air that Pomona felt that his dizziness was no longer there.

She looked at the starry sky in the summer night, maybe the "curse" just now came true, a dark cloud floated over, covering the stars in the sky like a veil.



There was muffled thunder in the distance. Pomona looked out from the glass of the greenhouse. The sky in the distance was covered with dark clouds, as if it was going to rain. No wonder she felt so stuffy.

Many plants in the greenhouse can provide sweet juice. She picked some knotgrass (knotgrass), put it in syrup, added some ice cubes, and planned to serve it as a drink for guests.

When she got back to her old office, Severus was staring at the phoenix Fawkes perched on a tree, as if petrified.

"Come and drink." She said enthusiastically.

"Why would the Headmaster lend you his pet?" Severus said ungratefully.

"I'm practicing a kind of magic," said Pomona. "Don't ask what it is. I won't tell you."

"May I know why?" He looked the other way.

"It's about the fairness of the game." She stammered and took a sip of the iced Nottweed honey water. Although the taste was not as good as the Three Broomsticks Nottweed mead, it was good as a non-alcoholic drink.

At this moment Snape came over, maybe the black clothes really absorbed heat, he radiated heat all over his body.

"Don't just stare, drink." She urged, not knowing why he was in a daze, and kept staring at the cup.

"It's going to rain." He drawled the tone. "And it's still raining heavily. You don't plan to go back to the castle?"

"These are not ordinary glasses, and they won't break if a hailstorm hits them," Pomona said with a smile.

"Don't you feel hot? I know a cool place," he said.

Pomona thought of the Slytherin dungeons, that place where the sun never shined all day was really "cool".

"Would you like to see the skin of the African tree snake." He said like a bet. "You know that snakes shed their skin."

"Wait until I finish drinking this..."

"It's going to rain, let's go before it rains now." He suddenly said with a high air, grabbed her by the hand, and led her away from the greenhouse.

"Wait a minute!" She quickly grabbed her wand and flannel bag, and was dragged away from the greenhouse by him.

On a slope, Pomona looked at the tents on the Quidditch pitch, wondering if they might collapse in the rain.

But she only worried for two seconds before being dragged towards the castle again.

He walked so fast and fast that she had to trot to keep up, and they were in the cellar before long, and he led her into the private storage room next to the potions room.

Compared with 10 years ago, this small room is much different. The original cabinet can no longer accommodate his "treasures". The wooden partition reaches the ceiling, and a small ladder is needed to climb up to get it.

The room was really cool, mainly because there was a "vent" under their feet, gusts of cold wind blowing up from the pedals like manhole covers, and there were one or two fireflies flying around.

A little green light from them provided some light in this dark place, eliminating the need for fluorescent flashes.

She looked at the green light in his eyes, and she didn't know whether it was the cold from the wind or other reasons, and her back felt chills.

"Cool?" he asked.

Pomona nodded repeatedly.

"Is it cold?" he asked again.

She shook her head again and again, "That's fine."

Then he raised his arm and took a glass jar from the shelf behind her, and she had to take half a step back to make it easier for him to reach.

"This is the African tree snake skin." He put the jar full of scraps of snake skin in front of her. "Let's go and experiment, whether Slytherin's Parseltongue works on it."

"How to experiment?" She asked stupidly.

"Just do what you and Albus did, how about?"

She suspected he would poison her.

"Don't trust him that much," Snape whispered in her ear. "You know what he's going to do to Madame Maxime for the sake of Nicolas' legacy."

There was a hissing sound in the air, and she couldn't tell if it was the wind blowing through the gap under her feet.

"I remember that the door leading to the firefly room used to be on the wall." She said softly, "Why is it under the feet?"

"Because we're in the wizarding world." He teased. "You don't think all the secret passages in the castle are dug?"

She raised her hand to hit him, but he grabbed her wrist.

For a moment, she thought he would turn into a fire snake.

But the cold around him cooled him down, and he put her hand on his heart.

"I didn't lie to you." He said softly. "Look, you can feel it."

"What didn't you lie to me?" There was a cloud of fog in her mind.

"This room is very cool." He said after a long time.

He was right, but she was still a little disappointed.

Then she heard the sound of rain outside, and the sound she heard from the bottom of the lake was very different from what she usually heard.

"What perfume are you wearing?" Severus asked in her ear again, and this time she could hear his breathing.

"Too sweet," he said in a voice that could be described as terrifying, like she was a cookie.

She froze and didn't dare to move, and let him continue to smell the perfume on her body until he sucked it dry.

==================================================== ======

There is a legend that dementors suck the magic of wizards and turn them into Squibs.

Georgiana looked at the bracelets on her hands. They reminded her of the shackles the Scavengers once put on her, which she finally broke free with her Animagus transformation.

She didn't know what it was, she just remembered Albus's famous saying: It is always easier to forgive others for their mistakes than for others to be right.

He was right again, he was always right.

That's why it's annoying.

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