Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2596 draft of peace

"So, the reason why Mr. Potter missed the Hogwarts Express was because he didn't pass the nine and three-quarters entrance of the platform, so he used Arthur Weasley's flying car?" Albus asked road.

"Yes, it was a house-elf who closed the entrance." Minerva replied, "He seems to know that there are evil forces in the school that will threaten Potter's safety."

Pomona and Felix looked at each other.

Why would the house-elf of the Malfoy family care about Harry Potter's life?

"Where is he now?" Albus asked.

"If you mean Potter, he's at Severus's," Minerva said.

Albus stood up and left the headmaster's office with a stride not expected of a centenarian, followed by Minerva, and Pomona and Fleetwey looked at each other again.

"Looks like we can go," Pomona said to Feliway.

"What kind of evil force do you think it will be?" Feliway asked Pomona.

She shook her head.

"I just have a hunch it's going to be a bad school year."


That year turned out to be worse than Pomona expected, not just because her mandrake fields were destroyed, but because she had to give some children tranquilizers to keep panic from spreading through the school.

The sedative contains stewed mandrake. This potion is sold in many shops in the pharmacy in Diagon Alley. It is not a high-grade potion. But Severus told her that it had to be fresh, and that fresh mandrakes were much more powerful than stewed ones, before Mrs. Loris was petrified in the first basilisk attack.

Albus also knew it. When Filch cried and said that he wanted to get justice for Mrs. Loris, he comforted him in front of the teachers and students of the whole school, and told him that after the mandrake grew well, Mrs. Loris It will be saved.

They already knew what dark forces were at work in the school. Dobby overheard the plan of the "master" Malfoy, and immediately went to warn Harry Potter. Then who was Lucius Malfoy discussing this matter with? ?

Everything pointed to the man who would intercede with Potter in front of the whole school, even though Harry was standing in front of the blood stain on the wall at the time, as if he had "got all the stolen goods" and the evidence was conclusive.

Pomona rubbed her face, and seemed to hear the hoarse Parseltongue in her ears again, and left the castle before losing her mind. Fortunately, she still had an office in the greenhouse.

After leaving the cellar, the midsummer sun shone on her body again, but she felt hot and dry, and her body was filled with ice, like ice waiting to melt.

When she sat down in her seat, a paper bird flew in through the open door and landed gracefully on her desk.

"Good morning, Pomona, are you free now?" Singleton's voice sounded.

She couldn't help laughing, she obviously told him last night, "find some time" to have "afternoon tea" together.

She wrote "Come in" on the back of the paper, and then went to make tea, and by the time she was done, Singleton was in her conservatory.

"It's like the Garden of Eden," Singleton said, looking at the plants.

"Thank you, please take a seat," said Pomona.

The well-dressed Singleton sat across from Pomona, who was wearing an old witch's robe, and the two were silent for a while across the desk.

"You know what I'm here for," Singleton said to Pomona. "I'm not going to beat around the bush. What am I going to give in exchange?"

"It depends on what you have?" Pomona said, "otherwise I would have a hard time convincing the principal to give you a chance."

"Who else is my competition?" Singleton asked.

Pomona shook his head.

It wasn't that she refused to say it, but that she really didn't know which "friend" Fei Liwei would ask to distribute the basilisk.

"What if I tell you something?" Singleton asked.

"About what?" Pomona asked.

Singleton moved a little, as if trying to make himself more comfortable.

"About Rem Bull's Blood."

Pomona fell into thinking, and Principal Dumbledore, who discovered the 21 uses of dragon's blood, might be interested in publishing another article on the 21 uses of Rem Bull's Blood...

"Artificial rem bull's blood." Singleton emphasized the word "artificial."

"What?" She couldn't help asking in surprise.

"I know someone is imitating rem bull's blood, and it works well, almost like the real thing," Singleton said. "And he uses herbal medicine."

"Who?" Pomona asked hastily.

"Gaunt." Singleton said with a smile, "do you know who the founder of the Ifrmony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is?"

