Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2609 partake (a)

In English, both partake and drink mean to drink, but partake pays more attention to participation, while drink pays more attention to drinking.

After chatting with Pomona and Hagrid for a while, Tina went back to the venue, although they were not the protagonists.

In any case, Greta is very happy today.

Pomona thought about looking at the "School Manager" who was walking around in the crowd like a butterfly wearing flowers, and then thought about how to call Cedric over, if he had to take care of Scamander for the rest of the time , might as well go back earlier. It's not good for a preteen to stay late at this kind of party, even though he doesn't need to go to bed at 9 o'clock.


Pomona followed the sound and saw it was Maricine O'Flaherty, Hufflepuff's hitter.

"Oh, hello, Maricine, what are you doing here?" Pomona said.

"I'm coming to the party."

"I'm going to find Newt." Tina waved to Pomona and disappeared among the guests.

"only you?"

"There is another uncle, he is over there."

Pomona looked in the direction Marisin pointed, and Feliwei was talking to a tall man.

"That's your uncle?" Pomona asked.

"He's a screenwriter for The Wizard of Broadway, and he's from America." Marisine wrinkled her nose.

Judging from the things that Pomona has searched from the student dormitory in previous times, who among the young people nowadays still watch musicals? It is estimated that he and Fei Liwei, who wrote classical music, will have a lot of common topics.

Pomona didn't want to go over and hear them talk about it, so she scoured the venue to see if she could find someone to "network."

"Good evening," she heard a woman say.

Pomona looked over and saw that it was an old witch in an elegant dress and a diamond quiver in her hair.

"Who are you……"

"I'm a member of the Witches' Union, Felicia Kaplan, and I think you should know Gerald Lockhart."

Marisine stuck out her tongue, while Pomona kept smiling.

"He used to be my colleague," Pomona said.

"I heard he had a heroic year at Hogwarts, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and had to stay in the hospital for a long time," Felicia said.

For a moment Pomona didn't know where to start.

"I have always taught my grandson to be as brave as Gerald, I don't know if you remember him." Felicia said.

Pomona thought for a moment.

"Are you Diego Caplan's grandma?"

Felicia nodded with a smile.

"Where's Diego?" Pomona asked.

"He's in training."

"What training, Auror?" Pomona asked.

"Dance training, he wants to be a dancer." Felicia said sullenly.

Pomona really couldn't think of how to express it for a while.

Diego Kaplan graduated a year before Harry enrolled, and he had been Hufflepuff's best, similar to Cedric now. He is good at duels, especially with shield charms and healing spells, as well as herbs and potions.

No matter how she thought about it, she couldn't understand why Diego gave up these things to learn to dance.

Felicia made a few more polite remarks, and then left them.

"She's so deceitful." Marisine said to Pomona after she had gone far away, "actually believing what Lockhart wrote in the book."

"Do you know who is behind Witch Weekly?" Pomona asked Marisine.

Mary Xin suddenly realized.

"Witch Weekly" is a joint publication of the Witch Association. After seeing Felicia, Pomona was not surprised why Lockhart was named the most charming smile award for five consecutive years. How could an elderly woman refuse the smile of a young man as handsome as Lockhart?

But now that Lockhart is in the hospital, Harry Potter has replaced him as the hot topic of Witch Weekly, although he is only 14 years old, there are many pictures of him in the Quidditch match in the weekly.

There was a Gryffindor junior who was always chasing after Harry for pictures, and Pomona doubted that the pictures had come from him.

"Where is Draco Malfoy on the dating list?" Pomona said, looking at the platinum family not far away.

"What?" Mary Xin asked in surprise.

Pomona smiled and looked at Marisine, "I know you have a date list for all the boys in school, where is Draco Malfoy?"

"I... I went to my uncle! I'm sorry," Marisine said to Pomona, before running away quickly.

Pomona was confident and followed her slowly, because the direction Marisine ran was exactly the direction she was going.

Her "boyfriend" was chatting with the Broadway writer of American Wizard.

'If only he could be taller. '

She looked at Fei Liwei, thinking with regret.


"That's what we found."

After the three returned to the castle together, Pomona reported to Albus that Harry Potter had unleashed a super-powerful Patronus at the lake in the Forbidden Forest.

Albus sank himself into the chair behind the desk, his long arms folded.

"Do you have anything to add?" Albus asked Felix and Severus.

"Not yet," Severus replied.

"Sounds like you still have doubts?" Albus asked.

"What you heard just now is very different from our initial investigation results. Professor Sprout even complained to me that she got a 't'." Severus said strangely.

"Then what?"

"We can continue to 'dig deep', but we need more information. Felius said that the Pensieve was dug out of the soil..."

"There are secrets that only the headmaster is entitled to know, Severus, I'm afraid I have to refuse your 'reasonable request'." Albus interrupted Snape.

"What do you think?" Severus looked at Felix.

"I'm more interested in the augmentation of the wand." Felix looked at Albus. "As the owner of the Elder Wand, what do you think is the difference between it and your original one?"

Albus smiled and said nothing.

"You also said that there was a 'resonance' in that place," Pomona said. "Have you forgotten so quickly, Severus?"

