Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2598 sinister

Severus placed a large box of potions in various colored glass and crystal bottles in front of Pomona.

"What is this?" She asked, pointing to the bottles and jars on the ground.

"The regeneration potion you want." He said impatiently.

"Why is this?" She said in surprise, the usual regeneration potions were all packed in the same crystal bottle.

"Students did it," he said in disgust, pulling on his robes to leave the conservatory.

"Wait!" Pomona called to him. "Who messed with you?"

He turned his back to her and didn't answer.

"Is it because of Harry Potter?" She said calmly, "When the next semester starts, he will enroll if he receives the admission letter?"

He took a long stride, and the gust of wind caused the cloak to spread like a bat's wings.

Pomona looked at his back and shook his head, "It's almost summer and still wear so many."

Then she bent down and picked up a bottle of regeneration potion made by a student in the box. She always felt that the potion looked different from the usual color, not green, but emerald green. If she sprayed it, this "regeneration potion" Will the "potion" directly poison her seeds?


Tilden Toots was also at the banquet at Greta Manor, as Severus said, he made a fortune selling potions and had his own radio show, but he didn't know that he Potions of Regeneration and Rejuvenation Water advertised on the radio had been deciphered by the young Potions Master, who even taught students how to brew that potion in his classes.

The wizarding world has a patent office, which is housed in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, on the seventh floor of the Ministry of Magic, and deals with "ridiculous" patent licensing.

Potions are easily associated with alchemy, and alchemists will encrypt their research results and formulas. If the formula cannot be solved, the party who cracked it will obediently admit defeat, and the time and materials invested in the early stage will be wasted.

Patent protection is child's play. Although sometimes infringements are involved, the Department of Legal Enforcement of the Ministry of Magic will also try, but it usually advocates a private negotiation to avoid the waste of time and material caused by the trial.

If there is an important matter between wizards, both parties need to swear and sign a contract, but it is different from the Muggle contract.

For example, an unbreakable oath, if the party who swears violates the oath, he will be killed by magic backlash immediately. Then there is the blood oath. When Albus and Grindelwald were young, they swore never to hurt each other, even if they had the idea of ​​hurting each other. Dispel the idea.

If a wizard wants to make the other party swear to himself after taking the medicine, it is impossible. Both parties must swear when they are sober.

There is another kind of contract, which is a contract signed on paper. It also has a certain punishment function, and it is usually not fatal.

Albus is too strict with himself, and he is also strict with others. Pomona didn't want to make a magical vow with Singleton, they were just doing business. Loyalty is a strength as well as a burden. Business is free, and too many precepts will make people feel suffocated. If a woman makes a man feel painful, he will not want to go home to accept "bondage" and go outside to find freedom. But if he was given too much freedom, men would swear to God in front of the priest and relatives and friends in Muggle wedding ceremonies, but they would still not worry about being punished by God when they wanted to break their vows.

If only one person knows where the "source of goods" is, other people can only buy from him if they want to buy. In order to maintain his own interests, he will keep it secret, and he doesn't even want others to know where he got it from. Goods.

On the contrary, she was even worried that Singleton kept too much of a secret, resulting in a monopoly. He alone had the final say on the price, and she would suffer a loss when it was divided.

After reaching the intention, Singleton became a good friend who "talked about everything", and he even revealed more information to Pomona. One of the herbs in the Great Stimulant Potion is bitter root, which produces beautiful flowers and is a common plant on alpine lawns in summer. Its nickname is resurrection, and it is said that it can continue to grow after drying up, stimulating the vitality of the heart.

Among the many projects researched by the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic, some people study time and space, but few people study what is love, which is too mysterious and powerful. Muggles have also studied love, and they have concluded that it is produced by a variety of hormones.

It is adrenaline and dopamine that can make lovers feel excited the most. When people are in fear, adrenaline will also be secreted, causing the heart to beat rapidly.

Under certain circumstances, people will burst out their potential, such as being chased by monsters in a maze.

The process of copying the blood of Rem cattle involves anatomy. In the past, there were many Rem cattle on the American continent, which are almost extinct now, but those anatomical materials remain.

The Avada Kedavra curse made the victim feel like he was asleep, and his hands were obviously warm, so why did he give up? If it is a Muggle, even if the heart and lungs stop beating, CPR can be performed to make the heart beat again. This knowledge relies on the development of human anatomy.

A beating heart can make people feel the vitality of life. Before Remus transformed into a werewolf, his heart would beat out of control. Snakes can represent medicine, or ouroboros. After the bottom line is exceeded, even medicine will become a tool for doing evil. The miraculous effect of the Ilphmony Academy's replication of Rem's bull blood has already been tested on the bottom line. Over time, Muggles have discovered that vampires cannot impart immortality to them through what is known as the "First Embrace". When they asked the vampire nobles to share this power through a magical contract, the vampires refused. Gringotts goblins don't sign magical contracts with humans, but house elves do.

The vampires who were once worshiped as "bloods" were gradually abandoned. Muggles stopped providing them with funds and blood supplies, and the vampires had to rent out their castles.