Aesop Searle, but that was the name she changed after marrying a Muggle, her original name was Aesop Gaunt.

"Which school is experimenting with artificial rem blood?" Pomona asked.

"Not only that, she left behind an ancient book about blood magic."

"How do you know she left it?" Pomona asked.

"I've heard that Snape's new form of wolfbane potion, or, as we call it, wolf-binding juice, requires the blood of werewolves," said Singleton. "I've heard a rumor that the 'master' he once served 'There was a marriage with the Gaunt family, but I couldn't find the Riddle family in the pureblood genealogy."

Pomona sneered.

Singleton certainly couldn't find this "mysterious" family in the wizarding world.

"Don't you think this might be a technique he learned from the mysterious man?" Singleton asked again.

"What's your evidence?" Pomona asked.

"It depends on what kind of evidence you want?" Singleton said, putting a small bottle of orange potion on her desk. Function."

"Not perfect?" asked Pomona.

"We're not gods," Singleton said, "and we can't create animals that amazing."

Pomona watched him for a while, picked up the artificial cow's blood on the table, and left the greenhouse.

==================================================== ===========

In the Alps, Pomona and Severus once jumped into the pool of artificial phoenix tears together, and then they approached the "sun gold" without being affected by its terrible temperature.

There is also artificial unicorn blood in that maze, and there is a wizarding town outside the maze, but it is ruled by a Muggle named Lyle Meyer.

Lyall Meyer wasn't his name, but he'd stolen that from the wizard explorer, so that's what he was going to call him anyway.

He drank artificial unicorn blood to prolong his life, perhaps because it was artificial, so he was not cursed for drinking unicorn blood like Quirrell, or the curse was not so deadly.

Whether it was the tears of the artificial phoenix or the blood of the unicorn, they all disappeared with the collapse of the maze. Except for the sun gold, there was no valuable treasure in the maze, which may have been taken away by the adventurers ahead.

Georgiana turned the fire opal ring on her hand, the tears of the phoenix also had the function of purifying the basilisk venom, she didn't know if the man-made phoenix tears contained this power, but Severus filled a large bottle viciously, The key is how long the power of this artificial substance can last after leaving that place.

Severus was not good at "fixing" the active ingredients of the potion, every time the wolf bind juice was boiled, it had to be delivered to Remus while it was "fresh". And it was also during the year Remus was teaching at Hogwarts that the school's defensive magic was adjusted because there was a werewolf in it.

This allowed other werewolves to enter Hogwarts, unlike Remus, who repressed their interest in those fresh little steaks because they didn't want to hurt others.

The original body potion was exchanged for wolf-binding juice, but Pomona has no evidence, although this suspicion is compound logic.

Some people look like bad guys by nature. No one believed Snape until Harry revealed that secret to the public. By the time Harry was in sixth grade, it may be because da can no longer be held. Susan Byrne Smith formed a Potions Club, right in the greenhouse at Pomona.

There was enough material here, and they couldn't join the slug club unless they were like Neville.

"Snape won't last long. No Defense Against the Dark Arts professor can last more than a year." Ernie MacMillan said at the club at the time.

Pomona didn't correct his crow's mouth, she seemed to be under the Imperius Curse. Taboo means untouchable. Adam and Eve could eat all the fruits in the Garden of Eden, except those on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but they couldn't help but tasted them.

Now Fenrir is imprisoned in Azkaban, and his blood is taken like a leech. If he can get the "technology" of Ifrmony Academy and copy the active ingredients of the wolf juice, he can end the "blood bag" Aurors don't have to worry about a werewolf robbing him to save him.

But how can it be done "in reality"? The United States in the 21st century is different from the thirteen states in North America when it was first founded.

But if she can find the book on the soul in this world, can she get a copy here?

She looked down at the ring on her hand, and suddenly felt that it was hot to take off, and the thought that had just arisen in her mind was also dismissed.

Obviously, that was a very, very bad idea, and she should have believed the Fire Omens.

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