The old bat had a stiff face, obviously not convinced.

"The wand weigher (wand weigher) is a very delicate machine. It can accurately measure the length of the wand, the material of the wand core and the use time. Do you think we should use it instead of the wand weighing ceremony of the Triwizard Tournament? "Albus asked suddenly.

No one spoke.

"When the Triwizard Tournament was suspended, wand scales had not yet been invented, and the person in charge of this ceremony relied on his own experience and feeling, just like our friend from the United States, not to mention that she also noticed the wand The material of the wand scale is something that the wand scale cannot do." Albus said, "Aurors are responsible for security, and the wand weighing ceremony is more focused on the wands being in a state suitable for competition."

"A wand scale can't be like a human, can it?" said Felicity.

"Exactly," said Albus.

"I don't think we have a better choice." Felix looked at Pomona and Severus. "According to tradition."

"How do we make sure that person is fair and just?" Severus asked Albus.

"I think Ollivander is trustworthy," said Albus.

"If the Ministry agrees with you," Severus said coldly.

"I know, they believe in that machine, but as long as no one reminds them, they will forget about the Triwizard Tournament and this ceremony. We just need to find a small room to do it quietly."

"How about canceling it?" Severus sneered. "If it's a solemn and fair ceremony, why do it have to be done 'quietly'?"

"Your weighing ceremony will have a lot of people watching, but have you ever thought about the feeling of the person standing on the scale?" Albus said angrily, "He may be more nervous than you."

"Other countries also have wand makers, and I'm worried that they will compete with Ollivander for this honor." Pomona said immediately, "Britain is the host anyway."

"That's right, Ollivander did not participate in any gambling, I believe in his fairness, he will not favor anyone." Fei Liwei also said.

"I did you a 'little favor', and now it's time for you to pay back, Severus." Albus said, looking Severus in the eye. "And all you have to do is keep quiet."

Snape held his head high and said slowly, "Yes, Headmaster."

So in an instant, the tense atmosphere disappeared. Pomona and Fei Liwei looked at each other, and they both saw the difficulties in each other's eyes.

"Speaking of security, how about you and the Aurors, Felius," said Albus suddenly.

"I think Minerva is more suitable for this job than me." Feliwei said hastily.

"She is responsible for the safety of the school, especially the maze. Except for the people of the school, no one else is allowed to enter." Albus said, "I don't want the layout of the maze to be leaked and affect the 'fairness' of the competition."

Feliwei was caught in a dilemma. After all, he was also responsible for the school's defensive magic. He was indeed the right candidate, if he wasn't the kind of person who opened his office door to everyone and welcomed questions to him.

"What do I do?" Severus asked.

"I think the Potions Contest is the most important thing right now," Albus replied.

"As long as the nomination is approved, I will have nothing to do next. I can..."

"No!" Albus interrupted Severus.

"Why!" Severus asked with suppressed anger.

"Don't get me into trouble, Severus, after all these years, you may have forgotten that you escaped charges because of my guarantee."

"I might need an assistant," said Felicity.

"This is not the time for you to be a 'good guy,' Felius."

"Bad guy" Snape couldn't take it anymore, and left the principal's office without saying hello.

"I hope you can participate more in school affairs, Felius." Albus looked at Felix and said, "You will be a good principal."

"If they can accept a half-goblin sitting in your chair." Fei Liwei said coldly, and then Fei Liwei also left the principal's office.

Pomona thought it was time to go, but she looked at Albus, who looked exhausted.

"What do you want to say?" Albus asked.

"Why did you tell Felius about the principal?" Pomona asked. "You want to retire?"

"No, I was just thinking that Beauxbaton can accept Mrs. Maxim as the principal..."

"So you think we can too?" Pomona interrupted him. "Don't be naive, Albus."

Dumbledore sighed, his expression full of helplessness.

==================================================== ===============

After Neville returned to school from the Scamanders in a "taxi", he told Pomona that Tina wanted him to send her a letter expressing her apologies for her behavior before she left.

Even after many years, Tina felt that she was not wrong for attacking Mary of Second Salem. She prevented the Muggle woman from abusing Credence. Maybe Credence had a bad adoptive mother, but New York and magic The society still has a mechanism to find him a new family, and the society will assume the responsibility of taking care of him.

She was clearly right, why should she be punished, stay in that small office, check those registered wands? Obviously there is a wand scale that can quickly record, it is much more efficient than manual labor.

It wasn't until she learned that the machine could only identify the core of the wand, not the wood, that she realized her usefulness that was different from the machine.

In a great forest it is as rare to find a tree for a wand as to find a wizard in a crowd.

In Grindelwald's words, magic "blossoms" in only a few souls.

Tina was a good Auror, and she found Credence before so many others, so Pomona trusted her "gut feeling."

In fact, thinking of the situation that night, it should be more like a frozen fire snake egg, but with the heat of midsummer, the ice outside melted, and the fire snake "burst" out, and as time went by, the The explosion-like heat left only a little residual heat.

So there is Tina's metaphor, it's like fire in the water, even though what Harry released at the time was the Guardian of God, which has nothing to do with fire.

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