What the goblins abide by is the agreement signed after the goblin rebellion. The goblins no longer hold magic wands, and humans give up control of Gringotts. Similarly, goblins don't care about human affairs, they are only responsible for guarding the things in the vault. The vault storing the Sorcerer's Stone is opened once every ten years. The Philosopher's Stone is very pure. If it is polluted by dark forces, it will become poison. Hagrid's heart is very pure. Harry has also passed the test and compounded Albus. His request, and the Philosopher's Stone itself is not that important in Dumbledore's eyes.

He destroyed the elixir and the philosopher's stone that people dreamed of. If he didn't destroy the philosopher's stone, would he still need to sell the basilisk?

Aura is not only glorious, but also a sinister aura of disaster. In 1926, Credence the Obscure created that effect, and Muggles living in New York at that time could feel it.

If it weren't for the half-wizard legal protection, vampires would have been exterminated by wizards.

Even though vampire hunters are illegal, there are still young wizards who want to pursue the profession. In view of this situation, vampires began to return to the wizarding world, and like werewolves, they sought power. They are a little better than werewolves, and they will not be as contagious as werewolves after turning into bats. They are also in a better situation than werewolves in the UK, and they can perform at a ball of the size of Greta's diplomatic banquet.

Not necessarily in other countries. It is impossible for vampires to make public appearances in Paris, but there is no such restriction in Central Europe, provided that the "vampire aristocrats" pay off their bills.

Ouroboros seems to represent a never-ending cycle, but "ouro" eating is essential to it.

With a hungry appetite, a snake will devour itself. In addition to the phoenix representing the element of fire, the mass of the phoenix reborn from the ashes will be much smaller. It can eat normally, and after a certain period of time, it will collapse and be reborn from the ashes. And if ouroboros does not restrain its desire to devour and absorb, it will continue to grow bigger. It can only eat itself, so as not to become a destroyer.

After the supernova explodes, the dust left behind will breed new planets and stars. Where does the material swallowed by the black hole go?

Matter, including light, will be distorted or even swallowed when it reaches the vicinity of a black hole, making it impossible to escape. White holes have been imagined, which, in contrast to black holes, emit matter, but their existence has not been proven.

A potion contains many kinds of substances, and each of them can be analyzed, but it is also necessary to find out its heat, when to stop stirring, and how many times to add it. Just like a cake, if the milk is added at one time, it will separate from the butter and oil, and there should be no oil and water when the egg white is beaten, so that the egg white will not be fluffy.

If Toots hadn't been an herbalist, Pomona might have been proud that Severus had cracked his potion.

But sometimes his attitude is just like those potion masters, he seems to have forgotten the article in the jade record that "the lower is the same as the upper, and the upper is the same as the lower, so that the miracle of 'one' can be fulfilled".

The basis of potion is the material. Some animals are extinct, and the potion material is gone, or it is as rare as rem cattle blood. Either change the formula or give up this potion, or artificially synthesize it like Ilphmony College. But this kind of artificially synthesized thing lacks chance, it is too simple, and there will be no "accidents" in the refining process, and there will be no new discoveries or inventions.

Human beings are alone, and because this loneliness cannot be restrained, there are cities and social life.

However, too many people would make it noisy and messy. The chain of transmission of the Black Death gradually broke down as the total population decreased. In a place with a vast land and few people, who would the infected person infect?

Before the 14th century, the financial systems of wizards and Muggles were not separated. In 1378, there was an uprising of carders in Florence. Machiavelli's History of Florence recorded the process. At that time, Florence was one of the financial centers. Italian bankers gave loans to the kings of Britain and France to fight the Hundred Years War. As the king broke the contract and Pope Gregory XI moved back to Rome from Avignon, the Western Roman Church fell into a split. , the Muggle economy collapsed, and so did the wizarding world's economy, which is taught in sixth-grade history of magic, and this crisis and goblin rebellion led to the founding of Gringotts Bank in 1474.

After singing, the people around Greta were surrounded by people who showed affection, and even though the smell of Janice's perfume pervaded the audience, no one sniffed the smell and went to chat with her. From a biological point of view, the emergence of love is related to a person's appearance, voice, smell, behavior, etc., but no matter how "perfect" Janice's appearance is, everyone knows that she is over a hundred years old, what about Greta? Not as good as she is, but Greta is "really" only in her thirties.

Just thinking about Janice's sagging face behind the magic makes it hard not to stay awake. Dreams can also be divided into sweet dreams and nightmares. Who would have thought that after falling asleep, they would be awakened by "nightmare"?

After dawdling for another hour or so, Singleton finally had to leave, and he made another appointment to meet "his beauty", the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

He seemed to think it was a female, since it didn't have the red feathers on its head that symbolize male basilisks, what if Salazar Slytherin had plucked that hair to make a wand core?

Pomona sent Singleton to the wooden bridge leading to Hogsmeade and went back. After returning to the greenhouse, she took out the seeds of the kindling bush.

She needed a place to grow it, and while it provided the heat to keep the greenhouse warm, it was also prone to fire, and she didn't want to give up the entire forest for just one tree.

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